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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
ATP-sensitif kalium (KATP) saluran duduk di persimpangan sel metabolisme dan membran Involuntary. Ini anggota dari keluarga dalam hati meluruskan K1 saluran diaktifkan oleh nukleotida Mg21-ound dan dihambat oleh intraseluler ATP (1). Dengan demikian, KATP saluran terbuka selama Serikatlow metabolic activity, resulting in hyperpolarization of the membrane, which has cytoprotective effects in vascular and neural tissues (2, 3). In high metabolism, KATP channel activity decreases and the resulting membrane depolarization triggers cellular responses such as insulin secretion (4). First described in ventricular myocytes (5, 6), KATP channels have been found in tissues throughout the body, including pancreatic b-cells (7), skeletal muscle (8), visceral and vascular smooth muscle (9), and brain (10, 11). Although roles in glucose homeostasis and ischemic protection are well established (12–14), novel functions of KATP channels continue to emerge: recognized as protective against neural apoptosis following a stroke (3), brain KATP channels have recently been implicated in memory (15) and in the regulation of male reproductive behavior (16). Mutations leading to absent, decreased, or hyperactive KATP channels have been linked to a variety of diseases, from mild and transient to severe and permanent neonatal diabetes (17–19), and efforts continue to be made to understand the implications of KATP channels in health and disease. Classic KATP channel openers, such as diazoxide and pinacidil, have been used to treat hypertension, angina, and hyperinsulinism of infancy, while antagonists such as sulfonylureas are established antidiabetic agents (20). The drug industry continues to exploit the tissue specific pharmacology of KATP channels in the design of novel therapeutic agents aimed at endocrine, vascular, neurological, urological, and even dermatological ailments (21). Here, we will summarize current understanding of the molecular biology, pharmacology, and physiology of KATP channels and the disease states that result from aberrant expression or function of these proteins, with a special focus on the pancreas and the cardiovascular system.
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