Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim... Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila seorang pere terjemahan - Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim... Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila seorang pere Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim... Andai


Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila seorang perempuan jatuh cinta,lelaki itu tidak semestinya punya segalanya tetapi lelaki itu adalah segalanya di hatinya.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila seorang perempuan itu mengalirkan air mata, itu bukan bermakna dia lemah, tetapi dia sedang mencari kekuatan untuk terus tabah mencintai lelaki itu.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila seorang perempuan marah, memang dia tidak mampu mengawal perasaannya tapi percayalah, itu maknanya dia sangat mengambil berat dan menyayangi lelaki itu. Lihat saja pasangan yang baru bercinta, mereka jarang berantem. Tetapi percayalah semakin bertambah sayang mereka pada seseorang, semakin pula banyak sesuatu yang terjadi.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan cerewet, dia tidak pernah bermaksud untuk membuat anda risih, tapi dia mahu lelaki mengenalinya dengan lebih dekat.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan berkata dia mau kamu berubah, itu bukan bermakna dia tidak mahu menerima kamu seadanya, tetapi dia mahu menjadikan anda lebih baik, bukan untuk dirinya, tetapi untuk masa depan anda.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan cemburu dan tidak percayakan kamu, bukan bermakna dia tidak sayang .. tetapi dia terlalu sayangkan kamu dan masih mengangap kamu anak kecil yang masih memerlukan sepenuh perhatian. terkadang dia terlalu risau sekiranya terlalu percaya, kamu akan mengkhianati kepercayaan yang diberi. Naluri sebagai ibu sangat kuat. Dia hanya mahukan yang terbaik untuk kamu .

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan merajuk, jangan kata dia berlebihan Dia bukannya mahu dipujuk dengan uang atau hadiah, tetapi cukup dengan perhatian yang boleh buat perempuan rasa dihargai.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan jarang mengatakan ‘i love u’, itu tidak bermaksud dia tidak mencintai kamu tetapi dia mahu lelaki itu merasai sendiri cintanya, bukan hanya hadir dari kata-kata tetapi juga melalui bahasa tubuhnya.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan kata dia rindu sama kamu, dia benar-benar rindu kamu.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan bilang lelaki lain itu lebih baik dari kamu, jangan percaya kata-katanya kerana dia hanya mau menguji kamu. Dia mahu melihat sejauh mana kamu sanggup menjadi yang terbaik di matanya. Walaupun sebenarnya memang kamulah yang terbaik di hatinya. Selagi dia denganmu, percayalah, walaupun perempuan menganggap masih ramai lagi yang lebih baik di matanya tetapi di hatinya, kamu tetap yang terbaik.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan menjadi tengking, dia bukan bermaksud untuk menjadi tengking, tapi dia mahu melihat sejauh mana lelaki itu mampu bersabar dengan sikanya. Percayalah, hati perempuan itu sangat lembut.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan berkata, “tolong tinggalkan saya”, dia tidak bermaksud menyuruh anda pergi selamanya. Dia hanya mahu menenangkan fikirannya sebentar saja. Apabila dia kembali tenang, percayalah dia akan mencari anda semula. Itu berarti dia benar-benar mencintai anda. Perempuan sulit untuk mengawal perasaan. Dia terlalu emosional. Tapi dialah yang paling menyayangi anda dan sangat sensitif dengan perubahan pada diri anda.

Andai lelaki tahu .. Allah menciptakan lelaki dan perempuan itu dengan perbedaan yang tersendiri. Tetapi sekiranya mereka saling memahami, mereka akan saling melengkapi dan menyempurnakan . Perempuan itu diciptakan oleh Allah indah sekali. Di sebalik air matanya, tersimpan seribu satu kekuatan yang bakal menjadikan seorang lelaki itu merasa selamat bersamanya. Biarpun sebenarnya perempuan itu tampak lemah tapi dia punya kekuatan tersendiri yang bisa menggoncang dunia dan mungkin bisa pula membuat lelaki menjadi lemah kerananya. Jadi hargai kehadiran seorang perempuan dalam hidup anda kerana dia didatangkan bukan dengan kelemahan sahaja tetapi dia juga ada kekuatan untuk menyongkong anda dan membuatkan hidup anda lebih sempurna. Dialah yang bakal menjadi perempuan bekerjaya, isteri juga ibu yang terbaik untuk anak-anak anda.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim ... If men know ... When a girl fall in love, the man does not necessarily have everything but the man is everything in his heart.If men know ... When a woman that drain tears, that's not to mean he's weak, but he is looking for the strength to continue to persevere to love the man.If men know ... When a woman gets angry, indeed he is unable to control his feelings but trust me, it means that he is very caring and loving the man. See only new pairs, they rarely make love berantem. But many believe their growing love growing at someone, on the other hand a lot of something that happened.If men know ... When the female being picky, he never meant to make you risih, but he wants the guy to tell a closer look.If men know ... When a girl says she wants you to change, that's not mean he did not want to accept you as is, but he wants to make you better, not for himself, but for your future.If men know ... When the girls jealous and does not trust you, not mean he does not love ... but he too loved you and still assuming you toddler who still require full attention. Sometimes she is too worried if too believe, you would betray the trust that has been given. Very strong instinct as a mother. He just wants the best for you.If men know ... When a girl says she merajuk, do not like to be persuaded him to excess with money or gifts, but with enough attention can make a girl feel appreciated.If men know ... When women rarely say ' i love u ', it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, but he wants the man's own taste, not just present his love of words but also through his body language.If men know ... When the woman said she longed for the same as you, he really missed you.If men know ... When the woman said the other guy is better than you, don't believe his words because he just want to test you. He wants to see how far you are willing to be the best in his eyes. Although actually really "thou art the best in his heart. As long as he's with you, believe me, although women assume many more better in his eyes but in his heart, you remain the best.If men know ... When the female becomes snarl at, he's not meant to be snarl at, but he wanted to see how far the man is able to be patient with sikanya. Believe me, the very soft hearted woman.If men know ... When a girl says, "Please leave me", he does not mean to assert you go forever. He just wanted to calm his mind a bit. When he returned, trust me he will find you again. That means he really loves you. Female hard to control the feeling. She is too emotional. But he is the most loved and very sensitive to changes in yourself.If men know ... God created men and women with a difference. But if they understand, they will complement and complete. The beautiful once created by God. Behind his eyes water, saved thousand and one who will make the strength of a man that feel safe with him. Despite the fact that women seem weak but he's got the strength of its own that could shake the world and possibly could in turn make men become weak for it. So cherish the presence of a woman in your life as he comes not with weakness, but he had the strength to menyongkong you and make your life more perfect. He is poised to become the girls ' mother also freelances, wife is best for your children.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim ... If men know .. When a woman falls in love, the man does not necessarily have anything but the man is everything in his heart. I wish men to know .. When a woman's tears, it does not mean he's weak, but he are seeking the strength to remain steadfast love the guy. I wish men to know .. When a woman is upset, she was not able to control her feelings but believe me, it means he is very caring and loving man. Just look at the new couple in love, they rarely fight. But believe me their growing affection to someone, the more many things that happened. I wish men to know .. When women nag, he never meant to make you uncomfortable, but she wants to know the man better. I wish men to know .. When a woman said he would not change, it does not mean he does not want to accept you as they are, but he wants to make you better, not for himself, but for your future. I wish men to know .. When she was jealous and do not believe you, does not mean he no pity .. but she too loves you and you still regard a child who still needs attention. sometimes he was too worried that too believe, you shall betray the trust given. Instinct as a mother is very strong. He only wants the best for you. I wish men to know .. When she sulked, do not excessively He said he wanted to be persuaded rather than with money or gifts, but enough with the attention that can make women feel appreciated. I wish men to know .. When women rarely say 'i love u', it does not mean he does not love you, but she wanted him to experience his love, not just the present of words but also through their body language. I wish men to know .. When a woman says she misses you, he's right really miss you. I wish men to know .. When she told another guy that's better than you, do not believe his words because he just wanted to test you. He wanted to see how far you are willing to be the best in his eyes. While it is true that you are the best in him. As long as he's with you, believe me, even if she thinks there are still many more good in his eyes but in his heart, you remain the best. I wish men to know .. When women become shouted, he is not meant to be mocked, but he wanted to see how far men Sika was able to put up with. Believe me, it was very tender-hearted woman. I wish men to know .. When she said, "please leave me", he did not mean to send you away forever. He just wants to soothe his mind a little. When she calmed down, believe me he will find you again. That means he really loves you. Female difficult to control emotions. He's too emotional. But he was the most love you and are very sensitive to changes in yourself. I wish men to know .. God created man and woman with a distinctive difference. But if they understand each other, they will complement and enhance each other. The woman is created by God's wonderful. Despite her tears, saved thousand of force will make a man feel safe with him. Despite the fact she looked weak but he had a special power that can shake the world and might also make a man become weak because of it. So appreciate the presence of a woman in your life as he comes not with weakness, but he also has the power to menyongkong you and make your life more perfect. He who would become her career, wife and mother is best for your children.

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]


安代最后一大湖..若有空气,ITU mengalirkan玛塔,ITU不是bermakna直径的时候,却得托巴赫直径在寻求,就mencintai最后一联。

安代最后一大湖..若有,玛拉,你们不能mengawal直径也perasaannya TAPI,ITU maknanya直径,取培拉特丹menyayangi最后一联。我所pasangan阳公司bercinta,他们jarang berantem。但也就在semakin里摸人,semakin普拉多阳也都

安代最后一大湖..若女人硫酸甲汞杀菌剂,直径不bermaksud不死,使安达risih,TAPI DIA玛湖最后一mengenalinya,比了。


安代最后一大湖..如果她不cemburu丹percayakan你们,不是bermakna直径不摸..但直径太sayangkan卡姆丹Masih mengangap你们小杨了sepenuh生的第一大memerlukan阿纳。偶用直径太risau有了信的,你们要在mengkhianati为阳。naluri,布洛芬,夸特。DIA韩亚mahukan阳王,你们


安代最后一大湖..她就jarang聚集的“我爱你”,也不mencintai ITU bermaksud DIA,DIA玛湖最后一联merasai你们自己cintanya,不是只在达日卡塔卡塔,从tubuhnya却语。


安代最后一大湖..就在我最后一行,碧浪ITU达日你们不要信,卡塔说为了直径韩亚茂menguji你们。你们能看见sejauh DIA玛法力,杨王邸的头巾。虽然我你们你们心里王邸。的直径denganmu,信,虽然她仍以该公司在我行的头巾,迪迪阳了,你们就
安代最后一大湖..若女人为tengking,直径不bermaksud,为tengking,TAPI DIA玛湖看见sejauh法力最后一联能bersabar,sikanya。信,Hati,ITU,lembut。

安代最后一大湖..她就说,“请tinggalkan Saya”,直径不bermaksud去安达到永远。我menenangkan fikirannya sebentar直径韩亚玛湖。若直径去安息,也要寻求一semula直径。ITU没有直径的的mencintai安达。她高难度的动作,mengawal perasaan。直径太emosional。TAPI dialah杨木栅menyayangi安达丹了,sensitif通知PADA,安达。

安代最后一大湖..真主menciptakan最后一丹,ITU和perbedaan杨tersendiri。但有一memahami他们要销售,销售melengkapi丹menyempurnakan。她在ITU diciptakan真主英达一。二sebalik空气的头巾,tersimpan长一个最后一人得阳巴卡尔ITU觉得幸福bersamanya。我的字的时候,biarpun ITU TAPI直径来所tersendiri杨比萨menggoncang Dunia丹可能比萨普拉使最后一kerananya为软弱。这样一个女人,kehadiran Hargai在安达为了直径didatangkan不是用各种的症候,艾达的能力,但直径霎哈嘉menyongkong安达丹membuatkan在安达更完全。dialah杨巴卡尔作,bekerjaya,杨王作,布洛芬,阿纳阿纳安达。
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