• 5 merits in Higher National Diploma excluding CommunicationSkills;•  terjemahan - • 5 merits in Higher National Diploma excluding CommunicationSkills;•  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

• 5 merits in Higher National Diplo

• 5 merits in Higher National Diploma excluding Communication

• The Bachelor of Business (Honours) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• 160 points for two (2) passes at GCE 'A' Level or equivalent in relevant subjects; or
• 200 points for three (3) passes at GCE 'A' Level or equivalent in relevant subjects; or
• An International Baccalaureate with a score of 28 points; or
• Any relevant Higher National Diploma qualification recognized by
University Senate; and
• At least a credit 6 in Mathematics at GCE'a' level.

• The Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) programme requires the
following minimum qualifications:

Major: Biomedical Science
• 240 points for three (3) passes (must be from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics) with a minimum of three (3) grade C's (CCC).Any other subject will also be consider depending on case by case basis; or
• An International Baccalaureate with a score of 30 points; and
• Candidates satisfying the entry requirements will have to undergo a selection interview process known as the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI).

Major: Nursing/Midwifery

• A minimum of 220 points for three (3) passes from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics. Other subjects may be considered on a case by case basis; or
• An Internationally recognized degree of second class honours in a relevant discipline from Universiti Brunei Darussalam or any other university recognized by the University Senate; or
• An International baccalaureate with a score of 28 points; or

• A recognized National Diploma in Sciences or it's equivalent with at least three merits in related subject. (Accepted subjects will be assessed on a case by case basis)


• Candidates satisfying the entry requirements will have to undergo a selection interview process known as the Multiple Mini
Interview (MMI) and required to go through prescribed medical fitness examination and must be certified as fit to follow the programme.

• The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• A minimum of 260 points for three (3) 'A' Level passes (The GCE
'A' Level passes must include Mathematics and either Physics or
Chemistry and passing a qualifying interview)
• An International Baccalaureate with a score of at least 28 points with a minimum of 5 points in relevant subjects which must include Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry at higher
level and pass a qualifying interview.
• Applicants with other qualifications such as Higher National Diploma (HND) may be admitted on a case by case basis subject to being able to fulfill equivalent requirements and approval from the Dean of Faculty of Integrated Technologies.

1.4 Entry Requirement for Diploma Programmes

i) General entry requirement.

At least a credit 6 in English Language at GCE'0' Level Examination or a grade 'C' in IGCSEEnglish (as a Second Language) or an IELTSscore of 6.0 or a TOEFLminimum overall score 550.

ii] Specific entry requirements:

• The Diploma of Health Science (Nursing) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• At least 5 credits in GCE '0' Level Examination or its
equivalent, including Mathematics, Science, English
Language; or
• A recognized Certificate for Assistant Nurse or Certificate in Midwifery (Division II) with working experience of not less than 2 Years after completing the certificate programme.


• Candidates must be successful at the interview conducted by the University and passes a medical fitness examination.

• The Diploma of Health Science (Midwifery) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• At least 5 credits in GCE 'a' Level Examination or Its
equivalent, including Mathematics, Science, English
Language; or
• A recognized Certificate for Assistant Nurse or Certificate in Midwifery (Division II) with working experience of not less than 2 Years after completing the certificate programme.
• Candidates must be successful at the interview conducted by the University and passes a medical fitness examination.

• The Diploma of Health Science (Paramedic) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• At least 5 credits in GCE'a' Level Examination of Its equivalent,
including Mathematics, Science, English Language; or
• A recognized Certificate for Assistant Nurse or certificate in
Midwifery (Division II) with working experience of not less than 2
Years after completing the certificate programme.
• Candidates must be successful at interview conducted by the
University and passes a medical fitness examination.
• The candidate must be of more than 5 feet tall.

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
• 5 merits in Higher National Diploma excluding Communication

• The Bachelor of Business (Honours) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• 160 points for two (2) passes at GCE 'A' Level or equivalent in relevant subjects; or
• 200 points for three (3) passes at GCE 'A' Level or equivalent in relevant subjects; or
• An International Baccalaureate with a score of 28 points; or
• Any relevant Higher National Diploma qualification recognized by
University Senate; and
• At least a credit 6 in Mathematics at GCE'a' level.

• The Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) programme requires the
following minimum qualifications:

Major: Biomedical Science
• 240 points for three (3) passes (must be from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics) with a minimum of three (3) grade C's (CCC).Any other subject will also be consider depending on case by case basis; or
• An International Baccalaureate with a score of 30 points; and
• Candidates satisfying the entry requirements will have to undergo a selection interview process known as the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI).

Major: Nursing/Midwifery

• A minimum of 220 points for three (3) passes from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics. Other subjects may be considered on a case by case basis; or
• An Internationally recognized degree of second class honours in a relevant discipline from Universiti Brunei Darussalam or any other university recognized by the University Senate; or
• An International baccalaureate with a score of 28 points; or

• A recognized National Diploma in Sciences or it's equivalent with at least three merits in related subject. (Accepted subjects will be assessed on a case by case basis)


• Candidates satisfying the entry requirements will have to undergo a selection interview process known as the Multiple Mini
Interview (MMI) and required to go through prescribed medical fitness examination and must be certified as fit to follow the programme.

• The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• A minimum of 260 points for three (3) 'A' Level passes (The GCE
'A' Level passes must include Mathematics and either Physics or
Chemistry and passing a qualifying interview)
• An International Baccalaureate with a score of at least 28 points with a minimum of 5 points in relevant subjects which must include Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry at higher
level and pass a qualifying interview.
• Applicants with other qualifications such as Higher National Diploma (HND) may be admitted on a case by case basis subject to being able to fulfill equivalent requirements and approval from the Dean of Faculty of Integrated Technologies.

1.4 Entry Requirement for Diploma Programmes

i) General entry requirement.

At least a credit 6 in English Language at GCE'0' Level Examination or a grade 'C' in IGCSEEnglish (as a Second Language) or an IELTSscore of 6.0 or a TOEFLminimum overall score 550.

ii] Specific entry requirements:

• The Diploma of Health Science (Nursing) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• At least 5 credits in GCE '0' Level Examination or its
equivalent, including Mathematics, Science, English
Language; or
• A recognized Certificate for Assistant Nurse or Certificate in Midwifery (Division II) with working experience of not less than 2 Years after completing the certificate programme.


• Candidates must be successful at the interview conducted by the University and passes a medical fitness examination.

• The Diploma of Health Science (Midwifery) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• At least 5 credits in GCE 'a' Level Examination or Its
equivalent, including Mathematics, Science, English
Language; or
• A recognized Certificate for Assistant Nurse or Certificate in Midwifery (Division II) with working experience of not less than 2 Years after completing the certificate programme.
• Candidates must be successful at the interview conducted by the University and passes a medical fitness examination.

• The Diploma of Health Science (Paramedic) programme requires the following minimum qualifications:
• At least 5 credits in GCE'a' Level Examination of Its equivalent,
including Mathematics, Science, English Language; or
• A recognized Certificate for Assistant Nurse or certificate in
Midwifery (Division II) with working experience of not less than 2
Years after completing the certificate programme.
• Candidates must be successful at interview conducted by the
University and passes a medical fitness examination.
• The candidate must be of more than 5 feet tall.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
• 5 manfaat di Higher National Diploma termasuk Komunikasi
Keterampilan; • The Bachelor of Business (Honours) program membutuhkan kualifikasi minimum sebagai berikut: • 160 poin untuk dua (2) lewat di GCE 'A' Level atau setara dalam mata pelajaran yang relevan; atau • 200 poin selama tiga (3) melewati di GCE 'A' Level atau setara dalam mata pelajaran yang relevan; atau • Sebuah International Baccalaureate dengan skor 28 poin; atau • Setiap kualifikasi Higher National Diploma relevan yang diakui oleh Senat Universitas; dan • Setidaknya kredit 6 di Matematika di tingkat GCE'a '. • The Bachelor of Science Kesehatan (Honours) Program memerlukan kualifikasi minimum sebagai berikut: Mayor: Ilmu Biomedis • 240 poin selama tiga (3) melewati (harus dari Biologi , Kimia, Matematika atau Fisika) dengan minimal tiga (3) grade C (CCC) .Any subjek lain juga akan mempertimbangkan tergantung pada kasus per kasus; atau • Sebuah International Baccalaureate dengan skor 30 poin; dan • Calon yang memenuhi persyaratan masuk harus menjalani proses wawancara seleksi yang dikenal sebagai Mini Interview Beberapa (MMI). Mayor: Keperawatan / Kebidanan • Minimal 220 poin selama tiga (3) lewat dari Biologi, Kimia, Matematika atau Fisika . Mata pelajaran lain dapat dipertimbangkan berdasarkan kasus per kasus; atau • Sebuah gelar yang diakui secara internasional penghargaan kelas dua dalam disiplin yang relevan dari Universiti Brunei Darussalam atau universitas lain yang diakui oleh Senat Universitas; atau • Sebuah sarjana muda internasional dengan skor 28 poin; atau • A Diploma Nasional diakui dalam Ilmu atau setara dengan setidaknya tiga manfaat dalam subjek terkait. (Pelajaran yang diterima akan dinilai berdasarkan kasus per kasus) 4 • Calon yang memenuhi persyaratan masuk harus menjalani proses wawancara seleksi yang dikenal sebagai Mini Beberapa Wawancara (MMI) dan diminta untuk pergi melalui resep pemeriksaan kebugaran medis dan harus disertifikasi . sebagai fit untuk mengikuti program • Para Sarjana Program Teknik (Honours) membutuhkan kualifikasi minimum sebagai berikut: • Minimal 260 poin selama tiga (3) 'A' Level melewati (The GCE 'A' Level melewati harus mencakup Matematika dan baik Fisika atau Kimia dan melewati wawancara kualifikasi) • Sebuah International Baccalaureate dengan skor minimal 28 poin dengan minimal 5 poin dalam mata pelajaran yang relevan yang harus mencakup Matematika dan Fisika atau Kimia baik pada tinggi tingkat dan lulus wawancara kualifikasi. • Pelamar dengan kualifikasi lain seperti Higher National Diploma (HND) dapat diterima berdasarkan kasus per kasus subjek untuk dapat memenuhi persyaratan setara dan persetujuan dari Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Terpadu. 1.4 Masuk Kebutuhan untuk Program Diploma i) entri Umum . Persyaratan Setidaknya kredit 6 di Bahasa Inggris di GCE'0 'Tingkat Pemeriksaan atau kelas' C 'di IGCSEEnglish (sebagai Bahasa Kedua) atau IELTSscore 6,0 atau TOEFLminimum sebuah keseluruhan skor 550. ii] persyaratan masuk khusus: • Diploma Program Ilmu Kesehatan (Keperawatan) membutuhkan kualifikasi minimum sebagai berikut: • Setidaknya 5 kredit di GCE '0' Tingkat Pemeriksaan atau yang setara, termasuk Matematika, Sains, Bahasa Inggris Bahasa; atau • Sebuah diakui Sertifikat untuk Asisten Perawat atau Sertifikat Kebidanan (Divisi II) dengan pengalaman tidak kurang dari 2 tahun kerja setelah menyelesaikan program sertifikat. 5 • Calon harus sukses di wawancara yang dilakukan oleh University dan melewati pemeriksaan medis kebugaran . • Diploma Ilmu Kesehatan (Kebidanan) program membutuhkan kualifikasi minimum sebagai berikut: • Setidaknya 5 kredit dalam GCE 'a' Tingkat Pemeriksaan atau Its setara, termasuk Matematika, Sains, Bahasa Inggris Bahasa; atau • Sebuah diakui Sertifikat untuk Asisten Perawat atau Sertifikat Kebidanan (Divisi II) dengan pengalaman tidak kurang dari 2 tahun kerja setelah menyelesaikan program sertifikat. • Calon harus sukses di wawancara yang dilakukan oleh University dan melewati pemeriksaan kebugaran medis. • Diploma Ilmu Kesehatan (Paramedis) program membutuhkan kualifikasi minimum sebagai berikut: • Setidaknya 5 kredit di GCE'a 'Tingkat Pemeriksaan setara Its, termasuk Matematika, Sains, Bahasa Inggris; atau • Sebuah diakui Sertifikat untuk Asisten Perawat atau sertifikat di Kebidanan (Divisi II) dengan pengalaman tidak kurang dari 2 bekerja Tahun setelah menyelesaikan program sertifikat. • Calon harus sukses di wawancara yang dilakukan oleh University dan melewati pemeriksaan kebugaran medis. • Peserta harus lebih dari 5 meter.

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