Konsep teori yang digunakan adalah Manajemen yakni : Perencanaan, Peng terjemahan - Konsep teori yang digunakan adalah Manajemen yakni : Perencanaan, Peng Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Konsep teori yang digunakan adalah Manajemen yakni : Perencanaan, Pengorganisasian, Pergerakan, dan Pengawasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Dengan menggunakan key informan sebagai sumber informasi dan analisis data.

Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa Pengelolaan Pemungutan Pajak Reklame Oleh Dinas Pendapatan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (DPPKAD) Di Kabupaten Siak, belum terlaksana dengan optimal karena tidak tercapainya target penerimaan pemungutan pajak reklame di Kabupaten Siak. Selain itu, proses perencanaan yang tidak baik, proses pergerakan yang tidak memiliki standar operasional prosedur (SOP) mempengaruhi pengelolaan pemungutan pajak, kemudian pengawasan yang dilakukan tidak berjalan dengan baik dilihat dari banyaknya reklame yang tidak memiliki izin sehingga realisasi pungutan pajak tidak mencapai target. Koordinasi dan penegakan sanksi tidak tegas sehingga tidak memberikan efek jera kepada pelaku usaha reklame yang melakukan pelanggaran. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah kurangnya sumber daya manusia dari segi kuantitas dan kualitas dalam pengelolaan pemungutan pajak reklame. Selain itu, kurangnya sarana prasana seperti kendaraan operasional menghambat proses pengawasan yang dilakukan. Kemudian, kurangnya kegiatan sosialisasi membuat partisipasi masyarakat menurun dalam membayar pajak reklame.

Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan Pemungutan, Pajak Reklame
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The concept used is the theory of management: planning, organizing, movement, and supervision. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. In data collection, the author uses interview techniques, observation, and documentation. With the use of key informants as a source of information and analysis of the data. The results of this research resulted in the conclusion that management of the poll Tax Billboard by the Income and assets financial management Areas (DPPKAD) of Siak Regency, have not been carried out with optimal because it does not achieve the target advertisement tax collection receipts in Siak Regency. In addition, the planning process is not good, the movement that has no standard operational procedure (SOP) affect the management of the poll tax, then the surveillance carried out did not go well as seen from the large number of ads that don't have permission so that the realization of the tax levy did not reach the target. Coordination and enforcement of sanctions are not firmly so as not to give a deterrent effect to a billboard trade violation. Obstacles faced was the lack of human resources in terms of quantity and quality in the management of the poll tax Billboard. In addition, the lack of infrastructure repair facility such as vehicle operations hamper oversight done. Then, lack of socialization activities to make public participation declines in advertising to pay taxes.Keywords: Management Of The Poll Tax, Advertisement
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Theory concept used is that of Management: Planning, Organizing, movement, and Oversight. This study used a qualitative descriptive study. In collecting the data, the authors use the technique of interview, observation, and documentation. By using key informants as a source of information and data analysis. The results of this study lead to the conclusion that the Tax Collection Management Advertising Revenue By Finance and Asset Management Area (DPPKAD) In Siak, has not been implemented because of not reaching optimal revenue target advertisement taxation in the District Siak. In addition, the planning process is not good, the movement does not have a standard operating procedure (SOP) affect the management of tax collection, then do not walk supervision with good views of the many billboards that do not have a license so that the realization of the tax levy does not reach the target. Coordination and enforcement of sanctions does not expressly so as not to give deterrent effect to businesses that commit violations advertisement. Constraints faced is the lack of human resources in terms of quantity and quality in the management of advertisement taxation. In addition, the lack of means of transport infrastructures such as operations conducted hinder the process of supervision. Then, a lack of socialization makes public participation decreases in pay advertisement tax. Keywords: Collection Management, Advertising Tax

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
konsep teori阳digunakan是manajemen也就是:perencanaan,pengorganisasian,pergerakan,丹pengawasan。penelitian ini使用metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif。在pengumpulan数据,penulis使用公司wawancara,observasi,丹dokumentasi。使用该信息,用关键信息化人丹的分析数据。

该penelitian INI menghasilkan kesimpulan,pengelolaan pemungutan Pajak公司在砂石pendapatan公司取得合作pengelolaan丹一致(dppkad)二kabupaten Siak,不terlaksana,因为不tercapainya最佳目标penerimaan pemungutan Pajak公司迪kabupaten Siak。除了ITU,散文perencanaan阳不好,散文pergerakan阳也有operasional以及标准(SOP)mempengaruhi pengelolaan pemungutan Pajak,然后pengawasan阳事不走,好dilihat达日分配公司不就有izin杨realisasi pungutan Pajak不mencapai目标。koordinasi丹penegakan sanksi得克萨斯门级模拟程序,不给不efek杰拉,pelaku公司与原公司杨。kendala杨dihadapi kurangnya该人是大亚湾达日世纪kuantitas丹kualitas在pengelolaan pemungutan Pajak公司。除了ITU,kurangnya公司prasana如kendaraan operasional menghambat散文pengawasan阳事。然后,kurangnya无sosialisasi使partisipasi中心降到了以公司在安徽。

卡塔kunci:pengelolaan pemungutan Pajak,该
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