Executive SummaryCheeseTRENDS At first glance, cheese per capita consu terjemahan - Executive SummaryCheeseTRENDS At first glance, cheese per capita consu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Executive SummaryCheeseTRENDS At fi

Executive Summary


At first glance, cheese per capita consumption would allow for faster growth rates than those being posted by the different cheese categories. However, consumers are moderating the volume of their purchases and the very slow growth of the population conspires against total volume growth. Furthermore, companies are continuing to favour exports over domestic sales where, despite difficulties in closing a sale, volumes are more important and risks are fewer.


Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) continued to lead cheese retail value sales in 2013 with a value share of 16% and this is expected to be the same in 2014. The company bases its sustained success on the weight of its Conaprole brand (a synonym for dairy products in Uruguay) with decades-long presence in the country and very high levels of consumer loyalty. There are five other top-ranking companies with double-digit value shares of cheese: Naturalia Srl (second), Noliman SA (third), Quesería Helvetica SA (fourth), Selgar SA (fifth) and Granja Brasetti SRL (sixth). With the exception of Noliman SA which has strong presence in processed cheese, the other four companies have very similar portfolios and compete to improve their respective value shares with pricing, promotions and on-site tastings.


Consumption of cheese is firmly established among Uruguayan consumers who will maintain a steady flow of purchases taking advantage of a good economic environment and the main options in brands and cheese types, both from local and international manufacturers.

Drinking Milk Products

The Uruguayan government, in setting the price of fresh/pasteurised milk, has not followed a set pattern since 2009, when it previously made minor adjustments twice per year. The unit price was kept unchanged in 2009 and 2010, but in 2011 it increased by 50 cents as the 50 cent coins were phased out in Uruguay. The price was adjusted in April 2012 and stayed fixed until late 2013 when 7% was applied. The fluctuating pricing policy has an impact on the production of long-life/UHT milk as companies resort to alter production volumes of these more expensive, deregulated types according to the evolution of the price of fresh/pasteurised milk in order to maintain profit levels.


Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole), the largest dairy company in Uruguay, remained the undisputed leader in value sales of drinking milk products in 2013 with a 75% value share. This is expected to be the case also in 2014 with the value share increasing to 76%. Unilever del Uruguay SA is expected to maintain second position with sales of its Ades soy drinks achieving 6% value share for the company in 2014, without competing directly with Conaprole. Ecolat Uruguay SA is expected to rank third with a 5% value share and Nestlé del Uruguay SA, unchallenged in value sales of flavoured powder milk drinks, is expected to stay fourth overall with 4% of total retail value sales of drinking milk products in 2014.


The 1% CAGR in value sales at constant 2014 prices expected to be posted by drinking milk products during the forecast period is two percentage points better than the CAGR posted between 2009 and 2014. With little volume growth expected for the forecast period due to the very high per capita milk consumption and a slow evolution of the average unit price foreseen as the government continues to set the price of fresh/pasteurised milk, more significant value sales growth at constant 2014 prices is not foreseen.

Yoghurt and Sour Milk Drinks

The fierce competition in functional drinking yoghurt where three companies maintain secure positions, Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole), Fort-Masis SA (Groupe Danone) and Yakult Uruguay SA, has exhausted drinking yoghurt’s rapid volume growth possibilities. After peaking in 2011, retail volume sales have since seen a 9% decline. Companies have been unable to entice more consumers to purchase these products despite frequent advertising from Conaprole and Fort-Masis and have not launched any new products.


Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) remained the overall leader of yoghurt retail value sales in 2013 with a value share of 60%, and this is expected to be the case also in 2014. Conaprole maintains permanent presence in the media which reinforces consumers’ recognition and brand loyalty. The company also markets the widest portfolio in yoghurt with competitive prices to sustain excellent results. Fort-Masis SA (Groupe Danone) is expected to continue in second place with a 14% retail value share in 2014, maintaining strong presence in functional and fortified yoghurt with its Activia, Actimel and Danone Vidacol brands.


Uruguayans, in general and whether they consume yoghurt or not, acknowledge it to be a healthy product and therefore it could be expected that more consumers will incorporate one type of yoghurt into their diets during the forecast period. However, the number of new consumers is not foreseen to be significant and will cause only very moderate volume growth.

Other Dairy

Very high per capita consumption in the two larger categories (flavoured, functional condensed milk (100% dulce de leche and among the highest in the world) and chilled dairy-based desserts) is adversely affecting not only their own volume growth possibilities, but also the overall performance of other dairy volume and value sales.


Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) is continued to lead other dairy value sales with an overall 44% retail value share in 2013 (expected to be 45% in 2014). In 2014, Conaprole will remain the clear leader in cream (86% value share) and in condensed/evaporated milk (40%) with its sales of dulce de leche, and will rank second in chilled and shelf stable desserts (33%). Fort-Masis SA, selling exclusively chilled and shelf stable desserts within other dairy, is expected to lead sales with a 40% value share and rank second overall in other dairy with 16%. Ranking third overall in other dairy will be Los Nietitos SA with an 11% value share in 2014, entirely derived from sales of dulce de leche, so that it will rank second behind Conaprole in condensed/evaporated milk.


The forecast period volume growth of flavoured, functional condensed milk, with one of the highest per capita consumption rates in the world, is expected to be quite small and therefore the overall volume growth of other dairy sales will largely depend on the performance of dairy-based desserts.

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Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Dairy industry in Uruguay with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.

Find hidden opportunities in the most current research data available, understand competitive threats with our detailed market analysis, and plan your corporate strategy with our expert qualitative analysis and growth projections.

If you're in the Dairy industry in Uruguay, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.

The Dairy in Uruguay market research report includes:

Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
Detailed segmentation of international and local products
Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country

Our market research reports answer questions such as:

What is the market size of Dairy in Uruguay?
What are the major brands in Uruguay?
How has the economic downturn impacted sales performance given its staple food status?
Given mounting obesity concerns, are consumers moving from full-fat to reduced fat/fat-free offerings?
How are volatile farmgate prices for milk impacting retail prices and sales performance?

Why buy this report?

Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders
Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats
Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions

This industry report originates from Passport, our Packaged Food market research database.

Table of Contents

Dairy in Uruguay - Category Analysis
Competitive Landscape
Category Data

Table 1 Sales of Drinking Milk Products by Category: Volume 2009-2014

Table 2 Sales of Drinking Milk Products by Category: Value 2009-2014

Table 3 Sales of Drinking Milk Products by Category: % Volume Growth 2009-2014

Table 4 Sales of Drinking Milk Products by Category: % Value Growth 2009-2014

Table 5 NBO Company Shares of Drinking Milk Products: % Value 2010-2014

Table 6 LBN Brand Shares of Drinking Milk Products: % Value 2011-2014

Table 7 Distribution of Drinking Milk Products by Format: % Value 2009-2014

Table 8 Forecast Sales of Drinking Milk Products Products by Category: Volume 2014-2019

Table 9 Forecast Sales of Drinking Milk Products Products by Category: Value 2014-2019

Table 10 Forecast Sales of Drinking Milk Products Products by Category: % Volume Growth 2014-2019

Table 11 Forecast Sales of Drinking Milk Products Products by Category: % Value Growth 2014-2019

Competitive Landscape
Category Data

Table 12 Sales of Yoghurt and Sour Milk Products by Category: Volume 2009-2014

Table 13 Sales of Yoghurt and Sour Milk Products by Categor
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Executive SummaryCheeseTRENDS At first glance, cheese per capita consumption would allow for faster growth rates than those being posted by the different cheese categories. However, consumers are moderating the volume of their purchases and the very slow growth of the population conspires against total volume growth. Furthermore, companies are continuing to favour exports over domestic sales where, despite difficulties in closing a sale, volumes are more important and risks are fewer.COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) continued to lead cheese retail value sales in 2013 with a value share of 16% and this is expected to be the same in 2014. The company bases its sustained success on the weight of its Conaprole brand (a synonym for dairy products in Uruguay) with decades-long presence in the country and very high levels of consumer loyalty. There are five other top-ranking companies with double-digit value shares of cheese: Naturalia Srl (second), Noliman SA (third), Quesería Helvetica SA (fourth), Selgar SA (fifth) and Granja Brasetti SRL (sixth). With the exception of Noliman SA which has strong presence in processed cheese, the other four companies have very similar portfolios and compete to improve their respective value shares with pricing, promotions and on-site tastings.PROSPECTS Konsumsi keju adalah mapan antara Uruguay konsumen yang akan mempertahankan aliran pembelian yang mengambil keuntungan dari lingkungan ekonomi yang baik dan pilihan utama dalam merek dan jenis keju, baik dari produsen lokal dan internasional.Minum produk susuTREN Pemerintah Uruguay, dalam pengaturan harga susu segar/pasteurised, tidak mengikuti pola yang ditetapkan sejak 2009, ketika itu sebelumnya membuat penyesuaian kecil dua kali per tahun. Harga satuan dipelihara tidak berubah tahun 2009 dan 2010, tetapi di tahun 2011 ini meningkat sebesar 50 sen sebagai koin 50 sen yang dihapus di Uruguay. Harga disesuaikan pada April tahun 2012 dan tetap tinggal sampai akhir 2013 ketika diaplikasikan pada 7%. Kebijakan Harga berfluktuasi memiliki dampak pada produksi susu UHT/long-hidup sebagai perusahaan resor untuk mengubah volume produksi jenis ini lebih mahal, deregulasi menurut evolusi harga susu segar/pasteurised untuk menjaga tingkat keuntungan.KOMPETITIF LANSEKAP Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole), the largest dairy company in Uruguay, remained the undisputed leader in value sales of drinking milk products in 2013 with a 75% value share. This is expected to be the case also in 2014 with the value share increasing to 76%. Unilever del Uruguay SA is expected to maintain second position with sales of its Ades soy drinks achieving 6% value share for the company in 2014, without competing directly with Conaprole. Ecolat Uruguay SA is expected to rank third with a 5% value share and Nestlé del Uruguay SA, unchallenged in value sales of flavoured powder milk drinks, is expected to stay fourth overall with 4% of total retail value sales of drinking milk products in 2014.PROSPECTS The 1% CAGR in value sales at constant 2014 prices expected to be posted by drinking milk products during the forecast period is two percentage points better than the CAGR posted between 2009 and 2014. With little volume growth expected for the forecast period due to the very high per capita milk consumption and a slow evolution of the average unit price foreseen as the government continues to set the price of fresh/pasteurised milk, more significant value sales growth at constant 2014 prices is not foreseen.Yoghurt and Sour Milk DrinksTRENDS The fierce competition in functional drinking yoghurt where three companies maintain secure positions, Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole), Fort-Masis SA (Groupe Danone) and Yakult Uruguay SA, has exhausted drinking yoghurt’s rapid volume growth possibilities. After peaking in 2011, retail volume sales have since seen a 9% decline. Companies have been unable to entice more consumers to purchase these products despite frequent advertising from Conaprole and Fort-Masis and have not launched any new products.COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) remained the overall leader of yoghurt retail value sales in 2013 with a value share of 60%, and this is expected to be the case also in 2014. Conaprole maintains permanent presence in the media which reinforces consumers’ recognition and brand loyalty. The company also markets the widest portfolio in yoghurt with competitive prices to sustain excellent results. Fort-Masis SA (Groupe Danone) is expected to continue in second place with a 14% retail value share in 2014, maintaining strong presence in functional and fortified yoghurt with its Activia, Actimel and Danone Vidacol brands.PROSPECTS Uruguayans, in general and whether they consume yoghurt or not, acknowledge it to be a healthy product and therefore it could be expected that more consumers will incorporate one type of yoghurt into their diets during the forecast period. However, the number of new consumers is not foreseen to be significant and will cause only very moderate volume growth.Other DairyTRENDS Very high per capita consumption in the two larger categories (flavoured, functional condensed milk (100% dulce de leche and among the highest in the world) and chilled dairy-based desserts) is adversely affecting not only their own volume growth possibilities, but also the overall performance of other dairy volume and value sales.COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) is continued to lead other dairy value sales with an overall 44% retail value share in 2013 (expected to be 45% in 2014). In 2014, Conaprole will remain the clear leader in cream (86% value share) and in condensed/evaporated milk (40%) with its sales of dulce de leche, and will rank second in chilled and shelf stable desserts (33%). Fort-Masis SA, selling exclusively chilled and shelf stable desserts within other dairy, is expected to lead sales with a 40% value share and rank second overall in other dairy with 16%. Ranking third overall in other dairy will be Los Nietitos SA with an 11% value share in 2014, entirely derived from sales of dulce de leche, so that it will rank second behind Conaprole in condensed/evaporated milk.PROSPECTS The forecast period volume growth of flavoured, functional condensed milk, with one of the highest per capita consumption rates in the world, is expected to be quite small and therefore the overall volume growth of other dairy sales will largely depend on the performance of dairy-based desserts.Samples (FAQs about samples):doc_pdf.png Sample Dairy Market Research Reportdoc_excel_table.png Sample Dairy DataDelivery: Files are delivered directly into your account within a few minutes of purchase.OverviewDiscover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Dairy industry in Uruguay with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.Find hidden opportunities in the most current research data available, understand competitive threats with our detailed market analysis, and plan your corporate strategy with our expert qualitative analysis and growth projections.If you're in the Dairy industry in Uruguay, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.The Dairy in Uruguay market research report includes: Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends Detailed segmentation of international and local products Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-countryOur market research reports answer questions such as: What is the market size of Dairy in Uruguay? What are the major brands in Uruguay? How has the economic downturn impacted sales performance given its staple food status? Given mounting obesity concerns, are consumers moving from full-fat to reduced fat/fat-free offerings? How are volatile farmgate prices for milk impacting retail prices and sales performance?Why buy this report? Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functionsThis industry report originates from Passport, our Packaged Food market research database.Table of ContentsDairy in Uruguay - Category AnalysisDRINKING MILK PRODUCTSHeadlinesTrendsCompetitive LandscapeProspectsCategory Data Table 1 Sales of Drinking Milk Products by Category: Volume 2009-2014 Table 2 Sales of Drinking Milk Products by Category: Value 2009-2014 Table 3 Sales of Drinking Milk Products by Category: % Volume Growth 2009-2014 Table 4 Sales of Drinking Milk Products by Category: % Value Growth 2009-2014 Table 5 NBO Company Shares of Drinking Milk Products: % Value 2010-2014 Table 6 LBN Brand Shares of Drinking Milk Products: % Value 2011-2014 Table 7 Distribution of Drinking Milk Products by Format: % Value 2009-2014 Table 8 Forecast Sales of Drinking Milk Products Products by Category: Volume 2014-2019 Table 9 Forecast Sales of Drinking Milk Products Products by Category: Value 2014-2019 Table 10 Forecast Sales of Drinking Milk Products Products by Category: % Volume Growth 2014-2019 Table 11 Forecast Sales of Drinking Milk Products Products by Category: % Value Growth 2014-2019YOGHURT AND SOUR MILK PRODUCTSHeadlinesTrendsCompetitive LandscapeProspectsCategory Data Table 12 Sales of Yoghurt and Sour Milk Products by Category: Volume 2009-2014 Table 13 Sales of Yoghurt and Sour Milk Products by Categor
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Ringkasan Eksekutif Keju TREN Sekilas, keju konsumsi per kapita akan memungkinkan untuk tingkat pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat daripada mereka yang diposting oleh kategori keju yang berbeda. Namun, konsumen moderat volume pembelian mereka dan pertumbuhan sangat lambat penduduk bersekongkol melawan pertumbuhan total volume. Selanjutnya, perusahaan terus mendukung ekspor lebih penjualan domestik di mana, meskipun kesulitan dalam menutup penjualan, volume yang lebih penting dan risiko yang lebih sedikit. KOMPETITIF LANDSCAPE Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) terus memimpin penjualan nilai keju ritel pada tahun 2013 dengan pangsa nilai 16% dan ini diharapkan akan sama pada 2014. Perusahaan ini mendasarkan sukses berkelanjutan pada berat merek Conaprole nya (sinonim untuk produk susu di Uruguay) dengan kehadiran panjang dekade-di dalam negeri dan sangat tinggi tingkat loyalitas konsumen. Ada lima perusahaan peringkat atas lainnya dengan saham nilai dua digit keju: Naturalia Srl (kedua), Noliman SA (ketiga), Queseria Helvetica SA (keempat), Selgar SA (kelima) dan Granja Brasetti SRL (keenam). Dengan pengecualian Noliman SA yang memiliki kehadiran yang kuat di olahan keju, empat lainnya perusahaan memiliki portofolio yang sangat mirip dan bersaing untuk meningkatkan saham nilai masing-masing dengan harga, promosi dan di tempat tastings. PROSPEK Konsumsi keju adalah mapan di kalangan konsumen Uruguay yang akan mempertahankan aliran pembelian mengambil keuntungan dari lingkungan ekonomi yang baik dan pilihan utama dalam merek dan jenis keju, baik dari produsen lokal dan internasional. Minum Susu Produk TREN Pemerintah Uruguay, dalam menetapkan harga segar / susu pasteurisasi, belum mengikuti pola set sejak 2009, ketika sebelumnya membuat penyesuaian kecil dua kali per tahun. Satuan harga disimpan tidak berubah pada tahun 2009 dan 2010, namun pada tahun 2011 meningkat sebesar 50 sen sebagai 50 koin sen dihilangkah di Uruguay. Harga disesuaikan pada April 2012 dan tinggal tetap sampai akhir 2013 ketika 7% diterapkan. Kebijakan harga berfluktuasi memiliki dampak pada produksi kehidupan panjang susu / UHT sebagai perusahaan resor untuk mengubah volume produksi ini lebih mahal, jenis deregulasi menurut evolusi dari harga segar / susu pasteurisasi untuk mempertahankan tingkat keuntungan. KOMPETITIF LANDSCAPE Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole), perusahaan susu terbesar di Uruguay, tetap pemimpin tak terbantahkan dalam nilai penjualan produk susu minum pada tahun 2013 dengan pangsa nilai 75%. Ini diharapkan menjadi kasus juga pada 2014 dengan pangsa nilai meningkat menjadi 76%. Unilever del Uruguay SA diharapkan untuk mempertahankan posisi kedua dengan penjualan yang Ades minuman kedelai mencapai pangsa nilai 6% bagi perusahaan pada tahun 2014, tanpa bersaing langsung dengan Conaprole. Ecolat Uruguay SA diharapkan untuk peringkat ketiga dengan pangsa nilai 5% dan Nestlé del Uruguay SA, tak tertandingi dalam nilai penjualan dari rasa minuman susu bubuk, diharapkan untuk tinggal secara keseluruhan keempat dengan 4% dari total penjualan nilai eceran minum produk susu pada tahun 2014 . PROSPEK 1% CAGR dalam nilai penjualan konstan 2014 harga diperkirakan akan diposting dengan minum produk susu selama periode proyeksi adalah dua persen lebih baik dari CAGR diposting antara 2009 dan 2014. Dengan pertumbuhan volume kecil yang diharapkan untuk periode perkiraan karena yang sangat tinggi per kapita konsumsi susu dan evolusi lambat dari rata-rata harga satuan diramalkan karena pemerintah terus menetapkan harga segar / pasteurisasi susu, pertumbuhan penjualan nilai lebih signifikan pada 2014 harga konstan tidak diramalkan. Yoghurt dan Sour Milk Minuman TREN persaingan sengit di minum yoghurt fungsional di mana tiga perusahaan mempertahankan posisi aman, Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole), Fort-Masi SA (Groupe Danone) dan Yakult Uruguay SA, telah habis cepat kemungkinan pertumbuhan volume minum yoghurt ini. Setelah memuncak pada tahun 2011, volume penjualan ritel telah sejak melihat penurunan 9%. Perusahaan telah mampu menarik lebih banyak konsumen untuk membeli produk tersebut meskipun sering iklan dari Conaprole dan Fort-Masi dan belum meluncurkan produk baru. KOMPETITIF LANDSCAPE Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) tetap pemimpin keseluruhan nilai penjualan yoghurt ritel di 2013 dengan pangsa nilai 60%, dan ini diharapkan menjadi kasus juga di 2014. Conaprole mempertahankan kehadiran permanen di media yang memperkuat konsumen pengakuan dan loyalitas merek. Perusahaan juga memasarkan portofolio terluas di yoghurt dengan harga yang kompetitif untuk mempertahankan hasil yang sangat baik. Fort-Masi SA (Groupe Danone) diperkirakan akan terus berlanjut di tempat kedua dengan 14% pangsa nilai ritel pada 2014, mempertahankan kehadiran yang kuat di yoghurt fungsional dan diperkaya dengan nya merek Activia, Actimel dan Danone Vidacol. PROSPEK Uruguay, secara umum dan apakah mereka mengkonsumsi yoghurt atau tidak, mengakui untuk menjadi produk yang sehat dan karena itu bisa diharapkan bahwa lebih banyak konsumen akan menggabungkan satu jenis yoghurt ke dalam diet mereka selama periode proyeksi. Namun, jumlah konsumen baru tidak diramalkan menjadi signifikan dan akan menyebabkan pertumbuhan volume hanya sangat moderat. Susu Lain TREN sangat tinggi konsumsi per kapita dalam dua kategori besar (rasa, susu kental fungsional (100% dulce de leche dan di antara tertinggi di dunia) dan makanan penutup berbasis susu dingin) yang dapat mempengaruhi tidak hanya sendiri kemungkinan pertumbuhan volume mereka, tetapi juga kinerja keseluruhan volume susu dan nilai penjualan lainnya. KOMPETITIF LANDSCAPE Cooperativa Nacional de Productores de Leche (Conaprole) dilanjutkan ke memimpin penjualan nilai susu lainnya dengan nilai saham ritel 44% secara keseluruhan pada tahun 2013 (diharapkan menjadi 45% pada tahun 2014). Pada tahun 2014, Conaprole akan tetap menjadi pemimpin yang jelas dalam krim (share value 86%) dan di kental / susu evaporated (40%) dengan penjualan dari dulce de leche, dan akan peringkat kedua di makanan penutup stabil dingin dan rak (33%). Fort-Masi SA, menjual makanan penutup yang stabil secara eksklusif dingin dan rak di dalam susu lainnya, diharapkan untuk memimpin penjualan dengan pangsa nilai 40% dan peringkat keseluruhan kedua di olahannya dengan 16%. Peringkat ketiga secara keseluruhan di susu lainnya akan Los Nietitos SA dengan pangsa nilai 11% pada tahun 2014, seluruhnya berasal dari penjualan dulce de leche, sehingga akan peringkat kedua di belakang Conaprole di kental / susu evaporated. PROSPEK Pertumbuhan Volume periode proyeksi dari rasa, susu kental fungsional, dengan salah satu tingkat konsumsi per kapita tertinggi di dunia, diperkirakan akan cukup kecil dan oleh karena itu pertumbuhan volume keseluruhan penjualan susu lainnya akan sangat tergantung pada kinerja makanan penutup berbasis susu. Sampel (FAQ tentang sampel): Laporan Penelitian doc_pdf.png Sampel Susu Pasar doc_excel_table.png Contoh Dairy data Pengiriman: File dikirim langsung ke account Anda dalam beberapa menit pembelian. Tinjauan Temukan tren pasar terbaru dan sumber mengungkap pertumbuhan pasar masa depan untuk Dairy yang industri di Uruguay dengan penelitian dari tim Euromonitor tentang dalam negeri analis. Cari peluang tersembunyi dalam data penelitian terbaru yang tersedia, memahami ancaman kompetitif dengan analisis pasar rinci kami, dan merencanakan strategi perusahaan Anda dengan ahli kualitatif analisis dan pertumbuhan proyeksi kami. Jika Anda 'kembali dalam industri susu di Uruguay, penelitian kami akan menghemat waktu dan uang sambil memberdayakan Anda untuk membuat informasi, keputusan yang menguntungkan. The Dairy di Uruguay laporan riset pasar meliputi: Analisis supply-side dan permintaan tren kunci Rinci segmentasi internasional dan produk lokal volume Bersejarah dan nilai-nilai, perusahaan dan pasar merek saham perkiraan tahun Lima dari tren pasar dan pertumbuhan pasar yang kuat dan transparan metodologi riset pasar, yang dilakukan di negara laporan riset pasar kami menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti: Apa ukuran pasar susu di Uruguay ? Apa merek utama di Uruguay? Bagaimana memiliki kinerja penjualan krisis ekonomi berdampak diberi status pokok makanan? Mengingat pemasangan keprihatinan obesitas, adalah konsumen bergerak dari penuh lemak untuk mengurangi lemak / bebas lemak korban? Bagaimana harga input stabil untuk susu berdampak harga eceran dan kinerja penjualan? Mengapa membeli laporan ini? Keuntungan intelijen kompetitif tentang pemimpin pasar Lacak tren industri kunci, peluang dan ancaman Informasikan pemasaran Anda, merek, strategi dan pengembangan pasar, penjualan dan fungsi pasokan laporan industri ini berasal dari Passport, kami Penelitian dikemas pasar Food basis data. Daftar Isi Dairy di Uruguay - Analisis Kategori PRODUK SUSU MINUM Headlines Tren Kompetitif Landscape Prospek Kategori data Tabel 1 Penjualan Minum Susu Produk berdasarkan Kategori: Volume 2009-2014 Tabel 2 Penjualan Minum Susu Produk berdasarkan Kategori: Nilai 2009-2014 Tabel 3 Penjualan Minum Susu Produk berdasarkan Kategori: Pertumbuhan Volume% 2009-2014 Tabel 4 Penjualan Minum Susu Produk berdasarkan Kategori:% Pertumbuhan Nilai 2009-2014 Tabel 5 NBO Perusahaan Saham Minum Susu Produk:% Nilai 2010-2014 Tabel 6 LBN Merek Saham Minum Susu Produk:% Nilai 2011-2014 Tabel 7 Distribusi Minum Susu Produk oleh Format:% Nilai 2009-2014 Tabel 8 Prakiraan Penjualan Minum Susu Produk Produk oleh Kategori: Volume 2014-2019 Tabel 9 Forecast Penjualan Minum Susu Produk Produk oleh Kategori: Nilai 2014-2019 Tabel 10 Prakiraan Penjualan Minum Susu Produk Produk oleh Kategori: Pertumbuhan Volume% 2014-2019 Tabel 11 Prakiraan Penjualan Minum Susu Produk Produk oleh Kategori:% Pertumbuhan Nilai 2014-2019 YOGHURT DAN SOUR PRODUK SUSU Headlines Tren Kompetitif Landscape Prospek Kategori data Tabel 12 Penjualan Yoghurt dan Susu Sour Produk berdasarkan Kategori: Volume 2009-2014 Tabel 13 Penjualan Yoghurt dan Susu Sour Produk oleh Categor

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