Sebelum menyalakan komputer, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikand terjemahan - Sebelum menyalakan komputer, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikand Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sebelum menyalakan komputer, ada be

Sebelum menyalakan komputer, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan
diantaranya memastikan
perangkat-perangkat seperti keyboard, mouse, monitor dan kabel power dalam keadaan terhubung power supply dan memastikan PC sudah terinstall Sistem Operasi. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah menyalakan komputer. Tekan tombol power pada CPU
kemudian ikuti dengan
menekan tombol pada monitor. Tunggu beberapa saat proses
loading hingga muncul jendela
windows dan komputer/PC sudah
siap untuk digunakan. Setelah komputer dinyalakan, maka proses selanjutnya adalah Mengoperasikan Komputer. Agar Anda bisa lebih cepat menguasai komputer, maka gunakanlah komputer sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan Anda Belajar Komputer, Jika Anda seorang Designer, maka Anda bisa menggunakan Software Design seperti Corel Draw, 3D, Adobe Photoshop dan lain-lain agar lebih fokus terhadap aktivitas design Anda, Jika Anda seorang Programmer, maka Anda bisa menggunakan Visual Basic, C++, C#, Java, PHP dan lain-lain untuk menunjang pekerjaan Anda, sedangkan jika tujuan belajar komputer Anda adalah hanya untuk Mengetik, Mengirim E-Mail, Membuat Surat dan aktivitas lainnya yang menunjang pekerjaan kantor Anda, maka Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Access) dan sedikit pengetahuan tentang internet sudah sangat mumpuni untuk membantu Anda meringankan pekerjaan Anda. Untuk mematikan komputer (Shutdown), ada beberapa tahap yang harus diperhatikan
yaitu: Tutup semua aplikasi yang Anda
gunakan. Klik menu Start (XP)/ Logo
Windows (7) di pojok kiri bawah. PilihShutdown dan tunggu beberapa saat hingga komputer
Anda benar-benar mati. Setelah komputer benar-benar
mati, kemudian tekan tombol
pada Monitor dan Speaker, Stabilizer dan Perangkat komputer lainnya. Setelah itu baru cabut kabel
dari stop kontak. Hal ini
bertujuan untuk menghemat
daya dan mengantisipasi
terjadinya korsleting listrik.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Before turning on the computer, there are several things to be aware ofincluding ensuringdevices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, and power cable in the State of the connected power supply and make sure the PC already installed the operating system. Here are the steps turn on the computer. Press the power button on the CPUthen follow withPress the button on the monitor. Wait a few moments the processloading until the window appearsWindows and computer/PC alreadyready to use. After the computer is turned on, then the next process is to operate a computer. So that you can more quickly master the computer, then use the computers to suit your needs and your goals are Learning the computer, if you are a Designer, then you can use the Design Software such as Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, 3D and others to be more focus on the activity of Your design, if you are a Programmer, you can use Visual Basic, C++, C #, Java, PHP and others to support your work learning objectives, and if your computer is just for typing, send E-mails, create letters and other activities that support the work of the Office, then Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Access) and a bit of knowledge about the internet have very powerful tool to help you lighten your work. To turn off the computer (Shutdown), there are several stages to be aware ofIE: close all applications youuse. Click the Start menu (XP)/LogoWindows (7) in the lower left corner. PilihShutdown and wait a few moments until the computerYou are really dead. After the computer is reallyoff, then press theon the Monitor and speakers, Stabilizers and other computer Devices. After that unplug the cablefrom the stop contact. Thisaiming to savepower and anticipatethe occurrence of shorted the electricity.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Before turning on the computer, there are several things to be aware
of them to make sure
devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor and a power cable in a state connected to the power supply and make sure the PC is installed Operating System. Here are the steps to turn on the computer. Press the power button on the CPU
and then follow with a
push of a button on the monitor. Wait a few moments the process
of loading up window pops up
windows and computer / PC is
ready for use. After the computer restarts, the next process is to Operate Computers. So that you can more quickly master the computer, then use the computer according to your needs and goals Learning Computer, If you are a designer, you can use Design Software like Corel Draw, 3D, Adobe Photoshop and others to better focus on the activity of your design , If you are a programmer, you can use Visual Basic, C ++, C #, Java, PHP and others to support your work, whereas if the learning objectives of your computer is just for Typing, Sending E-Mail, Making Letters and other activities which support the work of your office, then Microsoft office (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Access) and little knowledge of the internet has a very qualified to help you lighten your work. To turn off the computer (Shutdown), there are several steps that must be considered
are: Close all applications that you
use. Click the Start menu (XP) / Logo
Windows (7) in the bottom left corner. PilihShutdown and wait a few moments until the computer
you are really dead. After the computer completely
off, then press the button
on the monitor and speakers, Stabilizer and other computer devices. After that, unplug it
from the wall socket. It
aims to save
power and anticipate
the occurrence of electrical short circuit.
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
Sebelum menyalakan komputer,艾达,杨要diperhatikan了哈尔diantaranya memastikan使用硬件的工作如键盘,鼠标,显示器丹该功率电源仍在terhubung丹memastikan PC也terinstall系统operasi。berikut是步骤步骤menyalakan电脑。按下箭头在CPU电源然后,伊库蒂强调在监视器上。一直几本散文加载直至金属提升板锁定到位则JendelaWindows电脑/电脑了,丹该短语。Setelah komputer dinyalakan,马克莱莱的散文又是mengoperasikan电脑。琼脂和比萨比cepat menguasai电脑,该电脑的gunakanlah,需先替丹tujuan和其他电脑,如果一个设计师一,马卡和比萨使用软件设计如Corel Draw,3D,Adobe PS图象处理软件丹躺躺,我aktivitas琼脂FOKUS设计阿勒坦汗,若安达一程序员,马克莱莱和比萨使用Visual Basic、C + +,C #,java,php丹躺躺,menunjang作安达,但若不是电脑tujuan安达是韩亚,mengetik,发送电子邮件,使苏拉特丹aktivitas等阳menunjang作坎特安达马卡微软办公软件(微软Word,Excel,Power Point,接入点)丹,互联网,mumpuni知识了,新例一NDA有助於作阿勒坦汗。Untuk mematikan komputer(关机)、艾达几tahap杨要diperhatikan就是:都阳者aplikasi安达使用。单击开始菜单(XP)/标志Windows(7)pojok泡桐树下迪。pilihshutdown丹一直几本电脑直至金属提升板锁定到位安达的去死。就去电脑的马蹄,然后按下箭头在监控丹丹使用电脑的扬声器、稳定剂等。到了ITU巴鲁cabut电缆从停止报导。哈尔INIbertujuan,menghemat大亚湾丹公司不但terjadinya korsleting公司。
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