Don’t these things Rochani, point quite clearly to you?For example, th terjemahan - Don’t these things Rochani, point quite clearly to you?For example, th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Don’t these things Rochani, point q

Don’t these things Rochani, point quite clearly to you?

For example, this series of numbers, 04, 07, 89 indicate your date of birth, which you gave to me some time ago?

The date Tuesday, December 08, 2015 seems to me to be the date on which you will win a large sum of money. (It corresponds probably to the date of a big draw.)

The first name: Rochani, is yours, isn’t it ?

This city, jogja, is it not the city where you told me you were born ?

And the words : "SOON" and "MONEY", must mean that soon all your financial woriies will be over ?

For me, there is no doubt; it must be you, Rochani, whom I saw in my premonition! You are to be the one who will receive this large sum of money, and it is you whose life will change drastically in only a few weeks time — it is you and no-one else!! I must reveal this vital information which will enable you to win the funds which will allow you to live a life far more pleasant and comfortable than the one you lead now.

If you confirm that you are in fact the person I saw in my dream, (and if I am sure that you are the one !), then, Rochani, I have some important things to reveal to you ...Read carefully...

As soon as we are certain that you are the one in my dream, (and this must be without the shadow of a doubt), I must tell you certain essential information which will allow you to profit from this sum which would make you a very rich and contented person, for the rest of your life. I must give you some essential advice, and give it to you immediately.

For this, there is only one kind of help, a major aid which I and I alone have the power to grant you. This very special help consists of a triple series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects.

This triple series of Magical Actions comprises three stages, each 7 days long, that will act in three different but effective ways. The results are often astounding and spectacular in a case like yours, and above all, besides being distinct, they are remarkably quick !

What you need to know first and foremost, Rochani, is that I have already begun my actions for you. Yes, without asking for your definite approval (you will forgive me) last night I have commenced the preparation of certain Secret Magical Rites that will help you...

There is no doubt in my mind about it, it is essential that you are in the best shape. You need to recharge as fast as possible your vital energies so that, at last, you can enjoy this amazing life that’s bound to be yours. This is paramount if you are to make the most out of the forthcoming lucky opportunities that are going to be offered to you.

This is why I am going to send you, completely confidentially, a certain number of very ancient Secret Magical Procedures (3 in all) that will help you rejuvenate your vital forces and build around yourself a protective barrier to shield you from outside attacks.

You’ll see, Rochani, these 3 Secret Magical Procedures are very easy to use in practice, but first of all, they are thoroughly effective. As soon as you apply these procedures, you will immediately start noticing changes in your life. Your natural powers of betterment will eliminate stress, do away with sorrow, lift your mood and give you the love of life and the fitness you absolutely need to carry our mission through.

For my part, I will immediately begin performing for you the first series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects. As I told you before, this Magical Action is mine to perform; for your part, all I need you to do is to follow the instructions and advice you will find in the Secret Magical Procedures I will send to you.

You will start feeling the positive effects of this first of the three series of Actions just days afterwards. Yes, Rochani, just 5 days after we begin, you will sense how the maleficent influences surrounding you start vanishing away little by little.

You will feel under the protection of a superior positive force and your mood will also start climbing. Rest assured, this reaction is entirely normal; you will feel better and better as the days go by. The more time will pass, the more free and relieved you will feel, at last relieved of all the constraints that seemed to be choking your love of life. It will be as if you had a heavy burden upon your shoulders and suddenly someone lifted it away. What a relief, what a sensation of well-being !

When that comes, you will have won your first glorious victory. Yes, Rochani , we will have completed the first major stage that will take you straight into the arms of Luck, Happiness and Money, in a word, into the life rich in Happiness and Money that you deserve.

It is at this very moment that I must begin the second series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects.

The second series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects will have the power to replenish your repository of vital forces. It is this series of actions that will bring your hidden talents and gifts out into the broad daylight. These unbelievable powers lie inside you and, with help from the Secret Magical Procedures I am going to present to you, they will change your life into the kind of life you desire.

During this second series of Actions, which will take another 7 days, all you will need to do is to follow the advice you will find in the Secret Magical Procedures I will send to you. That will be just as simple as before. At that point, we will have completed two-thirds of your help and already your life will become altogether different.

After that moment, you will already have changed, and that will be just the beginning of a long-lasting success. Above all, you will have the power to attract a windfall of positive events, as easily as today you seem to attract bad luck, concerns and problems.

Yes, Rochani, for your greater happiness and for the happiness of people dear to your heart, you will become a different person, more enterprising and more powerful than you have ever been.

It is at this precise moment that I will commence for you the third and last series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects.

Your third series of Actions will make you again perfectly receptive to all the Lucky events that await you. You know it, Luck will burst into your life once more, but if you are to be truly certain of the power to seize it, you will need a very clear vision of your future. And this is exactly what this third and last series of actions will do for you.

Yes, Rochani, with this astounding power to influence people and events that you have within yourself and which we are going to bring out into the light, you will easily be able to harness your Luck and order it into obedience. You will then see extraordinary events happening in your life, events you cannot imagine yourself at the time when I write these lines, but these events, believe me, Rochani, will have the power to bring you great, beautiful, magnificent joys. You will immediately start seeing your life change for the better in those things which are closest to your heart.

Again, for this last series of actions, you won’t have to do anything in particular. It is me who will take proper care of everything. At the end of these 21 days of hard work, we will have finally accomplished our mission, which is to relieve you from your negative environment and find the Rich Happiness that you deserve. We will also replenish your repository of Luck capital, and offer you a new existence where Money, Love, and Luck are an everyday fact of life.

Do not be shocked, therefore, if after these 3 series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects, people start coming up to you and asking for your company, if people start calling you asking for your advice. Don’t be amazed if, at long last, you hear the good news you have been hoping for.

Don’t be stunned if you suddenly win a gambling pot, after never having won before in your life.

All of this is going to be perfectly normal. Besides, to make sure it happens to you, I am going to send your 7 Beneficial Lucky Numbers which I have calculated specifically for you. You will then use these 7 Magical Numbers in the favorable moments I will indicate. The only thing you would need to do is to use these numbers on the exact dates I will communicate to you.

For my part, I will arrange and perform for you a Special Mystical Success Ceremonial to further improve your chances. And as I have envisioned you receiving a very large amount of money, I feel confident about you and I think you should, too.

You can then start putting your Luck to the test and, why not, play in a lottery or gamble. Honestly I won’t be surprised if you write back, saying you got the right numbers !

I have told you before and I am telling you again: you will become a different person altogether, and Luck will become a part of your life as certainly as the sun goes up every morning. You will then join the ranks of those people who are called lucky and draw everyone’s admiration. Yes, Rochani, after this series of actions, your life will never be the same again.

Can you imagine your happiness when you receive, as I saw in my dream, the very large sum of money which I ‘saw’ you winning ? You will be able to pay off all your debts, help those you love, and even (why not ?) buy the house of your dreams...

I cannot tell you the exact amount you will win, all I can say is that it will permit you to live with every material comfort for the rest of your life. Of this I am certain.

All you must do for me to reveal IN TIME this valuable information which will be indispensable for your happiness, is to confirm that you are the person whom I saw in my premonition, by returning today if possible the special document you will find at the end of this letter, (and by filling in my little questionnaire !).

Before that, I have another important thing to say...

Please know that I don’t act like this with everyone( !), and if I make thi
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tidak hal-hal ini Rochani, titik cukup jelas untuk Anda?Sebagai contoh, seri ini angka, 04, 07, 89 menunjukkan tanggal lahir, yang Anda berikan kepada saya beberapa waktu yang lalu?Selasa, 08 November 2015 tanggal tampaknya saya untuk menjadi tanggal di mana Anda akan memenangkan jumlah besar uang. (Ini sesuai mungkin dengan tanggal menarik besar).Nama pertama: Rochani, adalah milik Anda, bukan?Kota ini, jogja, itu bukan kota mana kau bilang kau dilahirkan?Dan kata-kata: "Segera" dan "Uang", harus berarti bahwa segera semua woriies keuangan Anda akan berakhir?Bagi saya, tidak ada keraguan; itu harus Anda, Rochani, yang kulihat di firasat saya! Anda akan menjadi orang yang akan menerima uang dalam jumlah besar ini, dan itu adalah Anda yang hidupnya akan berubah secara drastis dalam hanya beberapa minggu waktu — Anda dan ada orang lain!! Aku harus mengungkapkan ini informasi penting yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memenangkan dana yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk hidup lebih menyenangkan dan nyaman daripada yang Anda memimpin sekarang.Jika Anda mengkonfirmasi bahwa Anda adalah bahkan orang yang saya lihat di mimpiku, (dan jika saya yakin bahwa Anda adalah orang!), kemudian, Rochani, saya punya beberapa hal penting untuk mengungkapkan kepada Anda... Membaca dengan hati-hati...Segera setelah kami sangat yakin bahwa Anda adalah orang dalam mimpiku, (dan ini harus tanpa bayangan keraguan), saya harus memberitahu Anda informasi tertentu penting yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari jumlah ini yang akan membuat Anda orang yang sangat kaya dan puas, untuk sisa hidup Anda. Aku harus memberikan beberapa saran yang penting, dan memberikannya kepada Anda segera.Untuk ini, ada hanya satu jenis bantuan, bantuan besar yang saya dan saya sendiri memiliki kekuasaan untuk memberikan kepada Anda. Bantuan ini sangat khusus terdiri dari serangkaian triple magis tindakan dengan beberapa efek yang berbeda.Triple serangkaian tindakan magis terdiri dari tiga tahap, masing-masing 7 hari-hari panjang, yang akan bertindak dalam tiga cara berbeda namun efektif. Hasil sering mengejutkan dan spektakuler dalam kasus seperti milik Anda, dan di atas semua, selain menjadi berbeda, mereka sangat cepat!Apa yang perlu Anda ketahui pertama-tama, Rochani, adalah bahwa saya sudah mulai tindakan saya untuk Anda. Ya, tanpa meminta persetujuan Anda pasti (Anda akan memaafkan saya) tadi malam saya telah memulai persiapan tertentu ritual magis rahasia yang akan membantu Anda... Tidak ada keraguan dalam pikiran saya tentang hal itu, sangat penting bahwa Anda berada dalam bentuk terbaik. Anda perlu untuk mengisi ulang secepat mungkin energi vital Anda sehingga, pada akhirnya, Anda dapat menikmati kehidupan ini menakjubkan yang pasti menjadi milikmu. Ini sangat penting jika Anda ingin memanfaatkan peluang beruntung akan datang yang akan ditawarkan pada Anda.Ini adalah mengapa aku akan mengirimkan Anda, benar-benar rahasia, sejumlah sangat kuno rahasia ajaib prosedur (3 dalam semua) yang akan membantu Anda meremajakan memaksa vital dan membangun sekitar sendiri penghalang pelindung untuk melindungi Anda dari serangan luar.Anda akan melihat, Rochani, prosedur magis rahasia ini 3 adalah sangat mudah digunakan dalam praktek, tapi pertama-tama, itu benar-benar efektif. Segera setelah Anda menerapkan prosedur ini, Anda akan segera mulai melihat perubahan dalam hidup Anda. Kekuatan alami perbaikan akan menghilangkan stres, melakukan pergi dengan kesedihan, mengangkat suasana hati Anda dan memberi Anda cinta kehidupan dan kebugaran Anda benar-benar perlu untuk melaksanakan misi kami.Bagi saya, saya akan segera mulai melakukan untuk Anda seri pertama magis tindakan dengan beberapa efek yang berbeda. Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, tindakan yang ajaib ini adalah milikku untuk melakukan; bagi Anda, saya perlu Anda lakukan adalah mengikuti petunjuk dan saran yang Anda akan menemukan dalam prosedur magis rahasia saya akan mengirimkan kepada Anda.Anda akan mulai merasakan efek positif ini pertama dari tiga serangkaian tindakan hanya beberapa hari setelah itu. Ya, Rochani, hanya 5 hari setelah kita mulai, Anda akan merasakan bagaimana pengaruh Droid sekitar Anda mulai menghilang sedikit demi sedikit.Anda akan merasa di bawah perlindungan kekuatan positif yang superior dan suasana hati Anda juga akan mulai mendaki. Yakinlah, reaksi ini sepenuhnya normal; Anda akan merasa lebih baik dan lebih baik seperti hari-hari berlalu. Semakin banyak waktu akan berlalu, lebih bebas dan lega Anda akan merasa, pada akhirnya lega semua kendala yang tampaknya akan tersedak kehidupan cinta Anda. Ini akan menjadi seolah-olah Anda memiliki beban berat pada bahu Anda dan tiba-tiba seseorang mengangkat kaki. Apa yang lega, apa sensasi kesejahteraan!When that comes, you will have won your first glorious victory. Yes, Rochani , we will have completed the first major stage that will take you straight into the arms of Luck, Happiness and Money, in a word, into the life rich in Happiness and Money that you deserve.It is at this very moment that I must begin the second series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects.The second series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects will have the power to replenish your repository of vital forces. It is this series of actions that will bring your hidden talents and gifts out into the broad daylight. These unbelievable powers lie inside you and, with help from the Secret Magical Procedures I am going to present to you, they will change your life into the kind of life you desire.During this second series of Actions, which will take another 7 days, all you will need to do is to follow the advice you will find in the Secret Magical Procedures I will send to you. That will be just as simple as before. At that point, we will have completed two-thirds of your help and already your life will become altogether different.After that moment, you will already have changed, and that will be just the beginning of a long-lasting success. Above all, you will have the power to attract a windfall of positive events, as easily as today you seem to attract bad luck, concerns and problems.Yes, Rochani, for your greater happiness and for the happiness of people dear to your heart, you will become a different person, more enterprising and more powerful than you have ever been.It is at this precise moment that I will commence for you the third and last series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects.Your third series of Actions will make you again perfectly receptive to all the Lucky events that await you. You know it, Luck will burst into your life once more, but if you are to be truly certain of the power to seize it, you will need a very clear vision of your future. And this is exactly what this third and last series of actions will do for you.Yes, Rochani, with this astounding power to influence people and events that you have within yourself and which we are going to bring out into the light, you will easily be able to harness your Luck and order it into obedience. You will then see extraordinary events happening in your life, events you cannot imagine yourself at the time when I write these lines, but these events, believe me, Rochani, will have the power to bring you great, beautiful, magnificent joys. You will immediately start seeing your life change for the better in those things which are closest to your heart.Again, for this last series of actions, you won’t have to do anything in particular. It is me who will take proper care of everything. At the end of these 21 days of hard work, we will have finally accomplished our mission, which is to relieve you from your negative environment and find the Rich Happiness that you deserve. We will also replenish your repository of Luck capital, and offer you a new existence where Money, Love, and Luck are an everyday fact of life.Do not be shocked, therefore, if after these 3 series of Magical Actions with Distinct Multiple Effects, people start coming up to you and asking for your company, if people start calling you asking for your advice. Don’t be amazed if, at long last, you hear the good news you have been hoping for.Don’t be stunned if you suddenly win a gambling pot, after never having won before in your life.All of this is going to be perfectly normal. Besides, to make sure it happens to you, I am going to send your 7 Beneficial Lucky Numbers which I have calculated specifically for you. You will then use these 7 Magical Numbers in the favorable moments I will indicate. The only thing you would need to do is to use these numbers on the exact dates I will communicate to you.For my part, I will arrange and perform for you a Special Mystical Success Ceremonial to further improve your chances. And as I have envisioned you receiving a very large amount of money, I feel confident about you and I think you should, too.
You can then start putting your Luck to the test and, why not, play in a lottery or gamble. Honestly I won’t be surprised if you write back, saying you got the right numbers !

I have told you before and I am telling you again: you will become a different person altogether, and Luck will become a part of your life as certainly as the sun goes up every morning. You will then join the ranks of those people who are called lucky and draw everyone’s admiration. Yes, Rochani, after this series of actions, your life will never be the same again.

Can you imagine your happiness when you receive, as I saw in my dream, the very large sum of money which I ‘saw’ you winning ? You will be able to pay off all your debts, help those you love, and even (why not ?) buy the house of your dreams...

I cannot tell you the exact amount you will win, all I can say is that it will permit you to live with every material comfort for the rest of your life. Of this I am certain.

All you must do for me to reveal IN TIME this valuable information which will be indispensable for your happiness, is to confirm that you are the person whom I saw in my premonition, by returning today if possible the special document you will find at the end of this letter, (and by filling in my little questionnaire !).

Before that, I have another important thing to say...

Please know that I don’t act like this with everyone( !), and if I make thi
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