
Moratti: "Fiero dell'Inter, un Kova

Moratti: "Fiero dell'Inter, un Kovacic grande! E
voler buttare via tutto..." 14.03.2013 22:34 di Fabrizio Romano Fonte: Inter Channel articolo letto 15965 volte "Trovo questa partita perfetta", a esprimersi così è il
presidente nerazzurro Massimo Moratti, ai microfoni di Inter Channel, a fine gara. "I giocatori
hanno fatto quanto la stampa non voleva prevedere,
hanno tirato fuori tutto l'orgoglio, sono stati pericolosi.
Siamo tutti molto fieri di questa squadra, posso solo
fare loro i complimenti. Poi siamo usciti fuori, ok, ma
se fosse stata Coppa dei Campioni forse sarei molto più dispiaciuto... (sorride, ndr)". "Certamente - prosegue poi il presidente - i
supplementari potranno forse appesantire in vista del
campionato ma psicologicamente questa gara è
importantissima. Tutti noi tifosi, quando la squadra va
male, butteremmo via tutti, poi invece quando le cose
vanno bene capisci meglio le qualità di tutti: stasera abbiamo visto di poter contare su alcuni giovani ma
anche su alcuni non giovani, che hanno carattere e
orgoglio. Questo mix, questa proiezione, è quella che
va mantenuta. Kovacic? Ha una grande personalità, sa
vedere il gioco, ha grande maturità".
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Moratti: "proud of Inter, a great Kovacic!
and want to throw it all away ..." 14/03/2013 22:34 fabrizio Roman source: inter channel article read 15965 times "I find this perfect match," so to speak is the
Inter president Massimo Moratti, speaking on inter channel, after the race. "
Players have done what the press did not want to predict
have pulled out all the pride, were dangerous.
we are all very proud of this team, I can only do them
compliments. then we went outside, ok, but
if it was the Champions League maybe I would be very disappointed ... more (Laughs, ndr) "." Of course - continues the president - i
may perhaps additional burden in view of
championship but psychologically this race is very important
. all of us fans, when the team goes
evil, butteremmo all away, but then when things are going well
better understand the quality of all: tonight we have seen that they can count on some young
but also some not so young, who have character
and pride. this mix, this projection is that
must be maintained. Kovacic?has a great personality, knows
see the game, it has great maturity. "
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Moratti: "Proud of Inter, a great! Kovacic E
want to throw away everything ... " 14.03.2013 22:34 by Fabrizio Romano source: Inter Channel article read 15965 times "I find this perfect match", to express itself so is
Nerazzurri President Massimo Moratti, the Inter Channel microphones, at the end of the race. "The players have done what
la stampa was unwilling to predict,
they pulled out all the pride, were hazardous.
we are all very proud of this team, I can only make their compliments
. Then we left out, ok, but
if it were European Cup maybe I'd be much more disappointed. ... (smiles). "Of course-then the Chairman-additional may perhaps weigh
the League but psychologically this race is very important
. All of us fans when the team goes bad,
butteremmo away, then when things go well you understand better
qualities of all: tonight we have seen can count on some young people but also on some not
young, who have character and
pride. This mix, this projection is what
is maintained. Kovacic? Has a great personality, sa
see the game, has great maturity ".
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
Moratti: "proud of the Inter, a Kovacic great! AND
you want to throw everything away ... " 03.14.2013 10:34 PM of Fabrizio Roman Source: Inter Channel article read 15965 times "I find this perfect game", to express themselves as well and the
Nerazzurri president Massimo Moratti, microphones of Inter Channel, at the end of the race. "The players
have done what the press did not want to provide,
They have pulled out all the pride, were dangerous.
We are all very proud of this team, I can only
do their compliments. Then we came out ok, but
if it was Cup of Champions maybe i would have much more sorry ... (Smiles, ndr) ,. "Certainly - continues the president - the
additional may perhaps overloading in view of the
Championship but psychologically this race and
very important. All of us fans when the team goes
evil, butteremmo track all, rather then when things
go well you understand better the quality of all: tonight we have seen we can count on some young but
also on some not young people, that have character and
pride. This mix, this projection, it is the one that
must be maintained. Kovacic?Has a great personality, sa
see the game, has a great maturity".
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