Tetapi Yesus berseru kata-Nya:

Tetapi Yesus berseru kata-Nya: "Bar

Tetapi Yesus berseru kata-Nya: "Barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku, ia bukan percaya kepada-Ku, tetapi kepada Dia, yang telah mengutus Aku; (Yohanes 12:44). Yohanes 12 ayat 44 pernyataan penegasan kebenaran dari Yesus menyampaikan kepada mereka bukan percaya kepada-Ku, tetapi kepada Dia, yang telah mengutus Aku.

Pernyataan Yesus dari Yohanes 12 ayat 44 mengajarkan kebenaran kepada kita bahwa Pengakuan Yesus adalah Dia, dari kalimat “ia bukan percaya kepada-Ku, tetapi kepada Dia, yang telah mengutus Aku”. Kebenaran pengakuan Yesus adalah menempatkan posisi dari kata “Aku” adalah “Dia”, “bukan percaya kepada-Ku, tetapi kepada Dia”.

Kebenaran pengakuan Yesus adalah menempatkan posisi dari kata “Aku” adalah “Dia”, “bukan percaya kepada-Ku, tetapi kepada Dia”, dari Yohanes 12 ayat 44, ini dikuatkan kembali dengan membuktikan kebenaran bahwa pengakuan Yesus adalah menempatkan posisi dari kata “Aku” adalah “Dia” dilanjutkan dari Yohanes 12 ayat 45 dan barangsiapa melihat Aku, ia melihat Dia, yang telah mengutus Aku. Pernyataan Yesus dari Yohanes 12 ayat 45 mengajarkan kebenaran kepada kita bahwa adalah benar kebenaran Pengakuan Yesus adalah Dia (Bapa).
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
but jesus cry he said: "whoever believes in me, he does not believe me, but him that sent me; (yohanes 12:44). yohanes 12 paragraph 44 of the statement of affirmation of the truth of Jesus to tell them not believe me, but him that sent me.

Jesus' statement of yohanes 12 verse 44 teaches us that truth is Jesus confession to him, of the phrase "it is not believed me, but to him who sent me." Jesus is the recognition of truth position of the word "I" is a "he", "not to believe me, but to him".

Jesus is the recognition of truth position of the word "I" is a "he", "not to believe me, but to him," from John 12 verse 44, is reinforced by proving the truth that Jesus is the recognition of the position the words "I "is a" she "continued from yohanes 12, paragraph 45 and if anyone saw me, she saw him that sent me.Jesus' statement of yohanes 12 verse 45 teaches us that truth is indeed truth confession Jesus is he (the father).
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
But Jesus cried out his words: "whoever believes in me, he does not believe in me, but to him who sent me; (John 8: 44). John 12 paragraph 44 of the statement of affirmation of truth Jesus told them not to believe in me, but to him who sent me.

The statement of Jesus from John 12 paragraph 44 teach truth to us that Jesus is the recognition of him, from the sentence "he is not believe to me, but to him who sent me". Recognition of the truth of Jesus is to place the position of the word "I" is a "he", "not believing in me, but to him".

Recognition of the truth of Jesus is to place the position of the word "I" is a "he", "not believing in me, but to him", from John 12 paragraph 44, it strengthened again to prove the truth that Jesus is the recognition of the put position "I" is a "he" proceeded from John 12 paragraph 45 and he saw me, he saw him who sent me. The statement of Jesus from John 12 v. 45 teaches us that truth is a true recognition of the truth of Jesus was that he (the father)
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