MGA: Chapter 463 – Ancestor Save MeThe World Spirit Guild, the strong  terjemahan - MGA: Chapter 463 – Ancestor Save MeThe World Spirit Guild, the strong  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

MGA: Chapter 463 – Ancestor Save Me

MGA: Chapter 463 – Ancestor Save Me

The World Spirit Guild, the strong and prosperous superpower, currently opened its strongest Defense Spirit Formation. The upper part of the Spirit Formation sealed the sky, the lower part of it sealed the earth, isolating them from the outside world.

That Spirit Formation was the hard work of the World Spirit Guild’s previous seniors, and at present, was also activated by countless World Spiritists. The defense power truly surpassed one’s imagination.

However, at that instant, outside of the Spirit Formation, there was another formation that rose into the sky. It was a Destruction Spirit Formation. The Destruction Spirit Formation was an extremely grand sight. It rose into the air, and with the vast Spirit Formation, it became a huge Spirit Formation hammer. It was moving back and forth in the air, endlessly slamming against the indescribable Spirit Formation.

Every time the huge hammer slammed down, it would make a sound even more deafening than thunder. Even if it was the Defense Spirit Formation interweaved together by innumerable Spirit Formations, it violently trembled. Right now, several cracks had already appeared and they were still spreading very quickly.

If that continued, it would only be a matter of time before the Spirit Formation was destroyed by the huge Spirit Formation hammer.

Underneath the huge Spirit Formation hammer, an old man stood with a lively complexion. His black clothes fluttered without wind, his eyes were tightly shut, his expression grave, and he was currently channeling all his power into the Destruction Spirit Formation.

He was the exceptional genius who shocked the Nine Provinces a hundred years ago. Up until now, he had been training in isolation for almost a hundred years, but he came out once again. He was the old ancestor of the Jie clan who finally stepped into the 7th level of the Heaven realm, Jie Shi.

“This isn’t good. Lord Guild Head, if this goes on, before the formation even gets broken through, half of my World Spirit Guild would fall from injury or death.” Within the base of the World Spirit Guild, several manager elders surrounded a white- and grey-haired old man. That old man was precisely the head of the World Spirit Guild.

The head of the World Spirit Guild just came from the place where the old ancestor was cultivating in isolation. He saw that the formation was being destroyed by Jie Shi bit by bit, and the experts of the World Spirit Guild who were channeling power into the formation were also unable to fight against Jie Shi’s power. Many people had already vomited blood, lost battle power, and some even directly died.

“Everyone, continue persevering. The old ancestor will come out soon, just persevere for two more hours!” The head of the World Spirit Guild said.

“Two hours? If this continues, I’m afraid that we won’t even be able to continue for a single hour.” The elders were in a very difficult situation.

“Even if you cannot continue, continue. As long as everyone perseveres, my World Spirit Guild can be saved. If we cannot, the formation will be broken through and my World Spirit Guild will be annihilated!” The head of the guild was furious. He leaped, and also joined in the formation of supporting the formation.

The elders could not do anything about that situation. So, quickly afterwards, all of them joined in the formation of supporting the formation.

However, Jie Shi’s huge Spirit Formation hammer was too fierce. Currently, the direction the situation was heading towards was the formation breaking. Even though the head of the World Spirit Guild joined in channeling power into the formation, it was difficult to repair the situation.

“Hmph. World Spirit Guild. You have been an enemy to my Jie clan for far too long. Today is the day all of you pay the price.”

The present chief of the Jie clan, Jie Xingpeng, coldly smiled as he looked at the scene in front of his eyes. At the same time, the old ancestor of the Fire Go
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
MGA: Chapter 463 – Ancestor Save MeThe World Spirit Guild, the strong and prosperous superpower, currently opened its strongest Defense Spirit Formation. The upper part of the Spirit Formation sealed the sky, the lower part of it sealed the earth, isolating them from the outside world.That Spirit Formation was the hard work of the World Spirit Guild’s previous seniors, and at present, was also activated by countless World Spiritists. The defense power truly surpassed one’s imagination.However, at that instant, outside of the Spirit Formation, there was another formation that rose into the sky. It was a Destruction Spirit Formation. The Destruction Spirit Formation was an extremely grand sight. It rose into the air, and with the vast Spirit Formation, it became a huge Spirit Formation hammer. It was moving back and forth in the air, endlessly slamming against the indescribable Spirit Formation.Every time the huge hammer slammed down, it would make a sound even more deafening than thunder. Even if it was the Defense Spirit Formation interweaved together by innumerable Spirit Formations, it violently trembled. Right now, several cracks had already appeared and they were still spreading very quickly.If that continued, it would only be a matter of time before the Spirit Formation was destroyed by the huge Spirit Formation hammer.Underneath the huge Spirit Formation hammer, an old man stood with a lively complexion. His black clothes fluttered without wind, his eyes were tightly shut, his expression grave, and he was currently channeling all his power into the Destruction Spirit Formation.He was the exceptional genius who shocked the Nine Provinces a hundred years ago. Up until now, he had been training in isolation for almost a hundred years, but he came out once again. He was the old ancestor of the Jie clan who finally stepped into the 7th level of the Heaven realm, Jie Shi.“This isn’t good. Lord Guild Head, if this goes on, before the formation even gets broken through, half of my World Spirit Guild would fall from injury or death.” Within the base of the World Spirit Guild, several manager elders surrounded a white- and grey-haired old man. That old man was precisely the head of the World Spirit Guild.The head of the World Spirit Guild just came from the place where the old ancestor was cultivating in isolation. He saw that the formation was being destroyed by Jie Shi bit by bit, and the experts of the World Spirit Guild who were channeling power into the formation were also unable to fight against Jie Shi’s power. Many people had already vomited blood, lost battle power, and some even directly died.“Everyone, continue persevering. The old ancestor will come out soon, just persevere for two more hours!” The head of the World Spirit Guild said.“Two hours? If this continues, I’m afraid that we won’t even be able to continue for a single hour.” The elders were in a very difficult situation.“Even if you cannot continue, continue. As long as everyone perseveres, my World Spirit Guild can be saved. If we cannot, the formation will be broken through and my World Spirit Guild will be annihilated!” The head of the guild was furious. He leaped, and also joined in the formation of supporting the formation.The elders could not do anything about that situation. So, quickly afterwards, all of them joined in the formation of supporting the formation.However, Jie Shi’s huge Spirit Formation hammer was too fierce. Currently, the direction the situation was heading towards was the formation breaking. Even though the head of the World Spirit Guild joined in channeling power into the formation, it was difficult to repair the situation.“Hmph. World Spirit Guild. You have been an enemy to my Jie clan for far too long. Today is the day all of you pay the price.”The present chief of the Jie clan, Jie Xingpeng, coldly smiled as he looked at the scene in front of his eyes. At the same time, the old ancestor of the Fire Go
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
MGA: Bab 463 - Leluhur Save Me Dunia Roh Guild, negara adidaya yang kuat dan makmur, saat membuka Formasi Pertahanan Roh terkuat. Bagian atas dari Formasi Roh disegel langit, bagian bawah itu disegel bumi, mengisolasi mereka dari dunia luar. Itu Pembentukan Roh adalah kerja keras dari senior Dunia Roh Guild sebelumnya, dan saat ini, juga diaktifkan oleh spiritualis Dunia yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Kekuatan pertahanan yang benar-benar melampaui imajinasi seseorang. Namun, pada saat itu, di luar Formasi Roh, ada formasi lain yang naik ke langit. Itu adalah Formasi Destruction Roh. Formasi Penghancuran Roh adalah pemandangan yang sangat besar. Naik ke udara, dan dengan Formasi Roh besar, itu menjadi besar Formasi Roh palu. Itu bergerak bolak-balik di udara, tanpa henti membanting terhadap Pembentukan Roh yang tak terlukiskan. Setiap kali palu besar membanting, itu akan membuat suara lebih memekakkan telinga dari guntur. Bahkan jika itu Formasi Pertahanan Roh interweaved bersama-sama oleh Formasi Roh yang tak terhitung banyaknya, itu hebat gemetar. Sekarang, beberapa retakan sudah muncul dan mereka masih menyebar sangat cepat. Jika itu terus, itu hanya akan menjadi masalah waktu sebelum Formasi Roh dihancurkan oleh besar Formasi Roh palu. Di bawah besar Formasi Roh palu, tua pria berdiri dengan kulit hidup. Pakaian hitamnya berkibar tanpa angin, matanya tertutup rapat, makam ekspresinya, dan ia saat ini menyalurkan semua kekuatan ke dalam Formasi Destruction Roh. Dia adalah jenius luar biasa yang mengejutkan Sembilan Provinsi seratus tahun yang lalu. Sampai sekarang, ia telah berlatih secara terpisah selama hampir seratus tahun, tapi ia keluar lagi. Dia adalah leluhur tua dari klan Jie yang akhirnya melangkah ke tingkat 7 dari ranah Surga, Jie Shi. "Ini tidak baik. Tuhan Guild Head, jika ini berlangsung, sebelum pembentukan bahkan akan menembus, setengah dari Dunia saya Spirit Guild akan jatuh dari cedera atau kematian. "Dalam dasar Dunia Roh Guild, beberapa tetua manajer dikelilingi putih dan grey- orang tua berambut. Orang tua justru kepala Dunia Roh Guild. Kepala Dunia Roh Guild hanya datang dari tempat leluhur tua itu budidaya dalam isolasi. Ia melihat bahwa formasi sedang dihancurkan oleh Jie Shi sedikit demi sedikit, dan ahli dari Dunia Roh Guild yang menyalurkan daya ke formasi juga tidak dapat melawan kekuatan Jie Shi. Banyak orang sudah muntah darah, kehilangan kekuasaan pertempuran, dan beberapa bahkan langsung meninggal. "Semua orang, terus tekun. Leluhur lama akan segera keluar, hanya bertahan selama dua jam! "Kata Kepala Dunia Roh Guild." Dua jam? Jika ini terus berlanjut, aku takut bahwa kita bahkan tidak akan dapat melanjutkan untuk satu jam. "Para tetua berada dalam situasi yang sangat sulit." Bahkan jika Anda tidak bisa terus, terus. Selama orang bertekun, Dunia saya Spirit Guild dapat disimpan. Jika kita tidak bisa, formasi akan menembus dan Dunia saya Roh Guild akan dimusnahkan! "Kepala serikat sangat marah. Dia melompat, dan juga bergabung dalam pembentukan mendukung formasi. Para tetua tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa tentang situasi itu. Jadi, cepat setelah itu, semua dari mereka bergabung dalam pembentukan mendukung formasi. Namun, Jie Shi besar Formasi Roh palu terlalu sengit. Saat ini, arah situasi itu menuju adalah pembentukan melanggar. Meskipun kepala Dunia Roh Guild bergabung dalam menyalurkan listrik ke dalam formasi, itu sulit untuk memperbaiki situasi. "Hmph. Dunia Roh Guild. Anda telah menjadi musuh klan Jie saya terlalu lama. Hari ini adalah hari semua Anda membayar harga. "Kepala hadir dari klan Jie, Jie Xingpeng, dingin tersenyum sambil menatap adegan di depan matanya. Pada saat yang sama, nenek moyang lama Api Go

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