9.2 NON-COMPLIANCE REV. ISSUE AND / OR DESCRIPTION CHANGES Added 2 par. "Functional testing prolunJ?; To" rinwn. par. subsequent to 7, mod. title, par. 1 and 3 1 Elimination testing prohmga (mod.par. 1., 2., 3., 5., 8.1) 0 Issue JI. - - - • 2 TEC IIA / / l / "'QMS if" {!. --- QMS fi'JJ ,, 11 07/05/07 1 TEC , / QMS. If r --- QMS 15/07/02 0 TEC QMS K --- QMS 17/09/96 ENTITY-SIGNATURE SIGNATURE BODY-BODY-BODY-SIGNATURE SIGNATURE REV. WRITING CHECKS VERIFICATION OF APPROVAL DATA INTERFACE 1. PURPOSE @ © This procedure defines the mode of execution of testing tires and hydrostatic vents applied on ball valves fully welded. ln addition, it defines the modalities for the verification of operation and limit the extension. 2. LIABILITY © TI Service Quality Management and responsible for the proper execution of the tests, which are performed on 100% of the vents and valves with extension up to DN 80. 3. REQUISm GENERAL Q) The All vents (understood as a set consisting of "vent valve" and "vent pipe", welded together) must be subjected to hydrostatic testing and pneumatic, as a result of their application on a ball valve previously subjected to the tests described in the procedure QMS-105 "tests, inspections and tests", which are also subjected the vent valves before welding the vent pipes. @ All valves with extension up to DN 80 are to be subjected to functional testing and sealing, adapted to verify the correct positioning
The signature and the date of the inspector of the Negri brothers on the assembly cycle show that was given consent to the test, that the
same has had a favorable outcome and that it meets the requirements of this procedure. They must use appropriate measuring instruments (gauges) and calibrated. Calibration should be performed using gauge DOC. N ° QMS-117 REV. 2 .: PAGE 2 OF 6 4.
sample before each series of tests, understood as a group of tests carried out over six months (see procedure QMS-110). TYPES OF FLUID II hydrostatic testing is carried out using drinking water emulsified with mineral oil antioxidant in the amount of 2- 3% per liter. II tire testing is performed using dried air free of oil. PRESSURE AND DURATION TESTS DBI Not having been specified by international regulations, it is determined that the pressure and the duration of the tests are the following: type of testing Class Pressure Duration (bar) (min.) Testing Tyre All 5.5 5 Vent Hydrostatic test 150 / PN 20 30 2 Vent 300 / PN 50 75 2 10 15 2 PN 24 2 PN 16 - PN 25 38 2 40 60 2 PN case Customer requests pressures and / or different testing duration, will be given written instructions to operators. DOC.N ° QMS-117 REV. 2 .: PAGE 3 OF 6 6. HOW OPERATNE The tests are performed in the following sequence:
a) The valve is positioned on the test bench, with ball partially open.
b) They close the ends of the valve with sealing devices.
c) apply the far end of the caps free of the bleed valves, also with sphere partially open.
d) You fill the valve with emulsified water, emptying it of all the air contained in it.
e) Using the appropriate gauge calibrated, it applies press10ne testing according i1 par. 5 or according to the requirements of the customer written and keeps the pressure for the time indicated in par. 5 or as directed on the prescriptions written by the Customer.
f) It is not allowed any loss through the valve body or
through the vents.
a) It empties the valve completely.
b) With the valve and vents under the same conditions described in the previous paragraph, you prcssurizza air.
c) Using the appropriate gauge calibrated, applies press1one testing according i1 par. 5 or according to the prescriptions written by the Customer.
d) He plunges into the water valve and check pressure tightness of the welds of the vents and the same vent pipe.
e) It keeps the pressure for the time indicated in par. 5 or as directed on the prescriptions written by the Customer. DOC.N ° QMS-117 REV. 2 .: PAGE 4 OF 6 t) must not be detected leaks. 7. FUNCTIONAL TESTING OF EXTENSION a) Check correct and complet · · valve opening. · b) Position the valve suf test and close both ends with · seals. c) Enter into the air valve at a pressure of 6 atmospheres. d) Perform No. 3 drives to ensure proper maneuverability. e) Move ball in complete closure and release pressure on the ends. t) Check there is no leakage of fluid between the inner and seals. g) Place the ball in a position to fully open by checking the leakage of fluid trapped in the cavity of the valve body. h) It is not allowed any loss of ball and seal. @ 8. QUALITY CONTROL losses are not permitted during the performance of hydrostatic testing and tires. @ 9. The MODE CONTROL The pressure tests are carried out by qualified opciatori, under the responsibility and control of the Quality Service Guarantee. If necessary, the latter may require the repetition of tests. @
The valves that pass successfully the tests described above are marked with a green paint maccbia DOC.N ° QMS-117 REV.: 2 PAG .: 5 OF 6 @ I on the vent tube, as a result of the relative hydrostatic testing and tire. The operator is obligated to document the testing occurred by signing the assembly cycle. 9.2 NON-COMPLIANCE In the event of a negative result of the tests, the operator identifies the valves do not conform with the placement in special box marked red card, or by affixing singolannente on each valve a red card indicating that the valves can not be used. The operator compiles the report not Confonnita that will subject the person responsible for signing Warranty Service Quality, as the procedure QMS-108. DOC. N ° QMS-117 REV. 2 .: PAGE 6 OF 6
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