Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim... Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila seorang perempuan jatuh cinta,lelaki itu tidak semestinya punya segalanya tetapi lelaki itu adalah segalanya di hatinya.Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila seorang perempuan itu mengalirkan air mata, itu bukan bermakna dia lemah, tetapi dia sedang mencari kekuatan untuk terus tabah mencintai lelaki itu.Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila seorang perempuan marah, memang dia tidak mampu mengawal perasaannya tapi percayalah, itu maknanya dia sangat mengambil berat dan menyayangi lelaki itu. Lihat saja pasangan yang baru bercinta, mereka jarang berantem. Tetapi percayalah semakin bertambah sayang mereka pada seseorang, semakin pula banyak sesuatu yang terjadi.Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan cerewet, dia tidak pernah bermaksud untuk membuat anda risih, tapi dia mahu lelaki mengenalinya dengan lebih dekat.Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan berkata dia mau kamu berubah, itu bukan bermakna dia tidak mahu menerima kamu seadanya, tetapi dia mahu menjadikan anda lebih baik, bukan untuk dirinya, tetapi untuk masa depan anda.Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan cemburu dan tidak percayakan kamu, bukan bermakna dia tidak sayang .. tetapi dia terlalu sayangkan kamu dan masih mengangap kamu anak kecil yang masih memerlukan sepenuh perhatian. terkadang dia terlalu risau sekiranya terlalu percaya, kamu akan mengkhianati kepercayaan yang diberi. Naluri sebagai ibu sangat kuat. Dia hanya mahukan yang terbaik untuk kamu .If men know ... When a girl says she merajuk, do not like to be persuaded him to excess with money or gifts, but with enough attention can make a girl feel appreciated.If men know ... When women rarely say ' i love u ', it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, but he wants the man's own taste, not just present his love of words but also through his body language.If men know ... When the woman said she longed for the same as you, he really missed you.If men know ... When the woman said the other guy is better than you, don't believe his words because he just want to test you. He wants to see how far you are willing to be the best in his eyes. Although actually really "thou art the best in his heart. As long as he's with you, believe me, although women assume many more better in his eyes but in his heart, you remain the best.If men know ... When the female becomes snarl at, he's not meant to be snarl at, but he wanted to see how far the man is able to be patient with sikanya. Believe me, the very soft hearted woman.If men know ... When a girl says, "Please leave me", he does not mean to assert you go forever. He just wanted to calm his mind a bit. When he returned, trust me he will find you again. That means he really loves you. Female hard to control the feeling. She is too emotional. But he is the most loved and very sensitive to changes in yourself.If men know ... God created men and women with a difference. But if they understand, they will complement and complete. The beautiful once created by God. Behind his eyes water, saved thousand and one who will make the strength of a man that feel safe with him. Despite the fact that women seem weak but he's got the strength of its own that could shake the world and possibly could in turn make men become weak for it. So hargailah the presence of a woman in your life as he comes not with weakness, but he had the strength to menyongkong you and make your life more perfect. He is poised to become the girls ' mother also freelances, wife is best for your children.
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