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Gu Bei tahu bahwa ini klan Gu, mengancam di jalan besar kepadanya, bukanlah Gu Heng, tetapi adalah tiga penatua Gu Yu!Gu Heng adalah Gu Yu mempromosikan sepotong permainan papan yang datang panggung, tapi bagian permainan papan ini dibuang sekarang!Gu Heng linglung.Setelah Gu Bei dingin memandang Gu Heng, telah telah melengkung cuping satu tangan yang lain di dada Gu Tianlong, Gu Ya et al. sedikit., Gu klan mempunyai perubahan berita untuk menyebarkan cepat.Di kamar rahasia panjang Tianming.Tahu setelah berita ini, kemarahan kekerasan Tianming lama tak tertandingi."Gu Heng ini sampah, sampah, sampah!" Panjang Tianming raung marah, ia sedang mempersiapkan untuk beberapa Gu Heng rohani batu, membiarkan Gu Heng dapat mengalihkan Gu Bei setan aliansi, tetapi sekarang, Gu Heng ditutup kurungan, Semua ini adalah keluar dari pertanyaan secara radikal.Mungkin pengaruh Gu Heng, segera akan dimasukkan oleh aliansi setan.Berdiri di sudut Gu klan, pengaruh yang membentuk Gu Heng, setelah bagian Gu klan, akan tidak menyerahkan di tenaga kerja dari keluarga lain mudah!Gu klan di sini situasi tidak telah menguasai sepenuhnya, tetapi dalam Dragon Seal Keluarga, pengaruh panjang Yuyin juga meningkat dengan cepat. Sisi Ashen api keluarga, berhubungan dekat Sky Alliance dengan aliansi setan, memperluas ayun.Bahkan jika panjang Tianming, merasa ancaman besar!Rising of these three influences, have aimed at a person, that is Nie Li!Nie Li is living, making Long Tianming think to sleep on pins and needles.Since Nie Li continuously hidden in secretly, but this made Long Tianming feel a bigger threat on the contrary.Now Gu Heng this board game piece was discarded, that can only come fight!Long Tianming narrowed the eye slightly, in the eye pupil has flashed through wisp of ominous light, Nie Li surprises him a little, really had the ability, was that is also what kind. He will make Nie Li understand, the Divine Feather Sect pattern, is not a Nie Li person can change!Nie Li hides in the place bottom shortly. Outside that grand Ghost Temple, just likes the illusion bubble is then ordinary. Vanished without the trace.But accumulation in the Ghost Temple surrounding person, reluctantly diverges.The Nie Li thought moves, comes out from Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting, leaps suddenly, leaps the body from earth, then has taken back in Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting Soul Sea.Xiao Yu is still practicing, that makes Xiao Yu continue to stay in Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting.Has moved the physique, now is the Heavenly Star Realm peak. Had the one pace from Heavenly Axis Realm, this feeling was very good.Nie Li grazes in the Divine Feather Sect direction.Divine Feather Sect.„Nie Li, you came back finally!” Saw Nie Li, Liu Piao has beaten the chest of Nie Li excitedly, although Nie Li Fate Soul has kept in Soul Hall, but Liu Piao was Nie Li is being unavoidably also worried.Nie Li has smiled saying with a smile: „Delays outside.” Did not have to say anything again, outside these experiences, were a long story.Gu Bei appears mood quite good appearance, said with a smile: „ You not in these days, Gu Heng was punished the confinement 30 years. His influence under had taken over control of by me. ”The Nie Li eyebrow selects, although he has this psychology to prepare, but has not thought that Gu Bei is so competent. Unexpectedly how quickly Gu Heng chasing off the stage.„The Gu Heng buttocks are unclean, in this situation also wants instead to nip my one unexpectedly! Moreover elder who he becomes friends with, is the people with no mind of his own of leaning both ways.” Gu Bei smiled to say.„Um, on the day of Gu Heng will sooner or later have, this as I expected.” Nie Li nodded to say.Gu Bei has thought of anything suddenly, said: „Heard that Long Tianming outside Train, ob
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