In the Fire Demon Prince eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly to  terjemahan - In the Fire Demon Prince eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly to  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the Fire Demon Prince eye pupil

In the Fire Demon Prince eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly to ab­sorb the cold bright­ness of per­son, is star­ing at Yan Yang Holy Son, said coldly ar­ro­gantly: „Today I do not want to be med­dle­some, Yan Yang, you lead all peo­ple to leave, I can let off you, oth­er­wise, you and your sub­or­di­nate, all peo­ple must hor­i­zon­tal corpse here!”
The Yan Yang eye­brow se­lects, de­sire to fight flam­ing, said: „Fire Demon Prince, al­though my strength is in­fe­rior to you, but my Sky­blaze Sect dis­ci­ple, has not been afraid of get­ting into trou­ble! If lives in peace with each other, if Demon God Sect must fight, my Sky­blaze Sect dis­ci­ple mo­men­tar­ily ac­com­pa­nies!”
„Snort, I must have a look at the Sky­blaze Sect per­son but ac­tu­ally, many abil­i­ties!” Fire Demon Prince coldly snort, bound­less enor­mous and pow­er­ful Aura, went to­ward Yan Yang tur­bu­lently.
Yan Yang also shouted an­grily, char­ac­ter­is­tics change rapidly, changes to a giant gold cer­atop beast, the whole body cov­ers en­tirely golden scale, im­pos­ing power and in­flu­ence.
„Be­fore me, dares to sum­mon Demon Spirit un­ex­pect­edly!” In the Fire Demon Prince eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly anger, the Human race strength com­pares in­fe­rior with Demon Clan were too many, there­fore Human race has then thought a mean method, that hunts and kills Demon Clan, en­ters within the body thus to ob­tain the for­mi­da­ble strength the Demon Clan Demon Spirit seal.
From Human race Demon Spir­i­tu­al­ist birth­day starts, Demon Clan and Human race then had the ab­solutely ir­rec­on­cil­able en­mity, the out­break of war gets stronger and stronger, wishes one could to ex­ter­mi­nate the op­po­site party thor­oughly.
The body of Fire Demon Prince, burnt the blaz­ing flame, en­tire void was shone by the flame bright red eye-catch­ingly, the fore­head shook slightly, an in­vis­i­ble strength swung sud­denly.
Two forms change to star­tled great wild goose sud­denly, two big Di­vine Sect Holy Son, al­most also get rid.
The flame shoots up to the sky, scat­ters in all di­rec­tions the splash, void as if must be torn gen­er­ally.
„Re­ally worthily is Sky­blaze Sect and Demon God Sect Holy Son, gets rid then if quickly time, po­ten­tial like star­tling thun­der­clap!” The Wu Yazi se­cret sigh said that his strength com­pares with these two Holy Son, that was misses many.
Two big Di­vine Sect Ex­pert also tan­gled war­fare, but they do not dare to ap­proach the places of two big Holy Son bat­tles, be­cause may the dis­persed com­ple­men­tary waves any­time kills.
Sud­denly the tac­ti­cal sit­u­a­tion be­came is even more in­tense.
Nie Li wrin­kled the brow. Yan Yang with one­self also cal­cu­lates that has the ca­sual ac­quain­tance, but Yan Yang wants to win Fire Demon Prince. This was too dif­fi­cult, but Fire Demon Prince wants to strike to kill Yan Yang, is ac­tu­ally not that sim­ple mat­ter. Al­though both sides were di­verted, but fights too in­tensely, Nie Li wants to open In­scrip­tion Pat­tern method is very dif­fi­cult mat­ter.
„Nie Li, what to do then should we?” Xiao Yu and Wu Yazi looked that in­quired to Nie Li.
„What to do can also? Waits!” The Nie Li sink­ing sound said that he starts Eyes Closed to main­tain men­tal tran­quil­ity. con­dense Cul­ti­va­tion, at­tacked to­ward Heav­enly Star Realm.
Sees the Nie Li ap­pear­ance, the Wu Yazi forced smile, Nie Li and Xiao Yu in such en­vi­ron­ment, can prac­tice re­lieved, is he ac­tu­ally can­not, he must give Nie Li to work as the body­guard!
When Yan Yang and Fire Demon Prince fight just in­tensely, an­other group of peo­ple graze, lead slaugh­ters in­nu­mer­ably. Pentabolt Demon Sect Hon­ored Thun­der God.
„Yo, has not thought that Sky­blaze Sect and Demon God Sect two big Holy Son both , is re­ally lively!” Hon­ored Thun­der God said self-im­por­tant. In the rank, he wanted high one sec­tion com­pared with Yan Yang and Fire Demon Prince.
Dur­ing Yan Yang and Fire
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In the Fire Demon Prince eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly to ab­sorb the cold bright­ness of per­son, is star­ing at Yan Yang Holy Son, said coldly ar­ro­gantly: „Today I do not want to be med­dle­some, Yan Yang, you lead all peo­ple to leave, I can let off you, oth­er­wise, you and your sub­or­di­nate, all peo­ple must hor­i­zon­tal corpse here!”The Yan Yang eye­brow se­lects, de­sire to fight flam­ing, said: „Fire Demon Prince, al­though my strength is in­fe­rior to you, but my Sky­blaze Sect dis­ci­ple, has not been afraid of get­ting into trou­ble! If lives in peace with each other, if Demon God Sect must fight, my Sky­blaze Sect dis­ci­ple mo­men­tar­ily ac­com­pa­nies!”„Snort, I must have a look at the Sky­blaze Sect per­son but ac­tu­ally, many abil­i­ties!” Fire Demon Prince coldly snort, bound­less enor­mous and pow­er­ful Aura, went to­ward Yan Yang tur­bu­lently.Yan Yang also shouted an­grily, char­ac­ter­is­tics change rapidly, changes to a giant gold cer­atop beast, the whole body cov­ers en­tirely golden scale, im­pos­ing power and in­flu­ence.„Be­fore me, dares to sum­mon Demon Spirit un­ex­pect­edly!” In the Fire Demon Prince eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly anger, the Human race strength com­pares in­fe­rior with Demon Clan were too many, there­fore Human race has then thought a mean method, that hunts and kills Demon Clan, en­ters within the body thus to ob­tain the for­mi­da­ble strength the Demon Clan Demon Spirit seal.From Human race Demon Spir­i­tu­al­ist birth­day starts, Demon Clan and Human race then had the ab­solutely ir­rec­on­cil­able en­mity, the out­break of war gets stronger and stronger, wishes one could to ex­ter­mi­nate the op­po­site party thor­oughly.The body of Fire Demon Prince, burnt the blaz­ing flame, en­tire void was shone by the flame bright red eye-catch­ingly, the fore­head shook slightly, an in­vis­i­ble strength swung sud­denly.Two forms change to star­tled great wild goose sud­denly, two big Di­vine Sect Holy Son, al­most also get rid.Rum­bling!The flame shoots up to the sky, scat­ters in all di­rec­tions the splash, void as if must be torn gen­er­ally.„Re­ally worthily is Sky­blaze Sect and Demon God Sect Holy Son, gets rid then if quickly time, po­ten­tial like star­tling thun­der­clap!” The Wu Yazi se­cret sigh said that his strength com­pares with these two Holy Son, that was misses many.Two big Di­vine Sect Ex­pert also tan­gled war­fare, but they do not dare to ap­proach the places of two big Holy Son bat­tles, be­cause may the dis­persed com­ple­men­tary waves any­time kills.Sud­denly the tac­ti­cal sit­u­a­tion be­came is even more in­tense.Nie Li wrin­kled the brow. Yan Yang with one­self also cal­cu­lates that has the ca­sual ac­quain­tance, but Yan Yang wants to win Fire Demon Prince. This was too dif­fi­cult, but Fire Demon Prince wants to strike to kill Yan Yang, is ac­tu­ally not that sim­ple mat­ter. Al­though both sides were di­verted, but fights too in­tensely, Nie Li wants to open In­scrip­tion Pat­tern method is very dif­fi­cult mat­ter.„Nie Li, what to do then should we?” Xiao Yu and Wu Yazi looked that in­quired to Nie Li.
„What to do can also? Waits!” The Nie Li sink­ing sound said that he starts Eyes Closed to main­tain men­tal tran­quil­ity. con­dense Cul­ti­va­tion, at­tacked to­ward Heav­enly Star Realm.
Sees the Nie Li ap­pear­ance, the Wu Yazi forced smile, Nie Li and Xiao Yu in such en­vi­ron­ment, can prac­tice re­lieved, is he ac­tu­ally can­not, he must give Nie Li to work as the body­guard!
When Yan Yang and Fire Demon Prince fight just in­tensely, an­other group of peo­ple graze, lead slaugh­ters in­nu­mer­ably. Pentabolt Demon Sect Hon­ored Thun­der God.
„Yo, has not thought that Sky­blaze Sect and Demon God Sect two big Holy Son both , is re­ally lively!” Hon­ored Thun­der God said self-im­por­tant. In the rank, he wanted high one sec­tion com­pared with Yan Yang and Fire Demon Prince.
Dur­ing Yan Yang and Fire
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam Api Setan Pangeran mata murid melewati lembut dan cepat menyerap kecerahan dingin orang, menatap Yan Yang Son Kudus, berkata dingin angkuh: "Hari ini saya tidak ingin menjadi usil, Yan Yang, Anda memimpin semua orang untuk pergi, aku bisa melepaskan Anda, jika tidak, Anda dan bawahan Anda, semua orang harus mayat horisontal di sini "!
The Yan yang alis memilih, keinginan untuk melawan menyala, mengatakan:" Api Setan Pangeran, meskipun kekuatan saya lebih rendah daripada Anda, tapi saya murid Skyblaze Sect, belum takut mendapatkan masalah! Jika hidup dalam damai satu sama lain, jika Setan Allah Sekte harus berjuang, saya murid Skyblaze Sekte sejenak menyertai! "
" Snort, saya harus lihat di orang Skyblaze Sekte tetapi sebenarnya, banyak kemampuan! "Api Setan Pangeran dingin mendengus, tak terbatas besar dan kuat Aura, pergi ke Yan yang turbulently.
Yan yang juga berteriak marah, karakteristik berubah dengan cepat, perubahan raksasa ceratop emas binatang, seluruh tubuh mencakup skala yang sama sekali emas, memaksakan kekuasaan dan pengaruh.
"Sebelum saya, berani untuk memanggil Iblis Roh tiba-tiba! "dalam Api Setan Pangeran mata murid melewati lembut dan cepat marah, kekuatan ras Human membandingkan rendah dengan Iblis Clan terlalu banyak, ras karena itu Manusia telah kemudian berpikir metode rata-rata, yang memburu dan membunuh Iblis Clan, memasuki dalam tubuh sehingga untuk mendapatkan kekuatan tangguh segel Iblis Clan Iblis Roh.
dari Manusia ras Iblis Spiritualist ulang dimulai, Demon Clan dan ras manusia kemudian memiliki permusuhan benar-benar tak terdamaikan, pecahnya perang menjadi lebih kuat dan lebih kuat, keinginan satu bisa untuk memusnahkan pihak lawan secara menyeluruh.
tubuh Api Setan Pangeran, dibakar api menyala, seluruh kekosongan itu bersinar dengan api mata-catchingly merah cerah, dahi sedikit gemetar, kekuatan tak terlihat berayun tiba-tiba.
Dua bentuk berubah kaget angsa liar besar tiba-tiba, dua besar Ilahi Sekte Anak Kudus, hampir juga menyingkirkan.
flame tunas ke langit, mencerai-beraikan segala arah splash, membatalkan seakan harus robek umumnya.
"Benar-benar layak adalah Skyblaze Sect dan Demon Allah Sect Anak Kudus, menghilangkan maka jika cepat waktu, potensi seperti petir mengejutkan! "kata Wu Yazi napas rahasia yang kekuatannya membandingkan dengan dua Anak Kudus ini, yang meleset banyak.
dua besar Ilahi Sekte Ahli juga kusut peperangan, tetapi mereka tidak berani mendekati tempat-tempat dua pertempuran Anak Kudus besar, karena mungkin gelombang komplementer tersebar kapan saja membunuh.
Tiba-tiba situasi taktis menjadi bahkan lebih intens.
Nie Li berkerut kening. Yan Yang dengan diri sendiri juga menghitung yang memiliki kenalan biasa, tapi yan Yang ingin menang Api Setan Prince. Ini terlalu sulit, tetapi Api Setan Pangeran ingin menyerang untuk membunuh Yan Yang, sebenarnya tidak masalah sederhana. Meskipun kedua belah pihak dialihkan, namun perkelahian terlalu intens, Nie Li ingin membuka metode Pola Prasasti adalah hal yang sangat sulit.
"Nie Li, apa yang harus dilakukan kemudian harus kita?" Xiao Yu dan Wu Yazi tampak bahwa bertanya ke Nie Li.
"Apa untuk melakukan bisa juga? Menunggu! "The Nie Li tenggelam suara mengatakan bahwa ia mulai Mata Tertutup untuk menjaga ketenangan mental. menyingkat Budidaya, menyerang ke arah Heavenly bintang Realm.
Melihat penampilan Nie Li, senyum Wu Yazi dipaksa, Nie Li dan Xiao Yu di lingkungan seperti, dapat berlatih lega, dia benar-benar tidak bisa, ia harus memberikan Nie Li bekerja sebagai pengawal!
ketika Yan Yang dan Api Setan Pangeran melawan hanya intens, kelompok orang lain merumput, menyembelih memimpin innumerably. Pentabolt Siluman Sekte Dimuliakan Allah Thunder.
"Yo, tidak berpikir bahwa Skyblaze Sect dan Demon Allah Sect dua besar Kudus Anak kedua, benar-benar hidup!" Dimuliakan Allah Thunder mengatakan dirinya penting. Di peringkat, dia ingin tinggi satu bagian dibandingkan dengan Yan Yang dan Api Iblis Prince.
Selama Yan Yang dan Api
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