Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim ... If men know ... When a girl fall in love, the man does not necessarily have everything but the man is everything in his heart.If men know ... When a woman that drain tears, that's not to mean he's weak, but he is looking for the strength to continue to persevere to love the man.If men know ... When a woman gets angry, indeed he is unable to control his feelings but trust me, it means that he is very caring and loving the man. See only new pairs, they rarely make love berantem. But many believe their growing love growing at someone, on the other hand a lot of something that happened.If men know ... When the female being picky, he never meant to make you risih, but he wants the guy to tell a closer look.If men know ... When a girl says she wants you to change, that's not mean he did not want to accept you as is, but he wants to make you better, not for himself, but for your future.If men know ... When the girls jealous and does not trust you, not mean he does not love ... but he too loved you and still assuming you toddler who still require full attention. Sometimes she is too worried if too believe, you would betray the trust that has been given. Nalurinya as a very strong mother. He just wants the best for you.If men know ... When a girl says she merajuk, do not melebay-lebay. He instead wants to be persuaded with money or gifts, but with enough attention can make a girl feel appreciated.If men know ... When women rarely say ' i love u ', it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, but he wants the man's own taste, not just present his love of words but also through his body language.If men know ... When the woman said she longed for the same as you, she really maksudkannya.If men know ... When the woman said the other guy is better than you, don't believe his words because he just want to test you. He wants to see how far you are willing to be the best in his eyes. Although actually really "thou art the best in his heart. As long as he's with you, believe me, although women assume many more better in his eyes but in his heart, you remain the best.If men know ... When the female becomes snarl at, he's not meant to be snarl at, but he wanted to see how far the man is able to be patient with sikanya. Believe me, the very soft hearted woman.Andai lelaki tahu .. Apabila perempuan berkata, “tolong tinggalkan saya”, dia tidak bermaksud menyuruh anda pergi selamanya. Dia hanya mahu menenangkan fikirannya sebentar saja. Apabila dia kembali tenang, percayalah dia akan mencari anda semula. Itu tandanya dia benar-benar mencintai anda. Perempuan sulit untuk mengawal perasaan. Dia terlalu emosional. Tapi dialah yang paling menyayangi anda dan sangat sensitif dengan perubahan pada diri anda.Andai lelaki tahu .. Allah menciptakan lelaki dan perempuan itu dengan perbedaan yang tersendiri. Tetapi sekiranya mereka saling memahami, mereka akan saling melengkapi dan menyempurnakan . Perempuan itu diciptakan oleh Allah indah sekali. Di sebalik air matanya, tersimpan seribu satu kekuatan yang bakal menjadikan seorang lelaki itu merasa selamat bersamanya. Biarpun sebenarnya perempuan itu tampak lemah tapi dia punya kekuatan tersendiri yang bisa menggoncang dunia dan mungkin bisa pula membuat lelaki menjadi lemah kerananya. Jadi hargailah kehadiran seorang perempuan dalam hidup anda kerana dia didatangkan bukan dengan kelemahan sahaja tetapi dia juga ada kekuatan untuk menyongkong anda dan membuatkan hidup anda lebih sempurna. Dialah yang bakal menjadi perempuan bekerjaya, isteri juga ibu yang terbaik untuk anak-anak anda.
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