With a large stand-alone room inside the Huadeli Hotel, there were sev terjemahan - With a large stand-alone room inside the Huadeli Hotel, there were sev Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

With a large stand-alone room insid

With a large stand-alone room inside the Huadeli Hotel, there were several seats as well as three experts who had been standing guard every day.

“Young master Yale.” The three warriors of the seventh rank bowed respectfully.

Yale nodded and smiled slightly. “Uncle Maia, please view to your heart’s content.” As he spoke, Yale gave a sharp tug to the heavy covering over the sculpture, revealing the enormous work of art. Those five beautiful women were incomparably immaculate and fine. One an image of tender love, another an adorable innocence, a third all bashful and shy, the fourth passionate and stirring, and the last…heartless.

All of them seemed to be as real as an actual person.

Seeing these five human shapes within the sculpture, Director Maia’s mouth hung open, and he stared at it, stunned, for a long time.

After a long time…

“Incredible. Incredible.” Only now did Director Maia awaken from his stupor. “This sculpture is at the master level, at the very least. A sculpture which links together five different human figures, all totally lifelike? How much effort did this cost? In terms of carving time alone, at least a year must have been spent on it.”

Director Maia knew very well how much effort sculpting took.

It took so much effort that sometimes, in the middle of carving a sculpture, a master sculptor might suddenly vomit blood and pass out from the exertion. In history, there were people who died in the middle of their sculpting. Sculptures such as this were formed from blood and effort.

“For a seventeen year old to be able to produce this sculpture is simply…simply…” Director Maia was at a loss for words. He excitedly walked closer to the sculpture for a closer examination. “Whether or not this sculpture is on par with the Ten Masterpieces requires further inspection from multiple angles.”

As he spoke, Director Maia glued himself next to the sculpture, beginning to carefully inspect every single carved line.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
With a large stand-alone room inside the Huadeli Hotel, there were several seats as well as three experts who had been standing guard every day.“Young master Yale.” The three warriors of the seventh rank bowed respectfully.Yale nodded and smiled slightly. “Uncle Maia, please view to your heart’s content.” As he spoke, Yale gave a sharp tug to the heavy covering over the sculpture, revealing the enormous work of art. Those five beautiful women were incomparably immaculate and fine. One an image of tender love, another an adorable innocence, a third all bashful and shy, the fourth passionate and stirring, and the last…heartless.All of them seemed to be as real as an actual person.Seeing these five human shapes within the sculpture, Director Maia’s mouth hung open, and he stared at it, stunned, for a long time.After a long time…“Incredible. Incredible.” Only now did Director Maia awaken from his stupor. “This sculpture is at the master level, at the very least. A sculpture which links together five different human figures, all totally lifelike? How much effort did this cost? In terms of carving time alone, at least a year must have been spent on it.”Director Maia knew very well how much effort sculpting took.It took so much effort that sometimes, in the middle of carving a sculpture, a master sculptor might suddenly vomit blood and pass out from the exertion. In history, there were people who died in the middle of their sculpting. Sculptures such as this were formed from blood and effort.“For a seventeen year old to be able to produce this sculpture is simply…simply…” Director Maia was at a loss for words. He excitedly walked closer to the sculpture for a closer examination. “Whether or not this sculpture is on par with the Ten Masterpieces requires further inspection from multiple angles.”As he spoke, Director Maia glued himself next to the sculpture, beginning to carefully inspect every single carved line.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan ruang yang berdiri sendiri besar di dalam Huadeli Hotel, ada beberapa kursi serta tiga ahli yang telah berjaga-jaga setiap hari. "Tuan muda Yale." Tiga prajurit dari peringkat ketujuh membungkuk hormat. Yale mengangguk dan tersenyum sedikit . "Paman Maia, silakan lihat ke isi hati Anda." Sambil berbicara, Yale memberi tarikan tajam untuk menutupi berat atas patung, mengungkapkan karya besar seni. Kelima wanita cantik yang tak terbandingkan rapi dan baik-baik saja. Salah satu gambar cinta lembut, lain sebuah kepolosan menggemaskan, sepertiga semua malu-malu dan pemalu, yang bergairah keempat dan pengadukan, dan yang terakhir ... berperasaan. Semua dari mereka tampaknya nyata seperti orang yang sebenarnya. Melihat lima bentuk manusia ini di patung, mulut Direktur Maia menggantung terbuka, dan ia menatap itu, tertegun, untuk waktu yang lama. Setelah lama ... "Luar biasa. Luar biasa. "Baru sekarang Direktur Maia terbangun dari pingsan nya. "Patung ini adalah di tingkat master, setidaknya. Sebuah patung yang menghubungkan bersama-sama lima sosok manusia yang berbeda, semua benar-benar manusia hidup? Berapa banyak usaha melakukan biaya ini? Dalam hal waktu ukiran saja, setidaknya satu tahun harus telah dihabiskan di atasnya. "Direktur Maia tahu betul berapa banyak usaha mematung mengambil. Butuh banyak upaya yang kadang-kadang, di tengah-tengah ukiran patung, seorang pematung utama mungkin tiba-tiba muntah darah dan pingsan dari tenaga tersebut. Dalam sejarah, ada orang-orang yang meninggal di tengah mematung mereka. Patung seperti ini terbentuk dari darah dan usaha. "Untuk tujuh belas tahun untuk dapat menghasilkan patung ini hanya ... hanya ..." Direktur Maia adalah pada kehilangan kata-kata. Dia penuh semangat berjalan mendekati patung untuk pemeriksaan lebih dekat. "Apakah atau tidak patung ini adalah setara dengan Sepuluh Karya membutuhkan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut dari berbagai sudut." Sambil berbicara, Direktur Maia terpaku sendiri di samping patung, mulai memeriksa setiap baris diukir tunggal dengan hati-hati.

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