Waktu puasa aku pernah pinjam hpnya Al.Karena aku belum percaya kalo c terjemahan - Waktu puasa aku pernah pinjam hpnya Al.Karena aku belum percaya kalo c Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Waktu puasa aku pernah pinjam hpnya

Waktu puasa aku pernah pinjam hpnya Al.
Karena aku belum percaya kalo cewek yang kamu temui waktu itu adalah Al.
Jadi aku mau lihat hpnya Al ada nomor kamu atau tidak ternyata benar benar ada nomor kamu yang tidak tersimpan.
Dan aku melihat di daftar panggilan di hpnya Al.
Waktu itu masih puasa.
Terus aku lihat nomor kamu menghubungi dia setiap hari .
Dari mulai jam 4 pagi ketika sahur terus jam 7 pagi pokoknya semua panggilan benar benar ada karena sudah ada daftarnya.
Dan waktu aku cerita sama kamu kalo teman Al cerita sam aku kalo Al punya pacar mobilnya warna merah.
Terus pada waktu itu juga al sudah tidak pernah cerita lagi pasti kamu yang kasi tau dia y kan.
Tapi kenapa sampai sekarang kamu tidak mau jujur sama aku.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The time of fasting I ever borrow hpnya Al.Because I do not believe you meet girls reply that time was Al.So I want to see Al the mobile telephone number you there or not it turns out that really is no number you are not saved.And I look at the list of mobile telephone calls in the Al.That time is still fast.Keep I see the number you get in touch with him every day.From the beginning at 4 am when Suhoor hold 7 am anyway all the calls really exist because there is already a list.And when I reply the same story you friend Al story sam I kalo Al have boyfriends car is red.Keep at that time al already never the story again sure of you kasi tau he y kan.But why until now you do not want the same to be honest I was.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Fasting time I've borrowed hpnya Al.
Because I do not believe this if the girl you met at that time was Al.
So I want to see hpnya Al no number you or do not turn out right there your number is not saved.
And I saw in the call list in hpnya Al.
it was still fasting.
Then I see the number you call him every day.
From the start at 4 am when the dawn continue 7am substantially all the calls really exist because there with friends.
And when I got the same story you if a friend Al story sam i if Al had a boyfriend red car.
Keep at that time also al've never told you that kasi again definitely know he y right.
But why until now you were not willing to be honest with me.
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