Dear father/mother HIGH SCHOOL level speech contest juryI respect, father/mother invited guestsAs well as a friend of a friend who blessedLove the fatherland is the nation's moral values are increasingly depleting. The existence of a free market and culture beyond the entry freely becomes one of the causes of lunturnya a sense of love of the motherland and all the indigenous cultures in it. In fact, in the modern era, hard pressed to find a teenager who respect the ideology-the ideology of the country, even those who are living abroad and even shame confess if himself originated in Indonesia.The audience who I respect, foster a sense of love of the fatherland was indeed not easy. This love must be present inside each one of us naturally and started as soon as possible. For example, if we have young children at home, we can tell you about the history of the nation in his spare time as a replacement for the fairy tale for children. In addition, we could also invite children to listen to the songs.The audience happy, if we as a student, there are many things we can do as well as a manifestation of our love on ground water. For example, we can learn diligently as a manifestation of our efforts to become the nation's next generation of quality. In addition, we can also always use the language of Indonesia is good and our local languages when communicating. Although this is now more slang for using a foreign language or slang, slang and alay young kids nowadays, we should seek to use language that is good and true.The audience who I respect, love of the fatherland also we can do by way of caring for and respecting the symbol-a symbol of the country, such as the red-white flag and coat of arms of the bird garuda. They should not if we use a red and white flag as a napkin or cloth MOP. Furthermore, we also have to love domestic products. Although currently many imported goods coming into Indonesia, should we be yaking that the quality of the goods is not much different from the domestic-made products.The audience happy, carry out the ceremony every Monday jyga shouldn't we leave. All of that is a manifestation of our love on ground water. In the upaca flag that an awful lot of symbol-a symbol of the State that we can lestarikan, as tribute to the red-white flag, sing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, sing national songs, and discipline.In addition, a manifestation of the love of the fatherland should we keep also we can do with the small everyday actions such as maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around us. By keeping the environment around, we embody the sovereignty of the country we love. Don't litter, don't cut down trees recklessly, and perform social activities such as the menyantuni orphans, is also an embodiment of the sense of love for the homeland.The audience who I respect, at school is a great place to foster a sense of love for the homeland. In addition to carrying out flag ceremonies, we could also study the cultural and historic attractions, such as Temple, local culture, and dance of the region. We also get to know the heroes by studying history. Commemorating the kartini day, heroes day, and independence day is also a manifestation of the love of the homeland.A happy audience. It's just that I can tell. Hopefully there are lessons we take from this exposure. Thank you.Finally, wabilahi taufik walhidayahWassalamu'alakum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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