„Out­side re­sem­bles some peo­ple to chase down you, when they walked terjemahan - „Out­side re­sem­bles some peo­ple to chase down you, when they walked Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Out­side re­sem­bles some peo­ple

„Out­side re­sem­bles some peo­ple to chase down you, when they walked, I then de­liver you to exit.” The Tianyuan Great said.
„Many thanks Tianyuan se­nior!” Nie Li said re­spect­fully that chat­ted the mat­ter about Sage Em­peror with the Tianyuan Great.
The Tianyuan Great de­ter­mined ba­si­cally that Nie Li truly is the hun­dred years later peo­ple, truly hope­fully can de­feat Sage Em­peror. Many years, he was wait­ing for the re­venge the op­por­tu­nity!
„Be­sides these trea­sures, my here also most pre­cious ob­ject gives to you!”
The Tianyuan Great said that saw only in sky to emerge out of thin air a disc, this disc was danc­ing in the air falling, fell in the hand of Nie Li.
„Ten thou­sand spirit sword!” Nie Li said with amaze­ment.
„Good, this thing is ten thou­sand spirit sword!” The Tianyuan Great nod said.
When pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion with the Sage Em­peror show­down, hides in Ex­pert of each bor­der area, some most pre­cious ob­jects fight the sol­dier, all comes, help­ing Nie Li re­sist Sage Em­peror to­gether. And ten thou­sand spirit sword are also one of them, these ten thou­sand spirit sword are only the most pre­cious ob­ject, but stran­gled to death five of Sage Em­peror to wait on god Ex­pert.
„This thing also sur­vives my thought that by my thought stim­u­la­tion of move­ment, is un­able to stim­u­late to move­ment by your abil­ity. When meets, you who trou­ble­some is un­able to solve can com­mu­ni­cate with the thought that I can stim­u­late to move­ment ten thou­sand spirit sword to help you, but you are clear, it must ag­glom­er­ate the world essence, can show the might, de­cid­edly do not abuse eas­ily, best is when fac­ing Sage Em­peror, uses this thing!” The Tianyuan Great said se­ri­ously.
„I un­der­stand that this thing use, the Tianyuan se­nior felt re­lieved!” Nie Li cups one hand in the other across the chest say­ing that took in these ten thou­sand spirit sword Myr­iad Miles Rivers and Moun­tains Paint­ing.
Ten thou­sand spirit sword must ab­sorb Heav­enly En­ergy, can stim­u­late to move­ment, but in Myr­iad Miles Rivers and Moun­tains Paint­ing, ex­actly is the Heav­enly En­ergy rich­est place, in­side Heav­enly En­ergy con­tin­u­ously!
These ten thou­sand spirit sword might, Nie Li has ex­pe­ri­enced, this thing, needs to ab­sorb Heav­enly En­ergy mas­sively, can stim­u­late to move­ment one time.
Re­ceives after ten thou­sand spirit sword. Nie Li has re­mem­bered any­thing sud­denly, looked that said to the Tianyuan Great: „I want to ask about a mat­ter.”
„What mat­ter?”
„Does not know that the Tianyuan se­nior does know a per­son, that per­son says Em­peror Kong Ming, from Tiny World!”
Hears the Nie Li words. The Tianyuan Great silent for a long time, a mo­ment later said: That Em­peror Kong Ming that „you said that very pos­si­ble is that per­son, sev­eral hun­dred years ago, pre­sented a shock­ing cer­tainly col­or­ful tal­ent prob­a­bly. I do not know his ori­gin. Very pos­si­ble is some po­si­tion can be rein­car­nated greatly, his god read once had an ex­change with me. His Cul­ti­va­tion brought to the at­ten­tion of Sage Em­peror, Sage Em­peror has sent sev­eral to wait on the god to hunt and kill him, he and Sage Em­peror three waited on the god to fight sev­eral days later, sud­denly went into hid­ing, nowhere searched again.”
Re­gard­ing Em­peror Kong Ming this per­son, in the Nie Li heart has had the doubts and puz­zle. Be­sides that true words, that raises the kind of witch­craft trained dis­ci­ple method, mak­ing Nie Li be still wor­ried mo­men­tar­ily enemy who might pre­sent.
„This per­son tal­ent is aloof, the short 200-300 years then had ex­tremely as­ton­ish­ing Cul­ti­va­tion. If he is some po­si­tion can be rein­car­nated re­ally greatly, the strength must above me, I ex­pect he can untie the seal, ex­plains the Sage Em­peror space and time seal, how­ever was a pity. In this long end­less years, in en­tire End­less Space and Time, grows to hav­ing the op­por­tu­nit
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Out­side re­sem­bles some peo­ple to chase down you, when they walked, I then de­liver you to exit.” The Tianyuan Great said.„Many thanks Tianyuan se­nior!” Nie Li said re­spect­fully that chat­ted the mat­ter about Sage Em­peror with the Tianyuan Great.The Tianyuan Great de­ter­mined ba­si­cally that Nie Li truly is the hun­dred years later peo­ple, truly hope­fully can de­feat Sage Em­peror. Many years, he was wait­ing for the re­venge the op­por­tu­nity!„Be­sides these trea­sures, my here also most pre­cious ob­ject gives to you!”The Tianyuan Great said that saw only in sky to emerge out of thin air a disc, this disc was danc­ing in the air falling, fell in the hand of Nie Li.„Ten thou­sand spirit sword!” Nie Li said with amaze­ment.„Good, this thing is ten thou­sand spirit sword!” The Tianyuan Great nod said.When pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion with the Sage Em­peror show­down, hides in Ex­pert of each bor­der area, some most pre­cious ob­jects fight the sol­dier, all comes, help­ing Nie Li re­sist Sage Em­peror to­gether. And ten thou­sand spirit sword are also one of them, these ten thou­sand spirit sword are only the most pre­cious ob­ject, but stran­gled to death five of Sage Em­peror to wait on god Ex­pert.„This thing also sur­vives my thought that by my thought stim­u­la­tion of move­ment, is un­able to stim­u­late to move­ment by your abil­ity. When meets, you who trou­ble­some is un­able to solve can com­mu­ni­cate with the thought that I can stim­u­late to move­ment ten thou­sand spirit sword to help you, but you are clear, it must ag­glom­er­ate the world essence, can show the might, de­cid­edly do not abuse eas­ily, best is when fac­ing Sage Em­peror, uses this thing!” The Tianyuan Great said se­ri­ously.„I un­der­stand that this thing use, the Tianyuan se­nior felt re­lieved!” Nie Li cups one hand in the other across the chest say­ing that took in these ten thou­sand spirit sword Myr­iad Miles Rivers and Moun­tains Paint­ing.Ten thou­sand spirit sword must ab­sorb Heav­enly En­ergy, can stim­u­late to move­ment, but in Myr­iad Miles Rivers and Moun­tains Paint­ing, ex­actly is the Heav­enly En­ergy rich­est place, in­side Heav­enly En­ergy con­tin­u­ously!These ten thou­sand spirit sword might, Nie Li has ex­pe­ri­enced, this thing, needs to ab­sorb Heav­enly En­ergy mas­sively, can stim­u­late to move­ment one time.Re­ceives after ten thou­sand spirit sword. Nie Li has re­mem­bered any­thing sud­denly, looked that said to the Tianyuan Great: „I want to ask about a mat­ter.”„What mat­ter?”„Does not know that the Tianyuan se­nior does know a per­son, that per­son says Em­peror Kong Ming, from Tiny World!”
Hears the Nie Li words. The Tianyuan Great silent for a long time, a mo­ment later said: That Em­peror Kong Ming that „you said that very pos­si­ble is that per­son, sev­eral hun­dred years ago, pre­sented a shock­ing cer­tainly col­or­ful tal­ent prob­a­bly. I do not know his ori­gin. Very pos­si­ble is some po­si­tion can be rein­car­nated greatly, his god read once had an ex­change with me. His Cul­ti­va­tion brought to the at­ten­tion of Sage Em­peror, Sage Em­peror has sent sev­eral to wait on the god to hunt and kill him, he and Sage Em­peror three waited on the god to fight sev­eral days later, sud­denly went into hid­ing, nowhere searched again.”
Re­gard­ing Em­peror Kong Ming this per­son, in the Nie Li heart has had the doubts and puz­zle. Be­sides that true words, that raises the kind of witch­craft trained dis­ci­ple method, mak­ing Nie Li be still wor­ried mo­men­tar­ily enemy who might pre­sent.
„This per­son tal­ent is aloof, the short 200-300 years then had ex­tremely as­ton­ish­ing Cul­ti­va­tion. If he is some po­si­tion can be rein­car­nated re­ally greatly, the strength must above me, I ex­pect he can untie the seal, ex­plains the Sage Em­peror space and time seal, how­ever was a pity. In this long end­less years, in en­tire End­less Space and Time, grows to hav­ing the op­por­tu­nit
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Di luar menyerupai beberapa orang untuk memburu Anda, ketika mereka berjalan, saya kemudian memberikan Anda untuk keluar." Kata The Tianyuan besar.
"Banyak terima kasih Tianyuan Senior!" Kata Nie Li hormat yang mengobrol soal tentang Sage Kaisar dengan Tianyuan besar.
The Tianyuan besar ditentukan pada dasarnya bahwa Nie Li benar-benar adalah seratus tahun kemudian orang, yang benar-benar mudah-mudahan bisa mengalahkan Sage Kaisar. Bertahun-tahun, dia sedang menunggu balas dendam kesempatan!
"Selain harta tersebut, objek saya di sini juga paling berharga memberikan kepada Anda!"
The Tianyuan Besar mengatakan bahwa melihat hanya di langit muncul dari udara tipis disk, disc ini menari di Jatuhnya udara, jatuh di tangan Nie Li.
"pedang sepuluh ribu semangat!" Nie Li mengatakan dengan takjub.
"Baik, hal ini sepuluh ribu pedang roh!" The Tianyuan besar mengangguk kata.
Ketika generasi sebelumnya dengan Sage Kaisar showdown, bersembunyi di Ahli dari masing-masing daerah perbatasan, beberapa objek paling berharga melawan tentara, semua datang, membantu Nie Li menolak Sage kaisar bersama-sama. Dan sepuluh ribu pedang roh juga salah satu dari mereka, sepuluh ribu pedang roh ini hanya objek yang paling berharga, tapi dicekik sampai mati lima dari Sage Kaisar untuk menunggu Expert Tuhan.
"Hal ini juga bertahan pikiran saya bahwa dengan stimulasi pikiran saya gerakan, tidak mampu merangsang gerakan dengan kemampuan Anda. Ketika bertemu, Anda yang merepotkan tidak dapat memecahkan dapat berkomunikasi dengan pikiran bahwa saya dapat merangsang gerakan sepuluh ribu semangat pedang untuk membantu Anda, tetapi Anda jelas, itu harus menggumpal esensi dunia, dapat menunjukkan kekuatan itu, jelas tidak menyalahgunakan mudah, yang terbaik adalah ketika menghadapi Sage Kaisar, menggunakan hal ini! "kata The Tianyuan besar serius.
" saya mengerti bahwa hal ini menggunakan, senior Tianyuan merasa lega! "Nie Li cangkir satu tangan yang lain di seluruh pepatah dada yang mengambil di sepuluh ribu pedang roh Myriad Miles Sungai dan Gunung Lukisan.
sepuluh pedang ribu jiwa harus menyerap Energi Surgawi, dapat merangsang gerakan, tapi di Myriad Miles Sungai dan Gunung Lukisan, tepatnya adalah Energi Surgawi tempat terkaya, dalam Energi Surgawi terus!
Kesepuluh ribu pedang roh mungkin, Nie Li telah mengalami, hal ini, perlu untuk menyerap Energi Surgawi secara besar-besaran, dapat merangsang gerakan satu waktu.
Menerima setelah pedang sepuluh ribu jiwa. Nie Li telah mengingat apa-apa tiba-tiba, tampak mengatakan kepada Tianyuan besar: ". Saya ingin bertanya tentang suatu hal"
? "Apa yang peduli"
"Apakah tidak tahu bahwa Tianyuan senior yang tidak mengenal seseorang, orang itu mengatakan Kaisar Kong Ming, dari World kecil! "
mendengar kata-kata Nie Li. The Tianyuan Besar diam untuk waktu yang lama, sesaat kemudian berkata: Itu Kaisar Kong Ming bahwa "Anda mengatakan bahwa sangat mungkin adalah orang itu, beberapa ratus tahun yang lalu, disajikan mengejutkan bakat pasti berwarna-warni mungkin. Saya tidak tahu asal-usulnya. Sangat mungkin beberapa posisi dapat bereinkarnasi sangat, tuhannya baca pernah memiliki pertukaran dengan saya. Budidaya nya dibawa ke perhatian dari Sage Kaisar, Sage Kaisar telah mengirim beberapa untuk menunggu Tuhan untuk berburu dan membunuh dia, ia dan Sage Kaisar tiga menunggu dewa untuk melawan beberapa hari kemudian, tiba-tiba bersembunyi, tempat mencari lagi. "
Mengenai Kaisar Kong Ming orang ini, di jantung Nie Li telah memiliki keraguan dan teka-teki. Selain itu kata-kata yang benar, yang menimbulkan jenis metode murid sihir dilatih, membuat Nie Li menjadi masih khawatir sesaat musuh yang mungkin hadir.
"Bakat Orang ini adalah menyendiri, pendek 200-300 tahun kemudian harus Budidaya sangat menakjubkan. Jika dia beberapa posisi dapat bereinkarnasi benar-benar sangat, kekuatan harus di atas saya, saya berharap dia bisa melepaskan segel, menjelaskan Sage Kaisar ruang dan waktu segel, namun sayang. Dalam tahun yang panjang tak berujung, di seluruh ruang tak berujung dan Waktu, tumbuh untuk memiliki opportunit yang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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