The cold wind continued to blow.The desolate wilderness had finally re terjemahan - The cold wind continued to blow.The desolate wilderness had finally re Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The cold wind continued to blow.The

The cold wind continued to blow.

The desolate wilderness had finally returned to its former calm. But compared to earlier, atop the wild plains, there were a number of corpses as well as pools of blood. The aftermath of the battle was easily visible. The ground was cracked open in many places, and there was that giant crater, with that deep hole in the center of it. At this moment, a black Shadowmouse slowly, wearily crawled out of that deep hole.

“Boss.” Bebe’s body was stained red, blood matting his fur.

Bebe was staring forward in concern. He saw that Linley was lying there, not moving at all. Although the Cherub, thanks to the influence of the Bloodviolet sword’s baleful aura, had seen its attack weakened, the force of its blow was still several times greater than that of the Two-Winged Angels.

Bebe scurried forward, arriving next to Linley.

“Boss, you okay?” Bebe mentally transmitted. Bebe was very worried. Right now, Linley’s chest had an astonishingly deep indentation, with over half of the scales on his chest shattered and fallen. Fresh blood had dyed Linley’s chest totally red, and Linley’s face was very pale. His eyes were closed.

Slowly, Linley opened his eyes, looking at Bebe.

“I’m fine. Bebe. Don’t move my body.” Linley’s voice rang out in Bebe’s mind.

Bebe nodded obediently, settling into a curl near Linley’s body.

“This time, I was wounded very badly.” Linley felt that his chest was wracking him with severe pain with each breath he took. Linley’s only option was to urge the Dragonblood battle-qi in his vessels to help repair some of the damage he had taken, in accordance with the method prescribed in the ‘Secret Dragonblood Manual’. As a Supreme Warrior, his recuperative abilities were quite formidable.

But this time, the injury really was very severe.

The Dragonblood battle-qi slowly flowed through each part of his body, as the unique energy of the Dragonblood in his veins slowly seeped into his blood vessels and heart. As for his chest, which had suffered the majority of the damage this time, after it drew some of the special energy from his Dragonblood, Linley could feel it slowly begin to recover. With each breath, Linley could feel his chest slowly changing.

“In terms of regenerative speed, amongst the Four Supreme Warriors, the Dragonblood Warriors should be inferior to the Violetflame Warriors and the Undying Warriors.” In a time like this, this thought suddenly crossed Linley’s mind.

The Violetflame Warriors possessed incredibly strong regenerative abilities, and even had that freakishly powerful Nirvana Rebirth ability.

Unless their bodies were entirely destroyed, given enough time, a Violetflame Warrior would be able to recover to their peak condition.

“Huff.” “Puff.”

The sound of Linley’s breathing grew louder and louder, as his damaged chest continued to recuperate. At the same time, the black scales covering Linley’s body retracted, as did his spikes and his tail. In the blink of an eye, Linley returned to his normal human form. But despite now being in human form, Linley’s body was still covered in blood, and the injury to his chest was as severe as ever.

As time passed, the night began to deepen.

The cold wind blew drearily. The light of the moon was totally blocked by the clouds. But Linley and Bebe paid no heed to the weather at all.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Angin dingin terus pukulan.Padang gurun tandus akhirnya kembali ke mantan tenang. Tapi dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya, di atas dataran liar, ada sejumlah mayat serta kolam darah. Setelah pertempuran adalah mudah terlihat. Tanah adalah retak terbuka di banyak tempat, dan ada kawah yang besar, dengan lubang yang mendalam di pusat itu. Saat ini, Shadowmouse hitam perlahan-lahan, letih merangkak keluar dari lubang yang mendalam."Boss." Tubuh Bebe yang diwarnai merah, darah anyaman bulunya.Bebe menatap ke depan dalam keprihatinan. Ia melihat bahwa Linley itu terbaring di sana, tidak bergerak sama sekali. Meskipun kerub berkat pengaruh pedang Bloodviolet buruk aura, telah melihat serangan yang melemah, kekuatan pukulan yang adalah masih beberapa kali lebih besar daripada para malaikat Two-Winged.Bebe bergegas ke depan, tiba di Linley."Bos, Anda Oke?" Bebe mental menular. Bebe adalah sangat khawatir. Tepat sekarang, Linley's dada telah mengejutkan dalam indentasi, dengan lebih dari setengah dari sisik di dadanya hancur dan jatuh. Darah segar sudah dicelup dada Linley's benar-benar merah, dan Linley's wajah adalah sangat pucat. Ditutup matanya.Perlahan-lahan, Linley membuka matanya, memandang Bebe."Aku baik-baik saja. Bebe. Jangan bergerak tubuhku." Linley di suara berdering diingat Bebe's.Bebe mengangguk patuh, menetap dalam ikal dekat Linley di tubuh."Saat ini, saya terluka sangat buruk." Linley merasa bahwa dadanya wracking dia dengan sakit parah dengan setiap napas yang ia mengambil. Linley's satunya pilihan adalah untuk mendesak Dragonblood pertempuran-qi dalam pembuluh nya untuk membantu memperbaiki beberapa kerusakan yang ia mengambil, sesuai dengan metode yang ditentukan dalam 'Rahasia Dragonblood Manual'. Sebagai seorang prajurit yang tertinggi, kemampuannya yg yang cukup tangguh.Tapi kali ini, cedera benar-benar adalah sangat parah.Dragonblood pertempuran-qi perlahan-lahan mengalir melalui setiap bagian dari tubuh-Nya, sebagai energi yang unik dari Dragonblood dalam pembuluh darahnya perlahan meresap ke dalam pembuluh darah dan hati-Nya. Seperti untuk dada, yang telah mengalami sebagian besar kerusakan ini waktu, setelah itu menarik sebagian energi khusus dari Dragonblood nya, Linley bisa merasakan perlahan-lahan mulai pulih. Dengan setiap napas, Linley bisa merasakan dadanya perlahan berubah."Dalam hal kecepatan regeneratif, antara empat tertinggi Warriors, Dragonblood Warriors harus lebih rendah daripada para prajurit Violetflame dan para prajurit yang abadi." Di saat seperti ini, pikiran ini tiba-tiba terlintas dalam pikiran Linley's.Para prajurit Violetflame memiliki kemampuan regeneratif yang sangat kuat, dan bahkan memiliki kemampuan Nirvana kelahiran kembali itu freakishly kuat.Kecuali tubuh mereka dihancurkan sepenuhnya, diberikan cukup waktu, seorang prajurit Violetflame akan mampu memulihkan kondisi puncak mereka."Huff." "Puff."Suara Linley bernapas semakin keras dan keras, sebagai dadanya yang rusak terus memulihkan diri. Pada saat yang sama, sisik hitam yang menutupi tubuh Linley's ditarik kembali, seperti halnya paku nya ekornya. Dalam sekejap mata, Linley kembali ke bentuk manusia normal. Tetapi meskipun sekarang dalam bentuk manusia, Linley's tubuh tetap berlumuran darah dan cedera ke dada adalah sebagai parah seperti biasa.Seiring waktu berlalu, malam mulai memperdalam.Angin dingin meniup drearily. Cahaya bulan benar-benar diblokir oleh awan. Tetapi Linley dan Bebe tidak mengindahkan cuaca sama sekali.
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