Assalam alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh. '
brothers compatriots compatriots Indonesia, beloved.
With a chance this morning very bright, let us devote our gratitude to God Almighty, because on this occasion we are nation of Indonesia, could commemorate the heroes day, precisely on June 18, 1O years. ...Hopefully in this commemoration recalls, and we always appreciate asa-asa j j the heroes who have died before us for the sake of this beloved nation Indonesia.
brothers compatriots compatriots Indonesia beloved
as a nation Indonesia must know the history of twists and turns, the struggle to get rid of the invaders who came to power in indonesia. This struggle seems to be very heavy, because of perceived nyawalah who became taruan. Blood gushed out, bathed in blood on the battlefield for the independence of the nation.
brothers compatriots compatriots Indonesia, beloved.
Now we just feel yummy settles in the country which is full of peace, and this is not possible it all come true, in the absence of a strong struggle
.Brothers compatriots compatriots Indonesia, beloved.
Per dated, November 10, we shall remember Indonesia nation back a bygone era the fate of our nation. We recalled the hero struggles back, and don't forget we express gratitude to God Almighty the favour. because of uncountable poured out upon our nation, that is a victory to snatch the homeland Indonesia which has been controlled by the colonizers.
brothers compatriots compatriots Indonesia, beloved.
In a very sunny morning chance this let us spread our hands to ask Allah Swt. hopefully we are all fighters got a happy place beside him. Hopefully God Almighty. always give strength and internal to our leaders that is so tough in implementing the prosperity of its people. Hopefully the nation Indonesia jaya damau forever, secure, quiet, sentosa. Hopefully the people of Indonesia are protected from the mean. Hopefully God always meridlai peijuangan our leader, and reply as a reward by Salih practice doubled in the next future.
So our speech, just maybe there are words that are less pleasing dihati we apologize. Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.
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