Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
More than 200 Martial Ancestor Realm ExpertDay Wu Shenzun and other Martial Ancestor Realm Expert vibrated, entire Divine Feather Sect Dao of Dragon Realm Expert all added that also more than 100, Nie Li under unexpectedly had more than 200 Dao of Dragon Realm.„Ha Ha, this boy, a little meaning, unexpectedly made more than 200 Dao of Dragon Realm Expert to come out!” The exquisite god Senior to smile to make noise.„You said where this boy does look for these many masters?”Day Wu Shenzun silent moment, said: „Since he can put out these many wondrous medicines to us, can get so far as many wondrous medicines to his person under!”„Sect Master, your meaning is, are these masters he use the wondrous medicines to feed?” Long Yanshen Senior staring, said.„Good.” Day Wu Shenzun nodded, „you look at these people, overwhelming majorities are Dao of Dragon Realm First Level, it is estimated that is Heavenly Axis Realm Ninth Level, just broke through Dao of Dragon Realm!”„Long Tianming is doomed to lose!”At this moment, Nie Li waves, sinking sound track: „Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race, comes out!”
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