9. MODALITA DI CONTROLLO I collaudi a pressione sono eseguiti da opciatori qualificati, sotto la responsabilita e il controllo del Servizio Garanzia Qualita. Se necessario, quest'ultimo puo richiedere la ripetizione dei collaudi.
9. methods of CONTROLPressure tests shall be carried out by qualified opciatori, under the responsibility and control of the Service Quality Assurance. If necessary, the latter may require repeat testing.
9. METHODS OF CONTROL The tests are performed by pressure opciatori qualified, under the responsibility and control of the Quality Service Guarantee. If necessary, the latter may require the repetition of tests.
9. mode control of pressure tests are carried out by opciatori qualified under the responsibility and control of service quality guarantee. if necessary, this can require the repetition of the tests.