“Hey, Steven.”“Hmm?”“Y’know that saying? When life gives you lemons, y terjemahan - “Hey, Steven.”“Hmm?”“Y’know that saying? When life gives you lemons, y Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Hey, Steven.”“Hmm?”“Y’know that sa

“Hey, Steven.”


“Y’know that saying? When life gives you lemons, you gotta’ make lemonade?” Leo inquired.

“Yes… What about it?” The raven-haired man replied as he looked past his phone.

“Well… Now’s the time I want to drown you in lemonade.” The brunet stated as a vein pulsed on his forehead and his hands clutched at his wear.

The teen looked over himself once more as he could not use any words to describe it. He wore a blue gown that went down to his ankles and left himself sleeveless. It dazzled in many spots whilst he stood in the light. Little white straps were hung over the shoulders to keep the dress up and under the veil of glitter, the colours were a mixture of the blue sea. Along with them, a pair of white dancing slippers, similar to ballet shoes, were given and hair extensions were clipped, making him resemble a little like a certain female hospital patient.

Steven held a hand over his mouth whilst trembling from the amount of contained laughs. The man held his phone up towards the youth as he pressed repeatedly on the button, taking many shots of the brunet.

“Mind explaining to me why you had broken into my apartment, dragged me out of there, took me to a beautician and forced me into this!?!” Leo gestured to the gown as his voice grew to a higher pitch each word before reaching its peak.

The suited man swallowed the laugh and tucked the device away as he wiped a tear away from the corner of his eye.

“Well… You see...”


The raven-haired man entered the room as he held his usual cup of coffee in one hand and a rolled up newspaper tucked under his armpit. The man looked around before his eyes landed upon his leader and boss, standing along with the man’s butler as they were having a discussion.

“Shall we hire one?” The bandaged man questioned.

“It’s too late for one to come.” The red head replied as he held two fingers under his jaw. Intrigued by the talk, Steven paced his way over to the two. Klaus, being the first one to notice, greeted the man.

“Ah, good morning Steven.”

“Morning. What were you two talking about?” The dark-haired man asked.

“The young master has come up with a problem.” Gilbert answered.

“What kind?” Steven stared up to the taller man as he expected an answer from him. After seeing the leader turn his head away with a faint blush, the raven-haired man looked towards the butler for a reply.

“The young master had just recently been given a notification for one of his brother’s wedding in another country, taking three to four days. Since the Reinherz family is refined, they expect the young master to bring along a date of sort. Unfortunately, we have no lady of that description nor do we have anyone who is willing to volunteer.”

“Have you tried asking other Libra members?” Steven inquired.

“We have, but the answers we’ve received are from those who are too far away and those who can’t make it.” The combat butler explained.

“Really? Even Chain?” The dark-haired man asked as a brow lifted. The grey-haired man gave a nod.

“Then that’s what you meant when you wanted to hire someone. Someone to act as his date.” The other two men nodded. “Hmm… Now that’s a problem for you alright…” Steven said as he continued to hum to himself.

In the middle of the man’s thought, an idea had come to mind as it lit up like a light bulb.

“You guys asked almost all of the female Libra members… right?” He asked as the other two looked with a puzzled expression before giving another nod. A smile crept up on the raven-haired man’s face, almost splitting his face in half.

“I’ve got an idea.”

“Well, what may it be?” The red head spoke up.

“Don’t worry about it. When does your flight leave?”

“I believe eight o’clock tonight.” Klaus answered as he looked to the combat butler which gave a nod.

“Great! Just be here in the office at seven. I’ll have something arranged.” The scarred-man assured before turning back around to his seat and quickly walked over to it. Whilst he continued to hold onto the coffee and newspaper in one arm, the other pulled out his black phone before dialling in a few numbers.

Klaus observed for a while to get at least a hint of what the raven-haired man had in mind before looking away and turning to his personal desk.


“And so your idea was to get me to dress up as a woman, which took considerable amounts of pure torture including waxing, grating and make-up, and become Mister Klaus’ supposed date!?!” Leo questioned as he had nearly killed voice.

“Essentially.” Steven as he held the usual smug grin. The brunet observed the smile for a moment as his head began to release steam and the youth had to sit down with his hands to his temples.

“Hold on. Brain cramp. Too many problems with your idea.” The teen said.

“Like what?”

“One, My voice, they’re obviously gonna’ know I’m a guy. Two, the longer we be there, the longer I have to stay in something like this. Three, what happens when I need to take a toilet break? Four, my eyes.”

“Well, one, you just have to heighten your voice just like a second ago and no one will know. Two, I had prepared two luggage worth of clothes with many different outfits along with some help with a few people when putting make-up on. Three, Mister Gilbert will escort you to a private restroom and four, if you keep them closed or wear contacts, no one will be able to tell you have them.” Steven answered one by one. “Anything else?”

“Much!” Leo stated as he stood up from his position. Steven chuckled to himself before pulling out his phone once more. His eyes shot up a little as if surprised.

“Well look at the time. We have to get you to the office, pronto.” Steven quickly pocketed the phone before grabbing a hold of the youth’s arm, causing a small yelp as he was dragged out of the empty beauty store. The man had called the manager as they agreed to use the shop as a base of operations and design the teen's new look.

The brunet tried to protest, but quickly cut his voice as they stepped out into the public and many eyes witnessed him. He blushed and held his head down to cover his face whilst he continued to be dragged by the ‘Esmarelda Blood Freeze’ user.

Without realizing the man had come to a stop, the teen ran into his back. Leo looked up to find his location, but was quickly pushed from behind as the raven-haired man released him and stepped behind before shoving the youth into the vehicle. With another yelp escaping his mouth, the brunet sat up straight as he rubbed the back of his head and looked around.

He observed the vehicle as it was in a deep black colour with grey-coloured seating. It wasn’t too small nor was it too big. From the front of the car, the door opened as Steven stepped in and sat on the driver’s seat, buckling his seat belt and grabbing his keys as he started the engine. In the back, the youth had tried to sit in the most comfortable position he could find, but with the gown, it was making it harder than it looked.

“Couldn’t you have found something more comfortable?”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Hey, Steven.”“Hmm?”“Y’know that saying? When life gives you lemons, you gotta’ make lemonade?” Leo inquired.“Yes… What about it?” The raven-haired man replied as he looked past his phone.“Well… Now’s the time I want to drown you in lemonade.” The brunet stated as a vein pulsed on his forehead and his hands clutched at his wear.The teen looked over himself once more as he could not use any words to describe it. He wore a blue gown that went down to his ankles and left himself sleeveless. It dazzled in many spots whilst he stood in the light. Little white straps were hung over the shoulders to keep the dress up and under the veil of glitter, the colours were a mixture of the blue sea. Along with them, a pair of white dancing slippers, similar to ballet shoes, were given and hair extensions were clipped, making him resemble a little like a certain female hospital patient.Steven held a hand over his mouth whilst trembling from the amount of contained laughs. The man held his phone up towards the youth as he pressed repeatedly on the button, taking many shots of the brunet.“Mind explaining to me why you had broken into my apartment, dragged me out of there, took me to a beautician and forced me into this!?!” Leo gestured to the gown as his voice grew to a higher pitch each word before reaching its peak.The suited man swallowed the laugh and tucked the device away as he wiped a tear away from the corner of his eye.“Well… You see...” ~Earlier~The raven-haired man entered the room as he held his usual cup of coffee in one hand and a rolled up newspaper tucked under his armpit. The man looked around before his eyes landed upon his leader and boss, standing along with the man’s butler as they were having a discussion.“Shall we hire one?” The bandaged man questioned.“It’s too late for one to come.” The red head replied as he held two fingers under his jaw. Intrigued by the talk, Steven paced his way over to the two. Klaus, being the first one to notice, greeted the man.“Ah, good morning Steven.”“Morning. What were you two talking about?” The dark-haired man asked.“The young master has come up with a problem.” Gilbert answered.“What kind?” Steven stared up to the taller man as he expected an answer from him. After seeing the leader turn his head away with a faint blush, the raven-haired man looked towards the butler for a reply.“The young master had just recently been given a notification for one of his brother’s wedding in another country, taking three to four days. Since the Reinherz family is refined, they expect the young master to bring along a date of sort. Unfortunately, we have no lady of that description nor do we have anyone who is willing to volunteer.”“Have you tried asking other Libra members?” Steven inquired.“We have, but the answers we’ve received are from those who are too far away and those who can’t make it.” The combat butler explained.“Really? Even Chain?” The dark-haired man asked as a brow lifted. The grey-haired man gave a nod.“Then that’s what you meant when you wanted to hire someone. Someone to act as his date.” The other two men nodded. “Hmm… Now that’s a problem for you alright…” Steven said as he continued to hum to himself.In the middle of the man’s thought, an idea had come to mind as it lit up like a light bulb.“You guys asked almost all of the female Libra members… right?” He asked as the other two looked with a puzzled expression before giving another nod. A smile crept up on the raven-haired man’s face, almost splitting his face in half.“I’ve got an idea.”“Well, what may it be?” The red head spoke up.“Don’t worry about it. When does your flight leave?”“I believe eight o’clock tonight.” Klaus answered as he looked to the combat butler which gave a nod.“Great! Just be here in the office at seven. I’ll have something arranged.” The scarred-man assured before turning back around to his seat and quickly walked over to it. Whilst he continued to hold onto the coffee and newspaper in one arm, the other pulled out his black phone before dialling in a few numbers.Klaus observed for a while to get at least a hint of what the raven-haired man had in mind before looking away and turning to his personal desk. ~Present~"Dan jadi ide Anda untuk mendapatkan saya untuk berpakaian sebagai seorang wanita, yang mengambil sejumlah murni penyiksaan, termasuk waxing, diparut dan make-up, dan menjadi Mister Klaus' seharusnya tanggal!?!" Leo dipertanyakan ketika ia hampir membunuh suara."Pada dasarnya." Steven sebagai dipegangnya menyeringai puas biasa. Brunet diamati senyum sejenak sebagai kepalanya mulai mengeluarkan uap dan pemuda harus duduk bersama dengan tangannya pelipisnya."Tunggu. Kram otak. Terlalu banyak masalah dengan ide Anda." Remaja mengatakan."Seperti apa?""Satu, suara, mereka jelas akan ' tahu i'ma guy. Dua, semakin lama kita berada di sana, semakin lama aku harus tinggal di sesuatu seperti ini. Tiga, apa yang terjadi ketika saya harus mengambil istirahat toilet? Empat, mata saya.""Yah, satu, Anda hanya perlu meningkatkan suara Anda seperti kedua yang lalu dan tidak ada seorang pun akan tahu. Dua, aku telah menyiapkan dua nilai Bagasi pakaian dengan banyak pakaian yang berbeda dengan beberapa bantuan dengan beberapa orang ketika menempatkan make-up pada. Tiga, Mister Gilbert akan mengantar Anda ke toilet pribadi dan empat, jika Anda menyimpan mereka tertutup atau memakai kontak, tak seorang pun akan dapat memberi tahu Anda memiliki mereka. Steven menjawab satu per satu. "Apa pun?""Banyak!" Leo menyatakan seperti dia berdiri dari jabatannya. Steven tertawa sendiri sebelum mencabut telepon sekali lagi. Matanya terangkat sedikit seolah-olah terkejut.“Well look at the time. We have to get you to the office, pronto.” Steven quickly pocketed the phone before grabbing a hold of the youth’s arm, causing a small yelp as he was dragged out of the empty beauty store. The man had called the manager as they agreed to use the shop as a base of operations and design the teen's new look.The brunet tried to protest, but quickly cut his voice as they stepped out into the public and many eyes witnessed him. He blushed and held his head down to cover his face whilst he continued to be dragged by the ‘Esmarelda Blood Freeze’ user.Without realizing the man had come to a stop, the teen ran into his back. Leo looked up to find his location, but was quickly pushed from behind as the raven-haired man released him and stepped behind before shoving the youth into the vehicle. With another yelp escaping his mouth, the brunet sat up straight as he rubbed the back of his head and looked around.He observed the vehicle as it was in a deep black colour with grey-coloured seating. It wasn’t too small nor was it too big. From the front of the car, the door opened as Steven stepped in and sat on the driver’s seat, buckling his seat belt and grabbing his keys as he started the engine. In the back, the youth had tried to sit in the most comfortable position he could find, but with the gown, it was making it harder than it looked.“Couldn’t you have found something more comfortable?”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

"Hei, Steven." "Hmm?" "Kau tahu bahwa mengatakan? Ketika hidup memberi Anda lemon, Anda harus 'membuat limun? "Leo bertanya. "Ya ... Apa itu?" The berambut hitam pria menjawab sambil melihat masa lalu teleponnya. "Nah ... Sekarang saatnya saya ingin tenggelam Anda dalam limun . "The berambut coklat dinyatakan sebagai urat berdenyut di dahi dan tangannya mencengkeram pakaian nya. remaja tampak lebih dirinya sekali lagi karena ia tidak bisa menggunakan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan hal itu. Dia mengenakan gaun biru yang turun ke pergelangan kaki dan meninggalkan dirinya tanpa lengan. Ini silau di banyak tempat sementara ia berdiri di dalam terang. Tali putih kecil yang menggantung di atas bahu untuk menjaga berdandan dan di bawah selubung glitter, warna adalah campuran dari laut biru. Seiring dengan mereka, sepasang sandal menari putih, mirip dengan sepatu balet, diberi dan ekstensi rambut yang dipotong, membuatnya menyerupai sedikit seperti pasien rumah sakit wanita tertentu. Steven diadakan tangan di mulutnya sementara gemetar dari jumlah yang terkandung tertawa. Pria itu memegang telepon ke arah pemuda sambil menekan berulang kali pada tombol, mengambil banyak gambar dari berambut coklat itu. "Pikiran menjelaskan kepada saya mengapa Anda telah dipecah menjadi apartemen saya, menyeret saya keluar dari sana, membawa saya ke kecantikan dan dipaksa saya ke ini!?! "Leo menunjuk ke gaun sebagai suaranya tumbuh ke lapangan lebih tinggi setiap kata sebelum mencapai puncaknya. Orang cocok menelan tertawa dan terselip perangkat menjauh saat ia mengusap air mata dari sudut matanya . "Yah ... Anda lihat ..." ~ ~ Sebelumnya The berambut hitam pria memasuki ruangan sambil memegang cangkir biasa kopi di satu tangan dan digulung koran yang terselip di bawah ketiaknya. Pria itu melihat sekeliling di depan matanya mendarat pada pemimpin dan bos, berdiri bersama dengan pelayan pria itu karena mereka memiliki diskusi. "Apakah kita akan menyewa satu?" Orang itu dibalut mempertanyakan. "Sudah terlambat untuk satu untuk datang." The kepala merah menjawab sambil memegang dua jari di bawah rahangnya. Penasaran dengan pembicaraan, Steven serba perjalanan ke dua. Klaus, menjadi orang pertama yang melihat, disambut pria. "Ah, pagi Steven." "Pagi. Apa kalian bicarakan? "Pria berambut gelap bertanya. "Master muda telah datang dengan masalah." jawab Gilbert. "Apa?" Steven menatap ke pria tinggi seperti yang ia harapkan jawaban dari dia. Setelah melihat pemimpin mengubah kepalanya pergi dengan blush samar, pria berambut hitam tampak menuju butler jawaban. "Master muda itu baru-baru ini telah diberikan pemberitahuan untuk satu pernikahan saudaranya di negara lain, mengambil tiga sampai empat hari. Karena keluarga Reinherz halus, mereka mengharapkan tuan muda untuk membawa tanggal semacam. Sayangnya, kita tidak memiliki wanita deskripsi yang juga kita tidak punya siapa-siapa yang bersedia menjadi sukarelawan. " "Apakah Anda mencoba meminta anggota Libra lainnya?" Steven bertanya. "Kami memiliki, tapi jawaban yang kami terima berasal dari orang-orang yang terlalu jauh dan mereka yang tidak bisa membuatnya. "The tempur butler menjelaskan. "Benarkah? Bahkan Rantai? "Pria berambut gelap diminta sebagai alis terangkat. Pria berambut abu-abu memberi anggukan. "Lalu itu yang Anda maksudkan ketika Anda ingin mempekerjakan seseorang. Seseorang untuk bertindak sebagai kencannya. "Kedua orang lainnya mengangguk. "Hmm ... Nah, itu masalah bagi Anda baik-baik saja ..." Steven sambil terus bersenandung untuk dirinya sendiri. Di tengah pikiran manusia, ide datang ke pikiran seperti itu menyala seperti bola lampu. "Kalian bertanya hampir semua anggota Libra perempuan ... kan? "tanyanya dengan dua lainnya tampak dengan ekspresi bingung sebelum memberikan anggukan lain. Senyum merangkak naik di wajah berambut hitam manusia, hampir membelah wajahnya setengah. "Aku punya ide." "Nah, apa mungkin itu?" Kepala merah berbicara. "Jangan khawatir tentang hal itu . Kapan meninggalkan penerbangan Anda? " "Saya percaya 08:00 malam ini." Klaus menjawab sambil memandang ke butler tempur yang memberi anggukan. "Great! Hanya berada di sini di kantor pada pukul tujuh. Saya akan memiliki sesuatu diatur. "-Man bekas luka meyakinkan sebelum kembali sekitar ke tempat duduknya dan cepat berjalan untuk itu. Sementara ia terus memegang kopi dan surat kabar di satu tangan, yang lain mengeluarkan ponsel hitam sebelum panggilan di beberapa nomor. Klaus diamati untuk beberapa saat untuk mendapatkan setidaknya sedikit apa yang pria berambut hitam yang ada dalam pikiran sebelum mencari pergi dan beralih ke meja pribadinya. ~ ~ Hadir "Dan jadi ide Anda adalah untuk mendapatkan saya untuk berdandan sebagai wanita, yang mengambil jumlah yang cukup murni penyiksaan termasuk waxing, kisi dan make-up, dan menjadi Tuan Klaus 'seharusnya date!?! "Leo mempertanyakan seperti yang hampir membunuh suara. "Pada dasarnya." Steven sambil memegang senyum puas biasa. Berambut coklat yang diamati senyum sejenak saat kepalanya mulai melepaskan uap dan pemuda harus duduk dengan tangan ke pelipisnya. "Tunggu. Otak kram. Terlalu banyak masalah dengan ide Anda. "Kata remaja itu. "Seperti apa?" "Satu, suara saya, mereka jelas akan 'tahu aku seorang cowok. Dua, semakin lama kita berada di sana, semakin lama saya harus tinggal di sesuatu seperti ini. Tiga, apa yang terjadi ketika saya harus mengambil toilet istirahat? Empat, mata saya. " "Nah, satu, Anda hanya perlu untuk meningkatkan suara Anda seperti kedua lalu dan tidak ada yang akan tahu. Dua, saya telah menyiapkan dua koper senilai pakaian dengan banyak pakaian yang berbeda bersama dengan beberapa bantuan dengan beberapa orang ketika menempatkan make-up di. Tiga, Pak Gilbert akan mengantar Anda ke toilet pribadi dan empat, jika Anda menjaga mereka ditutup atau memakai kontak, tidak ada yang akan dapat memberitahu Anda memiliki mereka. "Steven menjawab satu per satu. "Ada lagi?" "Banyak!" Leo menyatakan sambil berdiri dari posisinya. Steven tertawa sendiri sebelum menarik keluar telepon sekali lagi. Matanya terangkat sedikit seakan terkejut. "Nah melihat waktu. Kita harus membuat Anda ke kantor, pronto. "Steven cepat mengantongi telepon sebelum meraih memegang lengan pemuda, menyebabkan menyalak kecil karena ia diseret keluar dari toko kecantikan kosong. Pria itu disebut manajer karena mereka sepakat untuk menggunakan toko sebagai basis operasi dan desain tampilan baru remaja itu. berambut coklat itu mencoba untuk protes, tapi dengan cepat memotong suaranya saat mereka melangkah keluar ke mata publik dan banyak menyaksikan dia. Dia tersipu dan memegang kepalanya untuk menutupi wajahnya sementara ia terus terseret oleh pengguna 'Esmarelda Darah Freeze'. Tanpa disadari pria itu berhenti, remaja berlari ke punggungnya. Leo mendongak untuk menemukan lokasi, tapi dengan cepat didorong dari belakang sebagai orang berambut hitam membebaskannya dan melangkah belakang sebelum mendorong pemuda ke dalam kendaraan. Dengan menyalak lain melarikan diri mulutnya, berambut coklat yang duduk tegak sambil mengusap bagian belakang kepalanya dan melihat sekeliling. Dia mengamati kendaraan seperti itu dalam warna hitam pekat dengan tempat duduk berwarna abu-abu. Itu tidak terlalu kecil juga tidak terlalu besar. Dari depan mobil, pintu dibuka sebagai Steven melangkah masuk dan duduk di kursi pengemudi, memakai sabuk pengaman dan meraih kunci saat ia mulai mesin. Di bagian belakang, pemuda telah mencoba untuk duduk di posisi paling nyaman ia bisa menemukan, tetapi dengan gaun, itu membuat lebih sulit daripada itu tampak. "Bisa tidak Anda telah menemukan sesuatu yang lebih nyaman?"

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