Yang terhormat, bapak/ibu juri lomba pidato tingkat SMAYang saya horma terjemahan - Yang terhormat, bapak/ibu juri lomba pidato tingkat SMAYang saya horma Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Yang terhormat, bapak/ibu juri lomb

Yang terhormat, bapak/ibu juri lomba pidato tingkat SMA
Yang saya hormati, bapak/ibu tamu undangan
Serta teman teman yang berbahagia

Cinta tanah air merupakan nilai moral bangsa yang semakin hari semakin menipis. Adanya pasar bebas dan budaya luar yang masuk secara bebas menjadi salah satu penyebab lunturnya rasa cinta pada tanah air dan semua adat budaya yang ada di dalamnya. Bahkan, pada era modern sekarang ini, sulit sekali menemukan remaja yang menghormati ideology-ideologi negara, bahkan kadang mereka yang tinggal di luar negeri malah malu mengakui kalau dirinya berasal dari negara Indonesia.

Hadirin yang saya hormati, menumbuhkan rasa cinta pada tanah air memang tidak mudah. kecintaan ini harus hadir dalam diri kita masing-masing secara natural dan dimulai secepat mungkin. Sebagai contoh, jika kita memiliki anak kecil di rumah, kita bisa bisa bercerita tentang sejarah bangsa di waktu senggang sebagai pengganti dongeng anak. Selain itu, kita juga bisa mengajak anak untuk mendengarkan lagu-lagu nasional.

Hadirin yang berbahagia, jika kita sebagai pelajar, ada banyak hal juga yang bisa kita lakukan sebagai wujud dari rasa cinta kita pada tanah air. Sebagai contohnya, kita bisa belajar dengan rajin sebagai wujud dari usaha kita untuk menjadi generasi penerus bangsa yang berkualitas. Di samping itu, kita juga bisa selalu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan bahasa daerah kita saat berkomunikasi. Meskipun sekarang ini lebih gaul untuk menggunakan bahasa asing atau bahasa prokem, bahasa gaul dan alay anak-anak muda saat ini, kita harus berusaha untuk menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar.

Hadirin yang saya hormati, mencintai tanah air juga bisa kita lakukan dengan cara merawat dan menghormati symbol-simbol negara, seperti bendera merah putih dan lambang burung garuda. Tidak sepantasnya jika kita menggunakan bendera merah putih itu sebagai serbet atau kain pel. Selanjutnya, kita juga harus mencintai produk dalam negeri. Meskipun saat ini banyak barang impor yang masuk ke Indonesia, kita harus yaking bahwa kualitas barang tersebut tidak jauh beda dengan produk buatan dalam negeri.

Hadirin yang berbahagia, melaksanakan upacara setiap hari senin jyga tidak boleh kita tinggalkan. Semua itu adalah wujud dari rasa cinta kita pada tanah air. Di dalam upaca bendera itu banyak sekali symbol-simbol negara yang bisa kita lestarikan, seperti penghormatan kepada bendera merah putih, menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya, menyanyikan lagu-lagu nasional, dan kedisiplinan.

Selain itu, wujud cinta tanah air yang harus kita jaga juga bisa kita lakukan dengan tindakan-tindakan kecil sehari-hari seperti menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sekitar kita. Dengan menjaga lingkungan sekitar, kita telah mewujudkan cinta pada negara kedaulatan kita. Tidak membuang sampah sembarangan, tidak menebang pohon sembarangan, dan melakukan kegiatan sosial seperti menyantuni anak yatim, juga merupakan perwujudan rasa cinta tanah air.

Hadirin yang saya hormati, di sekolah merupakan tempat yang tepat untuk menumbuhkan rasa cinta tanah air. Selain melaksanakan upacara bendera, kita bisa juga mempelajari budaya dan tempat-tempat bersejarah, seperti candi, kebudayaan lokal, dan tarian daerah. Kita juga bisa mengenal para pahlawan dengan mempelajari sejarah beliau. Memperingati hari pahlawan, hari kartini, dan hari kemerdekaan juga merupakan wujud dari cinta tanah air.

Hadirin yang berbahagia. Hanya ini yang bisa saya sampaikan. Semoga ada hikmah yang kita ambil dari paparan ini. Terimakasih.

Akhir kata, wabilahi taufik walhidayah
Wassalamu’alakum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Dear father/mother HIGH SCHOOL level speech contest juryI respect, father/mother invited guestsAs well as a friend of a friend who blessedLove the fatherland is the nation's moral values are increasingly depleting. The existence of a free market and culture beyond the entry freely becomes one of the causes of lunturnya a sense of love of the motherland and all the indigenous cultures in it. In fact, in the modern era, hard pressed to find a teenager who respect the ideology-the ideology of the country, even those who are living abroad and even shame confess if himself originated in Indonesia.The audience who I respect, foster a sense of love of the fatherland was indeed not easy. This love must be present inside each one of us naturally and started as soon as possible. For example, if we have young children at home, we can tell you about the history of the nation in his spare time as a replacement for the fairy tale for children. In addition, we could also invite children to listen to the songs.The audience happy, if we as a student, there are many things we can do as well as a manifestation of our love on ground water. For example, we can learn diligently as a manifestation of our efforts to become the nation's next generation of quality. In addition, we can also always use the language of Indonesia is good and our local languages when communicating. Although this is now more slang for using a foreign language or slang, slang and alay young kids nowadays, we should seek to use language that is good and true.The audience who I respect, love of the fatherland also we can do by way of caring for and respecting the symbol-a symbol of the country, such as the red-white flag and coat of arms of the bird garuda. They should not if we use a red and white flag as a napkin or cloth MOP. Furthermore, we also have to love domestic products. Although currently many imported goods coming into Indonesia, should we be yaking that the quality of the goods is not much different from the domestic-made products.The audience happy, carry out the ceremony every Monday jyga shouldn't we leave. All of that is a manifestation of our love on ground water. In the upaca flag that an awful lot of symbol-a symbol of the State that we can lestarikan, as tribute to the red-white flag, sing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, sing national songs, and discipline.In addition, a manifestation of the love of the fatherland should we keep also we can do with the small everyday actions such as maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around us. By keeping the environment around, we embody the sovereignty of the country we love. Don't litter, don't cut down trees recklessly, and perform social activities such as the menyantuni orphans, is also an embodiment of the sense of love for the homeland.The audience who I respect, at school is a great place to foster a sense of love for the homeland. In addition to carrying out flag ceremonies, we could also study the cultural and historic attractions, such as Temple, local culture, and dance of the region. We also get to know the heroes by studying history. Commemorating the kartini day, heroes day, and independence day is also a manifestation of the love of the homeland.A happy audience. It's just that I can tell. Hopefully there are lessons we take from this exposure. Thank you.Finally, wabilahi taufik walhidayahWassalamu'alakum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Dear Mr. / Mrs speech contest judges high school level
that I respect, father / mother invited guests
As well as friends happy love the homeland is the nation's moral values ​​are increasingly depleted. The existence of a free market and foreign cultures freely entered into one of the causes of the erosion of a sense of love of the homeland and all of the indigenous cultures in it. In fact, in the modern era, very difficult to find a teenager who respect the ideology-ideology state, sometimes even those living abroad even ashamed to admit that he was from the country of Indonesia. Ladies and Gentlemen, cultivate a love of homeland is not easy. This love must be present in each of us naturally and begin as soon as possible. For example, if we have small children at home, we can be able to tell you about the history of the nation in free time instead of fairy tales. In addition, we can also invite children to listen to national songs. Ladies and Gentlemen, if we as students, there are also many things we can do as a manifestation of our love to the homeland. For example, we could study diligently as a manifestation of our efforts to become the next generation of quality. In addition, we also can always use a good Indonesian and local languages ​​we are currently communicating. Although now more fashionable to use a foreign language or slang, slang and Alay young people today, we should try to use language that is good and right. Ladies and Gentlemen, loving the country could also do with how to care and respect state symbols, such as the red and white flag and emblem of an eagle. Should not if we use a red and white flag it as a napkin or a mop. Furthermore, we also must love domestic products. Although today many goods imported into Indonesia, we should yaking that the quality of goods is not much different from products made ​​in the country. Ladies and Gentlemen, ceremony every Monday jyga should not we leave. All of it is a manifestation of our love to the homeland. In upaca flag was a lot of symbols country can we preserve, as homage to the flag, sing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, sang national songs, and discipline. In addition, a form of patriotism that we must guard also we can do with small acts of everyday such as keeping the environment around us. By keeping the surrounding environment, we have to realize the love of the sovereignty of our country. Do not litter, do not cut down trees carelessly, and social activities such as sympathize orphans, also a manifestation of patriotism. Ladies and Gentlemen, in school is the right place to foster a sense of patriotism. In addition to carrying the flag ceremony, we can also learn the cultural and historical places, such as temples, local culture, and dance area. We also get to know the heroes to learn his history. Commemorating the heroes, Kartini day, and the day of independence is also a form of patriotism. Ladies and Gentlemen. This is only what I can tell. Hopefully there are lessons we take from this exposure. Thank you. Finally, wabilahi taufik walhidayah Wassalamu'alakum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
杨terhormat,Bapak /布洛芬Juri隆巴河pidato tingkat SMA
杨说hormati Bapak /布洛芬,塔木undangan

辛塔和空气这是汝来道德所semakin Hari semakin menipis杨。adanya巴刹就有阳进为外丹,他就一penyebab lunturnya拉莎辛塔在地的空气都有艾达迪阳丹面对的人。其实,在如今时代现代INI,高难度的动作一见该杨menghormati意识形态思想”,其实卡当他们杨把这里成为马拉马陆mengakui若出于为印度尼西亚国家。

hadirin杨说hormati,menumbuhkan拉莎辛塔在你们不这么地空气。kecintaan ini要在我们各人在自己上自然丹dimulai secepat可能。为contoh,若我们拥有阿纳小在家里,我们bercerita比萨比萨,一僧纲,pengganti纪年DI,dongeng阿纳。此外,如ITU,我们mengajak阿纳,听从拉古拉古阵。

hadirin杨说,若北,名,艾达哈尔也有杨比萨北所为存在从拉萨辛塔喜多在地空气。我们不是为contohnya,比萨,罗津,存在从公司北,为学生penerus国阳berkualitas。二抽样ITU,我们就使用印度尼西亚语,如阳白丹县文北本berkomunikasi。现在我meskipun ini高卢,语或英文使用量prokem,高卢语丹阿拉伊阿纳阿纳慕达SAAT ini,我们要berusaha使用马来语,杨白丹的。

hadirin杨说hormati,mencintai地空气,如我们所merawat丹,卡拉menghormati象征符号的国家,如lambang Merah Putih丹鸟的旗帜金翅鸟。若我们不sepantasnya Merah Putih ITU使用旗帜,serbet是凯恩像素。接下来,我们也要mencintai在地上。meskipun SAAT ini有杨进克印度尼西亚得重要,我们要以我们的kualitas巴朗缝制jauh贝达,产品不作,是

hadirin杨说,在upacara Hari塞宁jyga都不可tinggalkan喜多。都是从拉萨辛塔ITU存在我们在地空气。里面有一upaca旗帜象征符号”ITU杨比萨北lestarikan penghormatan Merah Putih的旗帜,像在歌唱,歌唱伟大的印度尼西亚Kebangsaan拉古,拉古拉古阵,丹kedisiplinan

除了ITU,辛塔和风阳要我们存在,我们该如所用这种这种小sehari Hari如menjaga kebersihan保护从北。用menjaga保护从,北,mewujudkan辛塔在国家kedaulatan喜多。不把sampah sembarangan,树不menebang sembarangan,丹与无社会如menyantuni阿纳亚蒂姆,这是perwujudan,RASA辛塔地空气。

hadirin hormati杨说,这是在学校的理论,杨迪menumbuhkan拉莎辛塔和空气。除了在upacara旗帜,我们也有如mempelajari丹等地bersejarah,如残敌,并质疑该文化,丹。我们也认识mempelajari对位英雄,如beliau纪年。memperingati英雄日,哈里Kartini,丹,这是哈里雅虎存在达日思地空气。

hadirin杨说。韩亚ini杨比萨我看见。semoga艾达希克玛杨北拿达日paparan INI。terimakasih。这

wassalamu'alakum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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