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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
'Itu akan benar-benar buruk pada tingkat ini.'Setelah melihat Alan memimpin Partai serangan, Hyun Woo tidak bisa menyingkirkan testiness nya.Ketika perencanaan Direktur Ha Myung Woo memberikan pidatonya di aula wawancara, dia telah berkata mereka tidak akan hanya melihat tingkat. Namun, tingkat adalah salah satu nomor mutlak dalam permainan.Pemutar tingkat yang lebih tinggi dapat berburu monster kuat. Tentu saja, kemungkinan mendapatkan item yang lebih baik meningkat, mereka dapat melanjutkan ke hamparan luas daerah, dan mereka dapat menerima lebih tinggi kesulitan quests. Pada akhirnya, tingkat adalah mutlak nilai dalam semua indra.Jatuh di belakang dari yang berarti gagal tes segera.Dia harus mengejar ketinggalan. Itu adalah satu-satunya metode untuk bertahan hidup.'Apakah ada cara untuk meningkatkan waktu permainan saya?'Seperti biasa, masalahnya adalah waktu.Dia adalah yakin ia mampu mengejar ketertinggalannya jika ia bisa berkonsentrasi pada permainan dengan jumlah yang sama sebagai kandidat lain. Namun, Hyun Woo hanya dapat berinvestasi hanya 6 jam dalam satu hari. Ia harus mengurangi waktu tidur sementara berjuang kelelahan untuk membuat bahkan saat itu mungkin.Jujur, dia tidak berharap banyak untuk Global Exos tes.Dia masih berpikir begitu bahkan sekarang. Namun, jika ia gagal tes, ia tidak akan mampu memutar dunia baru lagi. Dia tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi setelah satu atau dua bulan, tetapi pada akhirnya, ia tidak akan mampu memenuhi Tabut itu, karakter yang ia telah dibangkitkan dengan perawatan tersebut, pernah lagi. Usahanya sejauh akan semua akan sia-sia.'Dan Alan!'Lupa bagaimana Tabut menderita mengabaikan adalah tidak dapat diterima.Ark adalah Hyun Woo dirinya. Menghina Tabut ini tidak ada bedanya dengan menghina Hyun Woo. Jika dia bisa, dia ingin meningkatkan tingkat seperti gila dan strip Alan seperti Andel dan tertawa sebanyak yang ia inginkan padanya.Meskipun demikian, dia tidak bisa menyerah kenyataan karena permainan.Walaupun uang yang dibayarkan kepadanya oleh Global Exos cukup baginya untuk mendapatkan oleh, dia masih tidak mampu biaya rumah sakit ibu-nya jika ia tidak bekerja. Bahkan sekarang, tidak benar bahwa dengan upah yang ia menerima dari mart, nya tiga paruh waktu pekerjaan, dan uang dari Global Exos hanya hampir tidak cukup untuk menutupi itu?'Meskipun demikian, saya tidak bisa terus meningkat utang di sini...'Apa sebuah dilema, itu adalah situasi di mana ia tidak bisa melakukannya bahkan jika ia melakukannya atau mencobanya.' Setengah tahun! Tidak, bahkan untuk hanya beberapa bulan, ada tidak ada cara saya dapat berkonsentrasi pada permainan?'Hanya kemudian, berita yang ia telah melihat beberapa hari lalu tiba-tiba terlintas dalam pikirannya.Ini adalah artikel tentang membeli dan menjual dalam permainan item. Sekarang bahwa dia memikirkan hal itu, ia samar-samar ingat mendengar cerita-cerita dari orang-orang yang membuat banyak uang hanya dengan menjual barang-barang permainan.Sekarang bahwa perdagangan item adalah sepenuhnya legal, itu waktu Kapan perdagangan item menduduki satu tempat di pasar. Hyun Woo Apakah ingat hari-hari sekolah nya ketika dia mendapat uang saku dari menjual barang-barang dalam sebuah game online. Dia belum pernah mampu menghubungkan bahwa untuk biaya hidup, tapi itu tertentu bahwa item bisa menjadi uang.For a game like New World, items could definitely be sold more expensively.‘Maybe I could sell items and use the money from the sale to pay for mother’s hospital fees? Well, with my current level, the items I can get won’t get that much money, but… New World hasn’t been open for very long anyways. There’ll be many people who need items that I can obtain at my level. Yeah, let’s try at least looking it up once.’Hyun Woo found and entered the auction site that he’d auctioned in ages ago.As expected, New World’s item auction was actively growing.As he searched through the catalogue, seeing the market prices made his jaw drop.“Wh-what is this? Is this really the price of a game item?”The items of New World were being sold at an unimaginable price.When Hyun Woo had played his online game, items worth tens of hundreds, tens of millions of won had been traded, but those were items for the very top level players.However, New World was a whole different level.A price of one gold was equivalent to 10,00 won (~$10), and a magic sword for level 20-30s was being sold for at least a million won (~$1,000).For Rare or Uniques, depending on the stats, they ranged from several hundred thousand won to ten million won.Indeed, the items were valuable. It was a world that Hyun Woo, who would skip a few meals in order to save a few thousand won, couldn’t even imagine.‘1 gold equals 10,000 won… Then the toolboxes I’ve obtained today are worth two million won!’It really shocked him.‘Maybe the items I have can also be sold at a high price?’After agonizing, Hyun Woo tried posting the Blood-red Mantle of Dreams on the auction. It was a level 20’s Unique item that demonstrated an immense advantage in a fight against a user.It was a treasure Hyun Woo cherished, but there wasn’t really any other item he could sell that was worth much money. Then, like fire, within a few minutes hundreds of bidders entered the bidding war. After an hour had passed, the price had soared to 400 million won (~4,000 USD).It was equivalent to 2 months of Hyun Woo’s salary and a half a month of hospital fees.It was mind-boggling.‘Holy smokes, what have I been doing all this time?’Even though it was Unique, it was limited to level 20 and even had a curse on it.But 4 million won in just one hour! He hadn’t even imagined that a single item like that would rake in an enormous price like this.However, Hyun Woo was unaware of a simple truth.It was exactly because of Global Exos’ candidates. New World’s items were expensive to begin with, but it hadn’t been this much. But as the candidates shook the money bag, like a gust of wind, even the prices of low-level items had exploded several times their price within one month.Andel was the same. You couldn’t drink recovery potions like water by making gold like normal. That ruthless power of luxury came from cash. In any case, to Hyun Woo, the entire situation felt like a light of salvation.
‘This is it. This is exactly it!’
The way to focus on only playing the game!
‘I can earn money from the game!’
After finally finding the method, he felt more furious that he hadn’t known until now.
At the end of the auction, the Blood-red Mantle of Dreams was sold for 4,500,000 won.
He also auctioned off Andel’s plated armor set because although the defense was good, there was too much of a penalty for users who weren’t Warriors. Even though it was normal armor, in the end it sold for 2,500,000 won.
Although he was regretful about selling them, he disregarded that after thinking of it as an investment.
If he could concentrate on the game all day, there was nothing to regret.
By selling the mantle and Andel’s armor, two months of hospital fees had already fallen into his hands. It was small, but it meant he could just play the game without thinking about anything else for two months. If he made money like this, he might even be able to buy a unit one day.
Even if he were to fail the test, if he can continue to play New World, he could earn money.
‘Alright, we’re gonna try this!’
For the first time, Hyun Woo had embarked on the path of a professional gamer.
The next day, 7,000,000 won (~$7,000) was deposited into his bank account.
As soon as Hyun Woo confirmed the balance in his account, he headed to the Mart. The owner poured curses on him for not showing up for a week. In the face of that, Hyun Woo politely handed his resignation over and fled the mart.
There hadn’t been anyone who’d been particularly friendly with Ark. He didn’t feel even a little wisp of something like regret.
If there was just one person that he regretted, it was his coworker Hye Sun. Hye Sun, who had never lost her smile although she faced difficult circumstances at home, like Hyun Woo. Even Hyun Woo, who’d never given much care to other people, thought affectionately of her as a little sister.
It was inadequate, but he wanted to personally explain his situation at least to her.
“It might be laughable that I’m quitting because of a game, but it’s something extremely important to me.”
“But this suddenly…”
Hye Sun made a tearful face.
“Don’t be too sad. My mother’s hospital is nearby, anyways. Whenever I come and go, I’ll come buy you a drink. And if anything happens, call me any time; whether it’s mice or whatever, I’ll come catch them for you right away.”
“Mice…” Hye Sun giggled as she muttered to herself, “Alright, that other thing… now anything is fine.”
Hye Sun looked aloof, as if she’d peeled away a layer of worry.
“By the way oppa, if it’s for the game, you’re always going to be in New World, right?”
“Yeah, I will.”
“Well then, okay. I’ll see you in there.”
“What? You started playing New World? What’s your in game name?”
“It’s still a secret. I’ll come find you soon. Wherever you are,” Hye Sun replied with a beautiful smile.
* * *
A spooky laughter echoed in the Shadow Forest.
The person with a bat and a skull beside him, exuding an aura stained with greed was none other than Ark.
It was not the same Ark as yesterday. The determination to do his absolute utmost was alive in Ark’s face. It was a definite change. From today, Ark had been reborn as a professional gamer.
“Master, why are you acting like that? It’s frightening.”
Sensing Ark’s change, Bat became terrified and shivered.
“Shut up. You get ready too– from now on there’ll be no breaks. Bat, go scout the surroundings. Find a place where there’ll be a lot of gathered monsters.”
“I-I get it. Calm down.”
With his sword raised, Ark pounded through the Shadow Forest like a madman.
“Wait and see, Alan! One day I will make you fall on your knees right in front of me!”
The entire Shadow Forest heaved. In the past, he had fled if he thought it might be a large group, but now, he went around looking for places where the monsters gathered instead. And when he discovered one, his eyes flashed as he charged.
It wasn’t madness, but
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