“’Sup,” Karma says, slinging himself into the patient’s chair, his han terjemahan - “’Sup,” Karma says, slinging himself into the patient’s chair, his han Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“’Sup,” Karma says, slinging himsel

“’Sup,” Karma says, slinging himself into the patient’s chair, his hands clasped behind his neck. “Will I be fixed today? I’m a busy man, you know, Sensei.”

“That depends entirely on you, Karma-kun,” says Sensei. He looks attentive, intent, and Karma beams back. “What do you feel like talking about today?”

And this- this is bullshit. Karma doesn’t have to be here. He shouldn’t be here. But company policy is to offer therapy to anyone who lost or is losing a loved one, and who came up with that in the first place? Karma himself, that’s who. Maybe the first rules you’ll learn to obey will be the ones you made yourself.

And it helps that Sensei’s as weird as hell- he’s supposed to be some kind of wizard with all the weepies who gush out their problems in this very office. Karma supposes, being one of those weepies himself, that he should show a little respect.

“Ah, I dunno,” Karma yawns. Sensei’s expression doesn’t change. “Well, my husband’s still dying, for one. Anything new in your life, Sensei?”

“How is Gakushuu-kun doing?”

A brief flicker of irritation flickers across Karma’s exhausted mind. Sensei’s feeling around for cracks, and Karma’s no longer so confident he won’t find any. He puts himself together every day, pieces coming to assemble themselves as he stares into the mirror: a jagged smirk, a tilt of the chin, an air of careless good humor. But the pieces don’t fit so perfectly anymore. A good strong wind might make him crumble, so he has to brace himself every time he steps outside their apartment.

He tells Sensei, “I told you. Dying. Same old, same old.”

“I meant today, specifically. You already visited him, am I wrong? Unless you spent the night at his bedside again.” Sensei’s voice is gentle; trying not to upset the doll-boy.

Karma stares long and hard at him. “He’s fine. He didn’t eat anything last night, and he keeps saying he’s full, but the nurses managed to get, like, a quarter of a meal in him this morning.”

Sensei says, “That must have been difficult.” Karma bristles, but he goes on, “To see someone whose strength you admire fall so weak, that is.”

“Sensei, you’re totally trying to make this into some superiority thing, aren’t you?” Karma struggles to keep his voice clean and neutral. “It’s not about Gakushuu not being strong. His strength isn’t something so cheap.”

“Far from it, Karma-kun,” says Sensei. “I’m more interested in your perception of love. Do you think it means putting on a brave face, even in the face of adversity, and not letting him know that you’re struggling as well?”

Is that what love is? Karma doesn’t know. He used to think love was the good times, looking up during board meetings with a carefully-crafted expression of boredom to see Gakushuu rolling his eyes at him across the table. Getting tangled up in each other in slow lazy weekends spent gaming or reading, or the way violet eyes went dark and heavy with desire when Karma licked his lips in a certain way. Little things like fiddling with recipes together and calling out to each other while they worked. His happiness was his home, and his home was where Gakushuu was.

Now what’s left is the tatters of what used to be. Love looks different when you’re about to lose it; love transforms with the long slow stretch of days of waiting, and it wrings you out, like a bow drawn taut for too long. These days, love is panic attacks in the middle of the supermarket, kneeling between the aisles and struggling to breathe. Love is a tide that bears you across life, and what if that life is an unhappy one? Love still remains. Love will not go away when the bad times come.

His eyes leak tears. He dissolves in them.

“It’s not a sign of weakness to grieve,” Sensei says. “Even before anything happens. Grieve what you lost, but don’t forget what you still have.”

Karma smirks down at his blurry knees. “Hey, that doesn’t sound half as profound out loud as it probably did in your head, Sensei.”

Sensei is silent.

“I met his dad,” Karma says abruptly. He never handles silence well, and isn’t this what he’s good at, pattering on, prodding at cracks and dancing away from what crawled out? Troublemaker, too smart for his own good. Gakushuu loves it and envies him for it; for the way he never has to measure every word he says, the way he can sharpen his words and not care. Gakushuu sometimes reads people more accurately than he does, but he’s never caused trouble for the sake of it. Karma wishes he could have… well, it doesn’t matter anymore. All Karma does these days is wish and wish and wake up with a deep stabbing pain where his heart is.

“Asano Gakuho is a complicated man,” says Sensei.

Karma huffs a laugh. It sounds weak and desperate in his own ears, so he covers them, shutting out the world for a moment. “You can say that again.”

Seeing his father-in-law, even after the reconciliation, had been like a knife to the gut. Part of it had been the way he looked -eyes lined but alert, hair gracefully turning towards grey. It was like seeing Gakushuu in twenty more years, Gakushuu as he would never be. Twenty more years sounded like another one of Karma’s useless wishes, and he swallowed down bitter grief and reached for the anger instead.

“Ne, Asano-san, was it fun? Hearing that the son you abandoned was finally going to be out of your way, not chasing after you anymore?” He had leaned forward, a clown’s grotesque smile painted on his face. Asano Gakuho didn't flinch, or look away. “You don’t have to endure being loved anymore, isn’t it a relief?”

His father-in-law had kept looking at him. His eyes were tired and sad, and Karma, in that moment, felt his rage flare higher and brighter than ever. This snake in the grass didn’t deserve to feel that exhaustion or pain, the agony of seeing the ghost of Gakushuu’s former self he’d become. Anyone who tossed Gakushuu away like that couldn’t-

“It isn’t a matter of who loves my son more, you or I, Akabane Karma,” Gakuho had said softly. “It has transcended past that point. I have failed, not only as a father, as I was willing to concede, but as a protector as well. I have stepped away each time he reached out for me. My motives do not hold weight; neither does the fact that I did it all out of love, because my love has no meaning when I have let him down so completely. Only your love matters now, Karma-kun. You always take such good care of Gakushuu. Remember my envy and ignore my regrets. I’m glad he has someone like you by his side.”

The soft, polished way of speaking- the mannerisms and cadence, and the way his hand occasionally reached for the mole on his left cheek -a feature he shared with his son- as if for reassurance only made Karma angrier. Earlier, he’d seen the elder Asano as the man Gakushuu fell short of becoming; once he was seeing Gakuho without the filter of encroaching grief, he looked older than Karma had initially thought. He looked like any man whose twenty nine year-old son was dying: thin, tired, old.

Karma thought about Gakushuu, the way he was perfectly polite and respectful to the nurses, the way they giggled and smiled around him, the immediacy of it all pushed back by how handsome and gentle he is: Prince Charming singing on his deathbed. It all went away when the door closes and it was just the two of them, buckling under the weight but buckling together.

“Are you stupid?” Karma bit out. “Is that it? Are you enough of an idiot to actually think that’s it, you’re done?”

Gakuho’s head snapped up, eyes wide.

“You don’t just… leave him behind,” Karma said. His fists were clenched on the pretty white tablecloth. “You don’t walk away because you can’t look him in the eye now. Your feelings don’t matter at all, don’t you get it? If you loved him at all you wouldn’t leave him alone even after you learned your lesson.”

He stood up. Gakuho’s head was bowed, his shoulders drawn in. There had been a kind of distant longing in his voice on the rare occasions Gakushuu spoke of his father; the Director is amazing. When Karma had tried to say, but you’re amazing too, Gakushuu had shaken his head, mulish. No, the Director’s really amazing.

Karma tells Sensei, “He said he’s glad Gakushuu has me. Has, not had, which was a refreshing change, I guess. Hearing all those doctors, you’d think he was six feet under already.”

And there he goes again. Little hitching sobs fill the room; Karma’s recently discovered that he sounds like a scared child when he cries. The more you know. Little tadpoles of sadness writhe in his chest; his heart is a swamp, deep and muddy and green. What is down there? Dark and drowned, losing the hand he thought he could hold on to for the rest of his life. Don’t leave me alone.

Sensei moves to hand over the box of tissues but Karma fishes out a wad from his pocket first; he always comes prepared for anything, and these days he’s prepared for sudden and uncontrollable attacks of grief.

“You should tell Gakushuu-kun,” Sensei says. “He will not love you any less for admitting you’ll miss him when he’s gone. I don’t think weakness or strength have much impact on your relationship. After all, he was willing to let you see him like this, and you, Karma-kun, don’t think of him any differently than you did when he was in good health.”

“It’s not that simple.”

It isn’t, is it? In half an year Karma will still be around and Gakushuu will be gone. The boy with coral hair and violet eyes who kissed with his eyes closed and laced his fingers with Karma’s, conspiratorial and lovely. It had been the greatest triumph of their lives, hadn’t it? The two prodigies joining forces to become invincible. They’d pulled the rug from under the universe with that one. They were supposed to never fail, forever laughing in dappled sunlight, brilliant and young. Where have those days gone?

The process of putting himself ba
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“’Sup,” Karma says, slinging himself into the patient’s chair, his hands clasped behind his neck. “Will I be fixed today? I’m a busy man, you know, Sensei.”“That depends entirely on you, Karma-kun,” says Sensei. He looks attentive, intent, and Karma beams back. “What do you feel like talking about today?”And this- this is bullshit. Karma doesn’t have to be here. He shouldn’t be here. But company policy is to offer therapy to anyone who lost or is losing a loved one, and who came up with that in the first place? Karma himself, that’s who. Maybe the first rules you’ll learn to obey will be the ones you made yourself.And it helps that Sensei’s as weird as hell- he’s supposed to be some kind of wizard with all the weepies who gush out their problems in this very office. Karma supposes, being one of those weepies himself, that he should show a little respect.“Ah, I dunno,” Karma yawns. Sensei’s expression doesn’t change. “Well, my husband’s still dying, for one. Anything new in your life, Sensei?”“How is Gakushuu-kun doing?”A brief flicker of irritation flickers across Karma’s exhausted mind. Sensei’s feeling around for cracks, and Karma’s no longer so confident he won’t find any. He puts himself together every day, pieces coming to assemble themselves as he stares into the mirror: a jagged smirk, a tilt of the chin, an air of careless good humor. But the pieces don’t fit so perfectly anymore. A good strong wind might make him crumble, so he has to brace himself every time he steps outside their apartment.He tells Sensei, “I told you. Dying. Same old, same old.”“I meant today, specifically. You already visited him, am I wrong? Unless you spent the night at his bedside again.” Sensei’s voice is gentle; trying not to upset the doll-boy.Karma stares long and hard at him. “He’s fine. He didn’t eat anything last night, and he keeps saying he’s full, but the nurses managed to get, like, a quarter of a meal in him this morning.”Sensei says, “That must have been difficult.” Karma bristles, but he goes on, “To see someone whose strength you admire fall so weak, that is.”“Sensei, you’re totally trying to make this into some superiority thing, aren’t you?” Karma struggles to keep his voice clean and neutral. “It’s not about Gakushuu not being strong. His strength isn’t something so cheap.”“Far from it, Karma-kun,” says Sensei. “I’m more interested in your perception of love. Do you think it means putting on a brave face, even in the face of adversity, and not letting him know that you’re struggling as well?”Is that what love is? Karma doesn’t know. He used to think love was the good times, looking up during board meetings with a carefully-crafted expression of boredom to see Gakushuu rolling his eyes at him across the table. Getting tangled up in each other in slow lazy weekends spent gaming or reading, or the way violet eyes went dark and heavy with desire when Karma licked his lips in a certain way. Little things like fiddling with recipes together and calling out to each other while they worked. His happiness was his home, and his home was where Gakushuu was.Now what’s left is the tatters of what used to be. Love looks different when you’re about to lose it; love transforms with the long slow stretch of days of waiting, and it wrings you out, like a bow drawn taut for too long. These days, love is panic attacks in the middle of the supermarket, kneeling between the aisles and struggling to breathe. Love is a tide that bears you across life, and what if that life is an unhappy one? Love still remains. Love will not go away when the bad times come.His eyes leak tears. He dissolves in them.“It’s not a sign of weakness to grieve,” Sensei says. “Even before anything happens. Grieve what you lost, but don’t forget what you still have.”Karma smirks down at his blurry knees. “Hey, that doesn’t sound half as profound out loud as it probably did in your head, Sensei.”Sensei is silent.“I met his dad,” Karma says abruptly. He never handles silence well, and isn’t this what he’s good at, pattering on, prodding at cracks and dancing away from what crawled out? Troublemaker, too smart for his own good. Gakushuu loves it and envies him for it; for the way he never has to measure every word he says, the way he can sharpen his words and not care. Gakushuu sometimes reads people more accurately than he does, but he’s never caused trouble for the sake of it. Karma wishes he could have… well, it doesn’t matter anymore. All Karma does these days is wish and wish and wake up with a deep stabbing pain where his heart is.“Asano Gakuho is a complicated man,” says Sensei.Karma huffs a laugh. It sounds weak and desperate in his own ears, so he covers them, shutting out the world for a moment. “You can say that again.”Seeing his father-in-law, even after the reconciliation, had been like a knife to the gut. Part of it had been the way he looked -eyes lined but alert, hair gracefully turning towards grey. It was like seeing Gakushuu in twenty more years, Gakushuu as he would never be. Twenty more years sounded like another one of Karma’s useless wishes, and he swallowed down bitter grief and reached for the anger instead.“Ne, Asano-san, was it fun? Hearing that the son you abandoned was finally going to be out of your way, not chasing after you anymore?” He had leaned forward, a clown’s grotesque smile painted on his face. Asano Gakuho didn't flinch, or look away. “You don’t have to endure being loved anymore, isn’t it a relief?”
His father-in-law had kept looking at him. His eyes were tired and sad, and Karma, in that moment, felt his rage flare higher and brighter than ever. This snake in the grass didn’t deserve to feel that exhaustion or pain, the agony of seeing the ghost of Gakushuu’s former self he’d become. Anyone who tossed Gakushuu away like that couldn’t-

“It isn’t a matter of who loves my son more, you or I, Akabane Karma,” Gakuho had said softly. “It has transcended past that point. I have failed, not only as a father, as I was willing to concede, but as a protector as well. I have stepped away each time he reached out for me. My motives do not hold weight; neither does the fact that I did it all out of love, because my love has no meaning when I have let him down so completely. Only your love matters now, Karma-kun. You always take such good care of Gakushuu. Remember my envy and ignore my regrets. I’m glad he has someone like you by his side.”

The soft, polished way of speaking- the mannerisms and cadence, and the way his hand occasionally reached for the mole on his left cheek -a feature he shared with his son- as if for reassurance only made Karma angrier. Earlier, he’d seen the elder Asano as the man Gakushuu fell short of becoming; once he was seeing Gakuho without the filter of encroaching grief, he looked older than Karma had initially thought. He looked like any man whose twenty nine year-old son was dying: thin, tired, old.

Karma thought about Gakushuu, the way he was perfectly polite and respectful to the nurses, the way they giggled and smiled around him, the immediacy of it all pushed back by how handsome and gentle he is: Prince Charming singing on his deathbed. It all went away when the door closes and it was just the two of them, buckling under the weight but buckling together.

“Are you stupid?” Karma bit out. “Is that it? Are you enough of an idiot to actually think that’s it, you’re done?”

Gakuho’s head snapped up, eyes wide.

“You don’t just… leave him behind,” Karma said. His fists were clenched on the pretty white tablecloth. “You don’t walk away because you can’t look him in the eye now. Your feelings don’t matter at all, don’t you get it? If you loved him at all you wouldn’t leave him alone even after you learned your lesson.”

He stood up. Gakuho’s head was bowed, his shoulders drawn in. There had been a kind of distant longing in his voice on the rare occasions Gakushuu spoke of his father; the Director is amazing. When Karma had tried to say, but you’re amazing too, Gakushuu had shaken his head, mulish. No, the Director’s really amazing.

Karma tells Sensei, “He said he’s glad Gakushuu has me. Has, not had, which was a refreshing change, I guess. Hearing all those doctors, you’d think he was six feet under already.”

And there he goes again. Little hitching sobs fill the room; Karma’s recently discovered that he sounds like a scared child when he cries. The more you know. Little tadpoles of sadness writhe in his chest; his heart is a swamp, deep and muddy and green. What is down there? Dark and drowned, losing the hand he thought he could hold on to for the rest of his life. Don’t leave me alone.

Sensei moves to hand over the box of tissues but Karma fishes out a wad from his pocket first; he always comes prepared for anything, and these days he’s prepared for sudden and uncontrollable attacks of grief.

“You should tell Gakushuu-kun,” Sensei says. “He will not love you any less for admitting you’ll miss him when he’s gone. I don’t think weakness or strength have much impact on your relationship. After all, he was willing to let you see him like this, and you, Karma-kun, don’t think of him any differently than you did when he was in good health.”

“It’s not that simple.”

It isn’t, is it? In half an year Karma will still be around and Gakushuu will be gone. The boy with coral hair and violet eyes who kissed with his eyes closed and laced his fingers with Karma’s, conspiratorial and lovely. It had been the greatest triumph of their lives, hadn’t it? The two prodigies joining forces to become invincible. They’d pulled the rug from under the universe with that one. They were supposed to never fail, forever laughing in dappled sunlight, brilliant and young. Where have those days gone?

The process of putting himself ba
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"'Sup," Karma mengatakan, melempar dirinya ke kursi pasien, tangan terlipat di belakang lehernya. "Apakah saya akan tetap hari ini? Saya seorang pria yang sibuk, Anda tahu, Sensei. " "Itu sepenuhnya tergantung pada Anda, Karma-kun," kata Sensei. Dia tampak penuh perhatian, niat, dan Karma balok kembali. "Apa yang Anda merasa seperti berbicara tentang hari ini?" Dan ini-ini adalah omong kosong. Karma tidak harus berada di sini. Dia seharusnya tidak berada di sini. Tapi kebijakan perusahaan adalah untuk menawarkan terapi kepada siapa saja yang hilang atau kehilangan orang yang dicintai, dan yang datang dengan itu di tempat pertama? Karma sendiri, itulah yang. Mungkin aturan pertama Anda akan belajar untuk taat akan menjadi orang-orang yang Anda buat sendiri. Dan itu membantu bahwa Sensei seaneh hell- dia seharusnya menjadi semacam penyihir dengan semua weepies yang menyembur keluar masalah mereka di kantor ini sangat. Karma mengandaikan, menjadi salah satu dari mereka weepies dirinya, bahwa ia harus menunjukkan sedikit rasa hormat. "Ah, aku tak tahu," Karma menguap. Ekspresi sensei tidak berubah. "Nah, suami saya masih sekarat, untuk satu. Sesuatu yang baru dalam hidup Anda, Sensei "? "Bagaimana Gakushuu-kun lakukan?" Sebuah flicker singkat iritasi berkedip di pikiran lelah Karma. Sensei perasaan sekitar untuk retak, dan Karma tidak lagi begitu yakin dia tidak akan menemukan apapun. Dia menempatkan dirinya bersama-sama setiap hari, potongan datang untuk merakit sendiri saat ia menatap ke cermin: seringai bergerigi, kemiringan dagu, udara ceroboh humor yang baik. Tapi potongan tidak cocok begitu sempurna lagi. Angin kencang yang baik mungkin membuatnya runtuh, sehingga dia harus menguatkan dirinya setiap kali ia melangkah di luar apartemen mereka. Dia mengatakan Sensei, "aku bilang. Sekarat. Sama tua, sama tua. " "Aku berarti hari ini, khusus. Anda sudah mengunjunginya, aku salah? . Kecuali Anda menghabiskan malam di samping tempat tidurnya lagi "suara Sensei adalah lembut; mencoba untuk tidak marah boneka-anak. Karma menatap lama dan keras padanya. "Dia baik-baik saja. Dia tidak makan apa-apa tadi malam, dan dia terus mengatakan dia penuh, tetapi perawat berhasil mendapatkan, seperti, seperempat dari makan di pagi ini. " Sensei mengatakan, "Itu pasti sulit." Karma bulu, tapi dia melanjutkan, "Untuk melihat seseorang yang Anda kagumi kekuatan jatuh begitu lemah, yang." "Sensei, Anda benar-benar mencoba untuk membuat ini menjadi sesuatu keunggulan, bukan?" Karma berjuang untuk menjaga suaranya bersih dan netral. "Ini bukan tentang Gakushuu tidak menjadi kuat. Kekuatannya bukan sesuatu begitu murah. " "Jauh dari itu, Karma-kun," kata Sensei. "Aku lebih tertarik pada persepsi Anda tentang cinta. Apakah Anda pikir itu berarti menempatkan pada wajah berani, bahkan dalam menghadapi kesulitan, dan tidak membiarkan dia tahu bahwa Anda sedang berjuang juga? " Apakah itu apa itu cinta? Karma tidak tahu. Dia digunakan untuk berpikir cinta itu waktu yang baik, mencari selama pertemuan dewan dengan ekspresi hati-hati-crafted dari kebosanan melihat Gakushuu memutar matanya padanya seberang meja. Semakin kusut di satu sama lain dalam pekan malas lambat menghabiskan game atau membaca, atau cara mata violet pergi gelap dan berat dengan keinginan saat Karma menjilat bibirnya dengan cara tertentu. Hal-hal kecil seperti mengutak-atik resep bersama-sama dan memanggil satu sama lain sementara mereka bekerja. Kebahagiaannya adalah rumahnya, dan rumahnya di mana Gakushuu itu. Sekarang apa yang tersisa adalah compang-camping dari apa dulu. Cinta terlihat berbeda bila Anda tentang kehilangan itu; cinta mengubah dengan bentangan panjang lambat hari menunggu, dan memeras Anda keluar, seperti busur yang ditarik kencang terlalu lama. Hari-hari ini, cinta adalah serangan panik di tengah supermarket, berlutut di antara gang-gang dan berjuang untuk bernapas. Cinta adalah gelombang yang menyandang Anda di kehidupan, dan bagaimana jika yang hidup adalah salah satu bahagia? Cinta masih tetap. Cinta tidak akan pergi saat-saat buruk datang. Matanya bocor air mata. Dia larut di dalamnya. "Ini bukan tanda kelemahan berduka," kata Sensei. "Bahkan sebelum sesuatu terjadi. Berduka apa yang Anda hilang, tapi jangan lupa apa yang Anda masih memiliki. " Karma menyeringai turun di lutut buram nya. "Hei, yang tidak suara setengah mendalam keras karena mungkin lakukan di kepala Anda, Sensei." Sensei adalah diam. "Saya bertemu ayahnya," kata Karma tiba-tiba. Dia tidak pernah menangani diam dengan baik, dan tidak ini apa dia baik, pattering pada, dorongan pada retak dan menari jauh dari apa yang merangkak keluar? Troublemaker, terlalu pintar untuk kebaikan sendiri. Gakushuu menyukainya dan iri padanya untuk itu; untuk cara dia tidak pernah memiliki untuk mengukur setiap kata katanya, cara dia dapat mempertajam kata-katanya dan tidak peduli. Gakushuu kadang membaca orang lebih akurat daripada dia, tapi dia tidak pernah menyebabkan kesulitan untuk kepentingan itu. Karma berharap dia bisa memiliki ... baik, itu tidak penting lagi. Semua Karma tidak hari ini adalah keinginan dan keinginan dan bangun dengan rasa sakit menusuk yang mendalam di mana hatinya. "Asano Gakuho adalah orang yang rumit," kata Sensei. Karma huffs tertawa. Kedengarannya lemah dan putus asa di telinganya sendiri, sehingga ia mencakup mereka, menutup keluar dunia sejenak. "Anda bisa mengatakan itu lagi." Melihat ayah mertuanya, bahkan setelah rekonsiliasi, sudah seperti pisau untuk usus. Bagian dari itu telah menjadi cara dia tampak -eyes berjajar tapi waspada, rambut anggun berbalik arah abu-abu. Rasanya seperti melihat Gakushuu dalam dua puluh tahun lebih, Gakushuu karena ia tidak akan pernah. Dua puluh tahun lebih terdengar seperti salah satu dari keinginan berguna Karma, dan dia menelan bawah duka pahit dan meraih kemarahan sebaliknya. "Ne, Asano-san, itu menyenangkan? Mendengar bahwa anak Anda ditinggalkan akhirnya akan keluar dari cara Anda, tidak mengejar Anda lagi? "Dia mencondongkan tubuh ke depan, senyum aneh badut dilukis di wajahnya. Asano Gakuho tidak bergeming, atau melihat jauh. "Anda tidak harus menanggung dicintai lagi, bukan melegakan?" ayah-hukum-Nya telah terus menatapnya. Matanya lelah dan sedih, dan Karma, pada saat itu, merasa kemarahannya berkobar tinggi dan lebih terang dari sebelumnya. Ular ini di rumput tidak layak untuk merasa bahwa kelelahan atau sakit, penderitaan melihat hantu dari diri Gakushuu ini ia menjadi. Siapa pun yang melemparkan Gakushuu diri seperti bisa- bahwa "Ini bukan soal yang mencintai anak saya lebih, Anda atau saya, Akabane Karma," kata Gakuho lembut. "Ini telah melampaui melewati titik tersebut. Saya telah gagal, tidak hanya sebagai seorang ayah, karena aku bersedia mengakui, tetapi sebagai pelindung juga. Saya telah menjauh setiap kali ia mengulurkan tangan untuk saya. Motif saya tidak menahan berat badan; begitu juga dengan fakta bahwa saya melakukan itu semua karena cinta, karena cinta saya tidak memiliki arti ketika aku telah mengecewakannya begitu benar-benar. Hanya cinta hal Anda sekarang, Karma-kun. Anda selalu merawat seperti Gakushuu. Ingat iri dan mengabaikan penyesalan saya. Aku senang dia memiliki seseorang seperti Anda di sisinya. " The lembut, cara dipoles berbicara-laku dan irama, dan cara tangannya sesekali meraih tahi lalat di pipi fitur -a kirinya ia bersama dengan putra berusia-nya seolah-olah untuk meyakinkan hanya membuat Karma marah. Sebelumnya, ia melihat tua Asano sebagai orang Gakushuu jatuh pendek menjadi; setelah ia melihat Gakuho tanpa filter melanggar kesedihan, ia tampak lebih tua dari Karma awalnya pikir. Dia tampak seperti ada orang yang dua puluh sembilan anak tahun sedang sekarat: tipis, lelah, tua. Karma memikirkan Gakushuu, cara ia sangat sopan dan hormat kepada perawat, cara mereka tertawa dan tersenyum di sekelilingnya, kedekatan itu semua mendorong kembali oleh bagaimana tampan dan lembut dia: Prince Charming bernyanyi di ranjang kematiannya. Itu semua pergi ketika pintu menutup dan itu hanya mereka berdua, tekuk di bawah berat badan tapi tekuk bersama-sama. "Apakah Anda bodoh?" Karma sedikit keluar. "Itu saja? Apakah Anda cukup idiot untuk benar-benar berpikir itu saja, Anda sudah selesai? " kepala Gakuho tersentak, mata lebar. "Anda tidak hanya ... meninggalkan dia di belakang," kata Karma. Tinjunya terkepal di taplak meja putih cantik. "Kau tidak pergi karena Anda tidak dapat melihat dia di mata sekarang. Perasaan Anda tidak peduli sama sekali, tidak Anda mendapatkannya? Jika Anda mencintai dia sama sekali Anda tidak akan meninggalkan dia sendirian bahkan setelah Anda belajar pelajaran Anda. " Dia berdiri. Kepala Gakuho ini tertunduk, bahu ditarik Ada telah menjadi semacam kerinduan jauh dalam suaranya pada kesempatan langka Gakushuu berbicara tentang ayahnya.; Direktur menakjubkan. Ketika Karma telah mencoba untuk mengatakan, tapi kau luar biasa juga, Gakushuu telah terguncang kepala, keras kepala. Tidak, Direktur benar-benar menakjubkan. Karma mengatakan Sensei, "Dia mengatakan dia senang Gakushuu memiliki saya. Telah, tidak punya, yang merupakan perubahan yang menyegarkan, saya kira. Mendengar semua dokter itu, Anda akan berpikir dia enam kaki di bawah sudah. ​​" Dan di sana ia pergi lagi. Isak tangis hitching sedikit mengisi ruang; Karma baru-baru ini menemukan bahwa ia terdengar seperti seorang anak takut ketika ia menangis. Semakin banyak Anda tahu. Berudu kecil kesedihan menggeliat di dadanya; hatinya adalah rawa, dalam dan berlumpur dan hijau. Apa di sana? Gelap dan tenggelam, kehilangan sisi dia pikir dia bisa berpegang pada selama sisa hidupnya. Jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri. Sensei bergerak untuk menyerahkan kotak tisu tapi Karma ikan keluar gumpalan dari sakunya pertama; dia selalu datang siap untuk apa pun, dan hari ini dia siap untuk serangan tiba-tiba dan tak terkendali kesedihan. "Anda harus memberitahu Gakushuu-kun," kata Sensei. "Dia tidak akan mencintai Anda kurang untuk mengakui Anda akan kehilangan dia ketika dia pergi. Saya tidak berpikir kelemahan atau kekuatan memiliki banyak dampak pada hubungan Anda. Setelah semua, ia bersedia untuk membiarkan Anda melihat dia seperti ini, dan Anda, Karma-kun, tidak berpikir tentang dia secara berbeda dari yang Anda lakukan ketika dia dalam kondisi sehat. " "Ini tidak sesederhana itu." Ini isn ' t, itu? Dalam setengah tahun merupakan Karma masih akan sekitar dan Gakushuu akan hilang. Anak laki-laki dengan rambut dan mata violet karang yang mencium dengan mata tertutup dan dicampur jari-jarinya dengan Karma, persekongkolan dan indah. Sudah kemenangan terbesar dari kehidupan mereka, tidak itu? Dua keajaiban bergabung untuk menjadi tak terkalahkan. Mereka akan menarik karpet dari bawah alam semesta dengan yang satu. Mereka seharusnya tidak pernah gagal, selamanya tertawa di bawah sinar matahari belang-belang, brilian dan muda. Dimana telah hari-hari pergi? Proses menempatkan dirinya ba

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