After doing some analysis of the text on the previous discussion, so readers can compare between the meanings that have been mentioned in this paper with the meaning of the original text. There are a few terms of foreign expressions not uncommon in use of Indonesian people e.g. on a horse's ass, the expression on this expression there is meaning context similar to the Indonesian version of the phrase was the King for male and for female Queen, that same person who likes to own at will and less responsible with his job, usually people of indonesia wear this expression when you're annoyed with someone doing at will in a sentence, for example the expression: ex-husband was indeed a King. The sentence above is an expression not much different to that in the novel: "it's because the former husband used to be just a horse's assPossible factors affecting budayalah culture between the two word phrase has a different connotation, thus affecting the expression of the word connotation, and not only because there's still a hidden meaning and has the character of each word in the phrase in use. The most important thing in this analysis is the understanding between different types of meaning in every word that's obviously very much different. Among the meanings of lexical, grammatical, contextual, and there is a meaning opposite to each other even in the same words but have different meanings, for example: a horse's ass Lexically is part of limbs on the back of a horseGrammatical basis is owned by horse's assContextually are in accordance with the existing sentence Then it has thus clearly now how important discussion of types of meaning in a text in karenakan as a method for understanding the real meaning of a text in order not to occur is wrong meaning that cause errors in understanding the meaning of a text.
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