The cold wind blew drearily. The light of the moon was totally blocked terjemahan - The cold wind blew drearily. The light of the moon was totally blocked Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The cold wind blew drearily. The li

The cold wind blew drearily. The light of the moon was totally blocked by the clouds. But Linley and Bebe paid no heed to the weather at all.

“Boss, doing better?” Bebe’s beady little eyes stared unwaveringly at Linley.

“My internal injuries are more or less fixed. Only, three of my ribs are broken. Fortunately, they didn’t pierce into any other vital regions.” Linley revealed a smile towards Bebe. “However, it will take at least ten days or half a month for broken ribs to recover.” Normal people would need several months to heal a broken rib. Linley was only able to make this claim because of his confidence in his lineage as a Dragonblood Warrior.

Bebe nodded.

“But if I were able to find a light-style or a water-style magus, I should be able to recover even more quickly.” Linley knew that certain types of magical healing could be extremely powerful.

When Linley had been imprisoned within the Radiant Temple, virtually every single bone in his body had been broken. But when he had been bathed in that holy light of the Radiant Sovereign, his body completely healed in the blink of an eye, and was restored to peak condition. This sort of astonishing recuperative ability was very formidable.

Linley continued to generate his Dragonblood battle-qi.

The Dragonblood battle-qi absorbed the elemental essence from nature, and it also absorbed the unique Dragonblood lineage in Linley’s veins. As it gradually strengthened, it nourished every part of Linley’s body. Linley’s internal injuries were now almost completely healed. The only tricky part remaining was his shattered ribs.


Linley’s eyebrows shot up, and he felt a hint of delight.

The Dragonblood battle-qi circulating throughout his body suddenly began to tremble, and the liquefied Dragonblood battle-qi in his dantian suddenly roiled about like the waves of the sea. Linley immediately guided all of the Dragonblood battle-qi in his veins into his lower dantian. Very soon…the density of Dragonblood battle-qi in his lower dantian reached its maximum peak.


A radiant smile blossomed on Linley’s face as he sensed the Dragonblood battle-qi in his dantian begin to transform.

Every single shred of battle-qi was changing. Changing in quality and nature.

“I’m finally beginning to break through.” Linley calmly waited. At first, only a small amount of Dragonblood battle-qi had been transformed, but as time went on, more and more transformed, and at a faster and faster rate. At the end, in the space of time it would take a person to breathe ten times, the remaining half of the battle-qi all transformed successfully.


Linley rose to his feet, dispersing the totally transformed Dragonblood battle-qi in his veins to every part of his body. Some of it was sent to his shattered ribs, assisting them to recover more rapidly.

“Boss?” Bebe looked at Linley with curiosity.

Linley hugged Bebe, lifting him into the air. Laughing, he said, “I’m fine. Let’s prepare to go home.”

At this time, Linley was extremely happy. Ever since he had reached the peak of the eighth rank, he had been waiting for this day. Although in the past month, Linley had the feeling that he could break through at any moment, that moment somehow just wouldn’t come. But now, while he had been healing his injuries, he had suddenly broken through.

The ninth rank!

From this day forward, Linley was a warrior of the ninth rank…but that was just his nominal level of power. In reality, after Dragonforming, Linley was already an early-stage Saint-level combatant. In terms of defense, speed, or power, he had dramatically grown.

“If I were to encounter that Four-Winged Angel again, just by using the adamantine heavy sword, I would be able to dispose of her.” Linley was very excited.

The Saint-level!

That was a brand new level of existence. Even the mighty Dawson Conglomerate desperately desired to have a Saint-level warrior amongst their ranks. The mighty Jacques clan was mighty, precisely because they h
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Angin dingin meniup drearily. Cahaya bulan benar-benar diblokir oleh awan. Tetapi Linley dan Bebe tidak mengindahkan cuaca sama sekali."Boss, lebih baik?" Bebe di mata seperti manik-manik kecil unwaveringly menatap Linley."Luka internal saya lebih atau kurang tetap. Hanya tiga tulang rusuk saya rusak. Untungnya, mereka tidak menembus ke daerah-daerah penting lainnya." Linley mengungkapkan senyum menuju Bebe. "Namun, itu akan mengambil setidaknya sepuluh hari atau setengah bulan untuk patah tulang rusuk untuk memulihkan." Orang normal akan membutuhkan beberapa bulan untuk menyembuhkan patah tulang rusuk. Linley ini hanya mampu membuat klaim ini disebabkan kepercayaannya dalam keturunannya sebagai seorang pejuang Dragonblood.Bebe mengangguk."Tetapi jika saya dapat menemukan cahaya-gaya atau gaya air magus, aku harus bisa pulih bahkan lebih cepat." Linley tahu bahwa jenis tertentu penyembuhan ajaib bisa sangat kuat.Ketika Linley telah dipenjarakan dalam kuil bercahaya, hampir setiap satu tulang dalam tubuh telah rusak. Tetapi ketika ia telah bermandikan cahaya itu kudus berdaulat berseri-seri, tubuhnya benar-benar sembuh dalam sekejap mata, dan dikembalikan ke kondisi puncak. Kemampuan yg menakjubkan semacam ini adalah sangat tangguh.Linley terus menghasilkan nya Dragonblood pertempuran-qi.Dragonblood pertempuran-qi diserap unsur esensi dari alam, dan juga diserap keturunan Dragonblood unik dalam vena Linley's. Seperti itu secara bertahap memperkuat, itu dipelihara setiap bagian tubuh Linley's. Linley's internal cedera sekarang hampir sepenuhnya sembuh. Sisa bagian hanya rumit adalah rusuk hancur."Hrm?"Linley's alis terangkat, dan ia merasa sedikit menyenangkan.Dragonblood pertempuran-Chi beredar di seluruh tubuhnya tiba-tiba mulai bergetar, dan cair Dragonblood pertempuran-qi di dantian nya tiba-tiba bergolak di tentang seperti gelombang laut. Linley segera dipandu semua Dragonblood pertempuran-qi dalam pembuluh darahnya ke dantian nya lebih rendah. Segera... kepadatan Dragonblood pertempuran-qi di dantian nya lebih rendah mencapai puncaknya maksimum."Gemuruh..."Senyum cerah muncul di Linley's wajah sebagai dia merasakan Dragonblood pertempuran-qi di dantian nya mulai mengubah.Rusak setiap satu pertempuran-Qi berubah. Berubah dalam kualitas dan sifat."Saya akhirnya awal untuk menerobos." Linley dengan tenang menunggu. Pada awalnya, hanya sebagian kecil jumlah Dragonblood pertempuran-qi telah berubah, tetapi sebagai waktu pergi, semakin banyak berubah, dan pada tingkat yang lebih cepat dan lebih cepat. Pada akhir, dalam ruang waktu, itu akan mengambil seseorang untuk bernapas sepuluh kali, sisa setengah pertempuran-Qi semua berubah berhasil."Haha..."Linley rose to his feet, dispersing the totally transformed Dragonblood battle-qi in his veins to every part of his body. Some of it was sent to his shattered ribs, assisting them to recover more rapidly.“Boss?” Bebe looked at Linley with curiosity.Linley hugged Bebe, lifting him into the air. Laughing, he said, “I’m fine. Let’s prepare to go home.”At this time, Linley was extremely happy. Ever since he had reached the peak of the eighth rank, he had been waiting for this day. Although in the past month, Linley had the feeling that he could break through at any moment, that moment somehow just wouldn’t come. But now, while he had been healing his injuries, he had suddenly broken through.The ninth rank!From this day forward, Linley was a warrior of the ninth rank…but that was just his nominal level of power. In reality, after Dragonforming, Linley was already an early-stage Saint-level combatant. In terms of defense, speed, or power, he had dramatically grown.“If I were to encounter that Four-Winged Angel again, just by using the adamantine heavy sword, I would be able to dispose of her.” Linley was very excited.The Saint-level!That was a brand new level of existence. Even the mighty Dawson Conglomerate desperately desired to have a Saint-level warrior amongst their ranks. The mighty Jacques clan was mighty, precisely because they h
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