Prob­a­bly after more than half dou­ble-hour, Long Yuyin and two women terjemahan - Prob­a­bly after more than half dou­ble-hour, Long Yuyin and two women Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Prob­a­bly after more than half dou

Prob­a­bly after more than half dou­ble-hour, Long Yuyin and two women fell in a piece of wooded moun­tain.
„Great dis­tance pur­sues soul fra­grant smell, fin­ished to here!” Long Yuyin wrin­kled the brow, looks into the dis­tance to­ward all around, which also has the Nie Li trace!
„Is it pos­si­ble that the uncle had dis­cov­ered his great dis­tance does pur­sue the soul to be fra­grant?” And a woman said.
Long Yuyin silent mo­ment, truly by the Nie Li keen sen­sa­tion, per­haps al­ready had re­al­ized great dis­tance pur­sues the soul to be fra­grant. Long Yuyin re­sent­fully stamped the feet: „No mat­ter what, I must find him!”
Long Yuyin jumps to graze to go, two women look at each other, fol­lowed quickly.
Also mo­ment, sev­eral peo­ple graze to come, lead un­ex­pect­edly is Li Yufeng, in ad­di­tion two wear a mask Ex­pert, does not know that is what ori­gin, as well as three Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert.
„Long Yuyin and did that two young mar­ried women walk to­ward here?” Li Yufeng wrin­kled the brow.
Nearby Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert hur­ried nod should say: „I just no­ticed that they stayed the mo­ment in here, af­ter­ward in that di­rec­tion!”
Li Yufeng stared at one to­ward the dis­tant place, looked around two to wear a mask Ex­pert, asked: „They walked in that di­rec­tion, does not know that what to do two do pre­pare?”
„This does not need Mas­ter Li Yufeng to be wor­ried, they give us to process can, we went back to re­port re­port, Mas­ter Li Yufeng met again!” And wore a mask Ex­pert to arch has cuped one hand in the other across the chest to say.
Whiz whiz, two wear a mask Ex­pert to change to the time to graze to go.
These two wear a mask Ex­pert, un­ex­pect­edly is ex­is­tences of Dao of Dragon Realm!
Looks that two wear a mask Ex­pert to go far away, side these Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert then re­cover.
„Young mas­ter, what ori­gin are these two peo­ple?” Nearby Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert opens the mouth to ask.
Li Yufeng coldly has swept a nearby sub­or­di­nate, the sink­ing sound track: „Is this you should ask?”
That Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert hur­ries to kneel down, ter­ri­fied -ly said: „Young mas­ter for­gives, was I talks too much!”
„Gets up, later some­thing, should not ask do not ask!” Li Yufeng deeply looked at one to­ward the dis­tant place.
Ashen Flames Fam­ily and Dragon Seal Fam­ily are ex­is­tence of level, sim­i­larly is first in order suc­ces­sor of fam­ily. He under strongest mas­ter also has Heav­enly Axis Realm. Gen­er­ally Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert, suf­fi­ciently was in the fam­ily the elder or con­se­cra­tion po­si­tion.
Ex­pert of this rank, the suc­ces­sor of fam­ily, gen­er­ally also is very dif­fi­cult to trans­fer.
Long Tian­ming sub­or­di­nate. Un­ex­pect­edly two Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert!
More­over con­tacts, Li Yufeng dis­cov­ered that Long Tian­ming also hid the strength!
Li Yufeng can­not help but some­what is at heart ag­i­tated, al­though these days he has replied on the Long Tian­ming strength, but he does not want to be­come the Long Tian­ming pup­pet. By his ar­ro­gant dis­po­si­tion, is not will­ing to han­dle such mat­ter de­cid­edly. How­ever he dis­cov­ered that in­flu­ence that he con­trols at pre­sent, with Long Tian­ming com­pletely is not a level!
It is not will­ing to lower the head, ac­tu­ally has to lower the head, Li Yufeng at heart can be imag­ined de­pressed.
Does not know how Long Tian­ming pre­pares to deal with the Long Yuyin three peo­ple, in the Li Yufeng eye pupil flashes through to­gether the none re­main­ing, he looked at side one crowd of Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert, said: „We walk!”
„Yes!” Nearby Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert should say.
One group of peo­ple jump to graze to go.
End­less Waste­land Bor­der.
The end­less wilder­ness of Royal Court dis­tant place looks that sees only the vast loess. That is bar­ren lands, with­out the growth of any plant.
When the gale gets up, loess every­where.
For sev­eral thou­sand years, Heav­enly
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Prob­a­bly after more than half dou­ble-hour, Long Yuyin and two women fell in a piece of wooded moun­tain.„Great dis­tance pur­sues soul fra­grant smell, fin­ished to here!” Long Yuyin wrin­kled the brow, looks into the dis­tance to­ward all around, which also has the Nie Li trace!„Is it pos­si­ble that the uncle had dis­cov­ered his great dis­tance does pur­sue the soul to be fra­grant?” And a woman said.Long Yuyin silent mo­ment, truly by the Nie Li keen sen­sa­tion, per­haps al­ready had re­al­ized great dis­tance pur­sues the soul to be fra­grant. Long Yuyin re­sent­fully stamped the feet: „No mat­ter what, I must find him!”Long Yuyin jumps to graze to go, two women look at each other, fol­lowed quickly.Also mo­ment, sev­eral peo­ple graze to come, lead un­ex­pect­edly is Li Yufeng, in ad­di­tion two wear a mask Ex­pert, does not know that is what ori­gin, as well as three Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert.„Long Yuyin and did that two young mar­ried women walk to­ward here?” Li Yufeng wrin­kled the brow.Nearby Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert hur­ried nod should say: „I just no­ticed that they stayed the mo­ment in here, af­ter­ward in that di­rec­tion!”Li Yufeng stared at one to­ward the dis­tant place, looked around two to wear a mask Ex­pert, asked: „They walked in that di­rec­tion, does not know that what to do two do pre­pare?”„This does not need Mas­ter Li Yufeng to be wor­ried, they give us to process can, we went back to re­port re­port, Mas­ter Li Yufeng met again!” And wore a mask Ex­pert to arch has cuped one hand in the other across the chest to say.Whiz whiz, two wear a mask Ex­pert to change to the time to graze to go.These two wear a mask Ex­pert, un­ex­pect­edly is ex­is­tences of Dao of Dragon Realm!Looks that two wear a mask Ex­pert to go far away, side these Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert then re­cover.„Young mas­ter, what ori­gin are these two peo­ple?” Nearby Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert opens the mouth to ask.Li Yufeng coldly has swept a nearby sub­or­di­nate, the sink­ing sound track: „Is this you should ask?”That Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert hur­ries to kneel down, ter­ri­fied -ly said: „Young mas­ter for­gives, was I talks too much!”„Gets up, later some­thing, should not ask do not ask!” Li Yufeng deeply looked at one to­ward the dis­tant place.Ashen Flames Fam­ily and Dragon Seal Fam­ily are ex­is­tence of level, sim­i­larly is first in order suc­ces­sor of fam­ily. He under strongest mas­ter also has Heav­enly Axis Realm. Gen­er­ally Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert, suf­fi­ciently was in the fam­ily the elder or con­se­cra­tion po­si­tion.Ex­pert of this rank, the suc­ces­sor of fam­ily, gen­er­ally also is very dif­fi­cult to trans­fer.Long Tian­ming sub­or­di­nate. Un­ex­pect­edly two Dao of Dragon Realm Ex­pert!More­over con­tacts, Li Yufeng dis­cov­ered that Long Tian­ming also hid the strength!Li Yufeng can­not help but some­what is at heart ag­i­tated, al­though these days he has replied on the Long Tian­ming strength, but he does not want to be­come the Long Tian­ming pup­pet. By his ar­ro­gant dis­po­si­tion, is not will­ing to han­dle such mat­ter de­cid­edly. How­ever he dis­cov­ered that in­flu­ence that he con­trols at pre­sent, with Long Tian­ming com­pletely is not a level!It is not will­ing to lower the head, ac­tu­ally has to lower the head, Li Yufeng at heart can be imag­ined de­pressed.Does not know how Long Tian­ming pre­pares to deal with the Long Yuyin three peo­ple, in the Li Yufeng eye pupil flashes through to­gether the none re­main­ing, he looked at side one crowd of Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert, said: „We walk!”„Yes!” Nearby Heav­enly Axis Realm Ex­pert should say.One group of peo­ple jump to graze to go.End­less Waste­land Bor­der.The end­less wilder­ness of Royal Court dis­tant place looks that sees only the vast loess. That is bar­ren lands, with­out the growth of any plant.When the gale gets up, loess every­where.For sev­eral thou­sand years, Heav­enly
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mungkin setelah lebih dari setengah dua jam, Long Yuyin dan dua wanita jatuh sepotong gunung berhutan.
"Jarak besar mengejar jiwa bau harum, selesai ke sini!" Panjang Yuyin berkerut kening, melihat ke dalam jarak terhadap semua sekitar, yang juga memiliki jejak Nie Li!
"Apakah mungkin bahwa paman telah menemukan jarak yang besar tidak mengejar jiwa menjadi harum?" Dan seorang wanita mengatakan.
panjang Yuyin saat diam, benar-benar oleh sensasi tajam Nie Li, mungkin sudah menyadari jarak yang sangat jauh mengejar jiwa menjadi harum. Panjang Yuyin kesal dicap kaki: "! Tidak peduli apa, saya harus menemukannya"
. Panjang Yuyin melompat untuk merumput untuk pergi, dua wanita melihat satu sama lain, diikuti dengan cepat
Juga saat, beberapa orang merumput untuk datang, memimpin tak terduga adalah Li Yufeng , selain dua memakai Ahli masker, tidak tahu bahwa asal apa, serta tiga Surgawi Axis Realm Expert.
"panjang Yuyin dan melakukan itu dua perempuan yang menikah muda berjalan menuju di sini?" Li Yufeng berkerut kening.
Axis Heavenly Terdekat Realm Ahli mengangguk bergegas harus mengatakan: "! saya hanya melihat bahwa mereka tinggal saat ini di sini, setelah itu ke arah itu"
Li Yufeng menatap satu arah tempat yang jauh, melihat sekeliling dua memakai Ahli masker, bertanya: "mereka berjalan di arah itu, tidak tahu bahwa apa yang harus dilakukan dua yang mempersiapkan? "
" ini tidak perlu Guru Li Yufeng untuk khawatir, mereka memberi kita proses bisa, kami kembali untuk melaporkan laporan, Guru Li Yufeng bertemu lagi! "Dan mengenakan Ahli masker untuk lengkungan telah cuped satu tangan yang lain di dada untuk mengatakan.
Whiz jagoan, dua memakai Ahli masker untuk mengubah waktu untuk merumput untuk pergi.
kedua memakai Ahli masker, tiba-tiba adalah keberadaan dari Dao Dragon Realm!
Tampak bahwa dua memakai Ahli masker untuk pergi jauh, sisi ini Surgawi Axis Realm Expert kemudian pulih.
"tuan muda, apa asal dua orang ini?" Heavenly Axis Realm Ahli Terdekat membuka mulut untuk bertanya.
Li Yufeng dingin memiliki menyapu dekatnya bawahan, sound track tenggelam: "? Apakah ini Anda harus bertanya"
Itu Surgawi Axis bergegas Realm Ahli untuk berlutut, -ly ketakutan mengatakan: "tuan muda mengampuni, itu saya berbicara terlalu banyak!"
"Mendapat up, kemudian sesuatu, harus tidak meminta jangan tanya! "Li Yufeng sangat memandang satu menuju tempat yang jauh.
Ashen Flames keluarga dan Naga Seal keluarga adalah adanya tingkat, sama pertama dalam rangka penerus keluarga. Dia di bawah terkuat induk juga memiliki Surgawi Axis Realm. Umumnya Dao Dragon Realm Expert, cukup berada di keluarga posisi penatua atau konsekrasi.
Ahli dari peringkat ini, penerus keluarga, umumnya juga sangat sulit untuk mentransfer.
Panjang Tianming bawahan. Tiba-tiba dua Dao Dragon Realm Ahli!
Kontak Apalagi, Li Yufeng menemukan bahwa panjang Tianming juga menyembunyikan kekuatan!
Li Yufeng tidak dapat membantu tapi agak adalah di hati gelisah, meskipun hari ini ia telah membalas pada kekuatan Panjang Tianming, tapi dia tidak ingin untuk menjadi boneka panjang Tianming. Dengan disposisi sombong, tidak bersedia untuk menangani hal tersebut jelas. Namun ia menemukan bahwa pengaruh yang ia kontrol pada saat ini, dengan panjang Tianming benar-benar tidak level!
Hal ini tidak mau menurunkan kepala, sebenarnya memiliki untuk menurunkan kepala, Li Yufeng di hati bisa dibayangkan tertekan.
Tidak tahu bagaimana Panjang Tianming mempersiapkan untuk berurusan dengan panjang Yuyin tiga orang, di Li Yufeng mata murid berkedip melalui bersama-sama tidak ada yang tersisa, dia melihat satu sisi kerumunan Surgawi Axis Realm Ahli, mengatakan: "Kami berjalan!"
"Ya" Axis Heavenly Terdekat! Realm Expert harus mengatakan.
satu kelompok orang melompat untuk merumput untuk pergi.
berujung Wasteland Border.
padang gurun tak berujung Royal Court tempat yang jauh terlihat bahwa hanya melihat loess luas. Itu adalah tanah tandus, tanpa pertumbuhan tanaman apapun.
Ketika angin yang bangkit, loess di mana-mana.
Selama beberapa ribu tahun, Heavenly
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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