Oka: Het geld is op het naam , MAXINE PORTER. HET IS EEN BEDRAG VAN; 1.538.87 EURO. HET IS PRESIS, 1000 UNITED KINGDOM POUND? Ik hoop dat het probleem nu opgelost is. En het rest, zie ik je morgen weel .
Oka: the money is on the name, MAXINE PORTER. IT IS AN AMOUNT OF; 1.538.87 EURO. IT IS PRESIS, 1000 UNITED KINGDOM POUND? I hope that the problem is resolved. And the rest, I see you tomorrow weel.
Oka: Money is the name MAXINE PORTER. IT IS AN AMOUNT OF; EURO 1.538.87. IT IS Presis, 1000 UNITED KINGDOM POUND? I hope the problem is resolved. And the rest, I'll see you tomorrow weel.
oka: the money is on the name, maxine porter. it is a sum of; 1.538.87 euro. the united kingdom is presis, 1000 pound? i hope that the problem is resolved. and the rest, i'll see you again tomorrow.