4. Classification of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substancesA. Classification of Narcotics Law No. 22 of 1997a. Narcotics group I: narcotics that can only be used for the purpose of development of science and not used in therapy, as well as having a very high potential for causing dependence, missal: heroin, marijuana, cocaine.b. Narcotics Group II: narcotics that can only be used for the purpose of development of science and not used in therapy, as well as a high potential has resulted in a dependency, missal: morphine.c. Narcotics Group III: narcotics that can only be used for the purpose of development of science and not used in therapy, and has the potential of resulting in a mild dependency, missal: codein.B. Categorization psychotropic substances Act No. 5 of 1995a. type i: psychotropic drugs psychotropic substances which may only be used for the purposes of science and cannot be used in therapy, as well as a very strong potential has resulted in a dependency, missal: LSDb. psychotropic substances of Group II: psychotropic drugs that can only be used for the purposes of science and cannot be used in therapy, as well as strong potential has resulted in a dependency, missal: ampetamiin, metilfenidad.c. psychotropic substances of Group III: psychotropic drugs that can only be used for the purposes of science and cannot be used in therapy, and has the potential of being lead to dependency, missal: barbiturated. psychotropic substances of Group IV: psychotropic drugs are efficacious treatments and can be used in therapy and or objective science, missal: diazepam.5. Criminal penalties Against the crime of narcoticsConsidering how great the danger of abuse of Narcotics, then keep in mind beberapadasar the law applied against perpetrators of the crime of narcotics as well:a. RI law No. 8 of 1981 on the KUHAP2.b. legislation RI No. 7 of 1997 concerning the ratification of the United Nation Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Drug and Naarcotic Pshychotriphic Suybstances 1988 (United Nations Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and Psikotrapika a.c.).c. legislation RI No. 35 in 2009 about the Narcotics ACT in lieu of a RINo. 22 in 1997.For the perpetrators of the abuse of Narcotics may be subjected to law No. 35 tahun2009 about Illegals, it can be classified as follows:a. as a userSubject to the provisions under article 116 of the Criminal Act No. 35 tahun2009 about Illegals, with the threat of punishment of not longer than 15 years.b. as a hustlerIncur criminal provisions under article 81 and 82 Act No. 35 tahun2009 about illegals, with the longest penalty of 15 + fines.d. as a manufacturerSubject to the provisions under article 113 of the Criminal Act No. 35 of 2009, with a penalty of at least 15 years old/dead/lifetime + fines.
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