Ourmeta-analysisincludedthreeRCTsandtwocomparativecontrolstudies involving 184 patients. There were 89 patients in the ritux-imab arm and 95 patients in the control arm. Our results indicatedthatrituximabtreatmentcouldsignificantlyimprovetherelapse-freesurvival rate in patients with NS compared with control therapy.Moreover, rituximab treatment seemed to achieve ahigher completeremission rate (39.62% for rituximab versus 25.45% for the control).Furthermore, rituximab treatment significantly reduced the incid-ence of proteinuria. There were no significant differences in theserum albumin and serum creatinine levels or the estimated glom-erularfiltrationratebetweenthetwogroups. Theadverseeffectsweresimilar between the two arms, and no significance differences wereobserved.Our study indicated that rituximab treatment demonstrated ben-efits in terms of relapse-free survival, which was consistent withprevious studies. Gulati et al. reported that rituximab treatment inpatients with SRNS or SDNS that was refractory to standard therapycould sustain long-term relapse-free survival 30 . A study from Chinareported that rituximab treatment demonstrated a 91.67% effectiverate 22 . Arecentreviewrevealedthatrituximabtreatmentreducedthenumberofrelapsesperyear,withminimalchangeindiseaseandlittlefocal segmental glomerulosclerosis 31 . Tellier et al. reported that 4(22%) of 18 patients with idiopathic NS who were treated with ritux-imab experienced remission without relapse, and the remainingpatients had increased durations of remission 32 . In patients whoreceived one dose of rituximab (375 mg/m 2 ), 25%–40% were in sus-tainedremissionat12–17months 33,34 . SinhaAindicatedthattherapywith rituximab could reduce relapse rates in children with refractoryNS 35 .NS is characterized by a large amount of proteinuria. Reducingproteinuria is part of the treatment for NS. Kong et al. reported thatapproximately 90.1% of patients receiving rituximab treatmentachieved complete or partial remission of proteinuria 36 . Anotherstudy reported that rituximab treatment could significantly reduce24-hourproteinuriainpatientswithNS 25 . Indeed,thecombineddataindicated that rituximab treatment could reduce proteinuria.However, rituximab did not significantly increase serum albumin.This disparity might be attributed to the following causes. First, thepatients who were included for analysis had different pathologicalpatterns and different treatment responses to rituximab, whichmight have influenced the results. For example, the pathogeneticdifferences between children who are resistant ab initio and thosewith delayed resistance would have resulted in different treatmenteffects. The study reported by Magnasco A 26 might have includedpatients with different genetic backgrounds or sensitivities to ritux-imab and, thus, might have indicated that rituximab might not be agood choice in children who were unresponsive to steroids and cal-cineurin inhibitors, particularly for those unresponsive ab initio. Bycontrast, some case series have reported that rituximab might have agood effect on NS who are unresponsive to prednisone and calci-neurin inhibitors 30,37 . Second, the administration of rituximab dif-
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