ABSTRAKWijayanto, Samsu. 2015. Konsep Fakir dalam Perspektif Hadis. Sk terjemahan - ABSTRAKWijayanto, Samsu. 2015. Konsep Fakir dalam Perspektif Hadis. Sk Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ABSTRAKWijayanto, Samsu. 2015. Kons

Wijayanto, Samsu. 2015. Konsep Fakir dalam Perspektif Hadis. Skripsi, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah, Jurusan Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir, IAIN Tulungagung. Pembimbing Dr. Salamah Noorhidayati, M. Ag.
Kata Kunci: Fakir, Hadis, Miskin, Butuh
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya fenomena masyarakat yang tergambar dengan sebuah strata masyarakat.Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat tidak lepas dari adanya strata sosial dalam masyarakat, seperti adanya miskin tentu ada yang kaya.Miskin dalam pandangan masyarakat selalu saja dikaitkan dengan kata fakir.Bahkan fakir dinilai lebih rendah dari miskin.Oleh karena itu, fakir menjadi hal yang tidak ingin diimpikan apalagi dialami oleh kebanyakan masyarakat. Dengan demikian adanya kajian terhadap makna fakir sangat diperlukan untuk memberi pandangan lain atas fakir dan tidak memandang fakir hanya dari satu sisi saja.
Adapun yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah (1)Bagaimana makna kata fakir yang terdapat dalam hadis Nabi?. (2) Bagaimana relevansi hadis tentang fakir terhadap realita kekinian?.Sedangkan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Untuk mengetahui makna kata fakir yang terdapat dalam hadis Nabi dan cakupannya. (2) Untuk mengetahui relevansi hadis tentang fakir terhadap realita kekinian.
Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepustakaan (libraryresearch).Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan kajian ma’anil hadis dengan metode analisis tematik (maudu>’i).Adapun untuk pengumpulan data yang diambil dari sumber data primer –antara lain as}-S{ahih al-Bukha>ri, as}-S{ahih al-Muslim, Sunan Abu> Daud, Sunan at-Tirmidzi>, Sunan Ibnu Maja>hdan Sunan an-Nasa>i, penyusun akan menggunakan metode Takhrij bi al-Lafz}iyaitu penelusuran hadis-hadis dalam kitab hadis berdasarkan lafaz}hadis yang diteliti. Kitab yang digunakan dalam men-takhrij hadis ialah Al-Mu'jam Al-Mufahras Li Alfaz} al-Hadis karya A. J. Wensinck.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) Fakir tidak hanya dimaknai dengan kurangnya harta benda yang dimiliki seseorang, melainkan banyak makna yang terkandung di dalamnya. Perbedaan makna fakir sangat bergantung pada lafaz} yang dipakai.Dalam perspektif hadis, fakir dibagi menjadi dua, yakni fakir yang berkonotasi positif, dan fakir yang berkonotasi negatif. (2) Realita yang terjadi di masyarakat saat ini justru menjadikan seseorang lupa akan Allah dengan mengejar dunia untuk terlepas dari kefakirannya. Bahkan sebagian orang melakukan segala cara untuk terlepas dari kefakiran meskipun dengan cara yang tidak dirid}aioleh Allah.Hal demikian terjadi karena tidak adanya kesadaran dan pemahaman sehingga kefakiran menyebabkan sebagian orang menjadi kufur kepada Allah.Padahal dalam fakir juga terdapat kemuliaan dan keberuntungan apabila dapat memanfaatkannya dengan baik.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ABSTRACTWijayanto, Samsu. 2015. The concept Belongs in perspective of the Hadith. Thesis, Faculty of Usul, Adab and Dawah, Department of Quran and Tafseer, Tulungagung, IAIN. Supervisor Dr. Salamah Noorhidayati, M. Ag.Keywords: Poor, Hadith, Poor, NeedThe research was distributed by the existence of the phenomenon of the society that are reflected by a stratum of society. In the life of society cannot be separated from the presence of social strata in society, such as the existence of the poor there are certainly rich. Poor in view of the community has always been associated with the word belongs to. Even poor rated lower than the poor. Therefore, the poor become the ideal does not want let alone experienced by most people. Thus the existence of a study of the meaning belongs to the very necessary to give another view over poor and not poor just looking from one side only.As for that being a focus in this research are (1) how meaning belongs to the words contained in the Hadith the Prophet?. (2) How the relevance of the Hadith about the poor against the reality of the present. While this research aims to find out (1) to find out the meaning of the word belongs to contained in the Hadith of the Prophet and its coverage. (2) to know the relevance of the Hadith about the poor against the reality of the present.This research included in research libraries (libraryresearch). In addition, this research uses the study of Hadith with ma'anil thematic analysis method (maudu ' > i). With regard to the collection of data from primary data sources – among others the us}-S {ahih al-Bukha > ri, USA}-S {ahih al-Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan > at-tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Maja > > hdan Sunan an-Nasa > i, the compiler will use the method of Takhreej bi al-Lafz} search iyaitu Hadith-Hadith narrated in the Hadith according canvassed Hadith mention}. The book used in download takhreej Hadith is Al-Mu'jam Al-Mufahras Li} Alfaz al-Hadith works of a. j. Wensinck.The results of this study suggest that (1) Belongs not only meant by lack of property owned by a person, but rather the many meanings contained in it. The difference of meaning poor depend heavily on mention} used. In the perspective of the poor, the Hadith is divided into two, namely the poor who now belongs to the positive, and the negative now. (2) Reality that occurs in today's society thus makes a person forget the will of God with the world to pursue regardless of kefakirannya. Even most people do everything to regardless of kefakiran though in a way that does not aioleh} dirid Allah. Such case occurs due to lack of awareness and understanding so that the kefakiran cause most people become kufur to God. But there are also poor in glory and fortune in can use it properly.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Wijayanto, Samsu. 2015. The concept of Fakir in Perspective Hadith. Thesis, Faculty of Islamic Theology, Adab and Propagation, Department of Qur'an and Tafseer, IAIN Tulungagung. Supervisor Dr. Salamah Noorhidayati, M. Ag.
Keywords: Fakir, Hadith, Poor, took
research was motivated by the phenomenon of society depicted with a masyarakat.Dalam strata of social life can not be separated from the social strata in society, such as the poor of course there are the rich .Miskin in public opinion always associated with the word fakir.Bahkan indigent rated lower than miskin.Oleh Therefore, fakir be things that do not want to dream let alone experienced by most people. Thus the study of the meaning of the devotee is indispensable for providing another view on the poor and needy and not look only on one side only.
As the focus of this study were (1) How is the meaning of the word fakir contained in the hadith of the Prophet ?. (2) How relevant is the tradition of the poor and to the reality of the present? .Sedangkan This study aims to determine (1) To determine the meaning of the word fakir contained in the hadith of the Prophet and scope. (2) To determine the relevance of the hadith about the poor and to the reality of the present.
This study included in the category of research literature (libraryresearch) .In addition, this study uses ma'anil studies tradition with thematic analysis method (maudu> 'i) .As for data collection taken from the primary data source other -antara as -S} {ahih al-Bukha> ri, as -S} {ahih al-Muslim, Sunan Abu> David Sunan at-Tirmidhi>, Sunan Ibn Maja> hdan Sunan an- Nasa> i, authors will use a method Takhrij bi al-lafz} iyaitu search hadiths in hadith based lafaz} hadith studied. Book used in downloading Takhrij is Al-Hadith Al-Mufahras Mu'jam Li Alfaz} al-Hadith AJ Wensinck work.
The results of this study show that (1) Fakir not only interpreted by the lack of property owned by someone, but many meaning contained therein. Differences indigent meaning depends heavily on the dipakai.Dalam lafaz} hadith perspective, poor and divided into two, namely the positive connotation indigent and needy that negative connotation. (2) Reality is happening in today's society it makes a person forget God the world to pursue regardless of kefakirannya. Even some people do everything they can to get rid of poverty despite a manner that does not dirid} aioleh Allah.Hal thus occurred due to the lack of awareness and understanding that poverty causes some to be kufr to Allah.Padahal in poor and there is also a glory and fortune if it can use well.
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
维加亚托,三水。2015。konsep苦行僧在perspektif“圣训”。skripsi,fakultas ushuluddin,Adab丹宣通,jurusan宫廷仪式舞al-qur'an丹费尔,伊恩图隆阿贡。pembimbing博士salamah noorhidayati,米银。
penelitian INI dilatarbelakangi在adanya fenomena中心杨tergambar用一层中心。在kehidupan bermasyarakat茗荷儿从adanya阶层社会不在中心,如adanya米斯金tentu杨艾达卡亚。米斯金於中心就笑,连dikaitkan卡塔苦行僧。苦行僧dinilai比价格从赤贫。所以ITU,苦行僧,不想diimpikan白洋apalagi众人相同,kebanyakan中心。用这样adanya kajian Makna苦行僧,diperlukan,躺在这一美学苦行僧丹不在苦行僧韩亚达日一丝丝的笑。
adapun杨为FOKUS在penelitian这是(1)他Makna卡塔苦行僧杨有彩蝶在“圣训”?。(2)“圣训”,这relevansi苦行僧,realita kekinian?。在penelitian INI bertujuan,原(1),原Makna卡塔苦行僧杨有在“圣训”申丹cakupannya。(2),原relevansi“圣训”,realita苦行僧,kekinian。
penelitian ini包含在kategori penelitian kepustakaan(库的研究)。此外ITU,penelitian ini使用kajian ma'anil“圣训”,tematik metode分析(maudu >我)。adapun,pengumpulan数据从该数据杨的生命从引物–安塔拉躺为}的{ AHIH Al布哈尔>里,作为}的{ AHIH Al的穆斯林,苏南阿布> Daud,苏南在tirmidzi >,苏南ibnu Maja > hdan苏南NASA >我,penyusun要使用metode takhrij铋铝lafz } iyaitu penelusuran“圣训”“圣训”在“圣训”berdasarkan基塔lafaz }“圣训”杨diteliti。书阳digunakan在男人takhrij“圣训”是al-mu'jam铝mufahras李阿尔法斯}基地“圣训”公司A·J·文辛克。
该penelitian INI menunjukan,(1)不唯一,kurangnya苦行僧dimaknai Harta本达杨dimiliki人,乃是有人terkandung Makna杨迪。perbedaan Makna的苦行僧,bergantung在lafaz }阳用在perspektif“圣训”,苦行僧dibagi为双,也就是苦行僧杨berkonotasi伴唱键盘,丹苦行僧杨berkonotasi否定观。(2)realita杨迪中心也应用INI justru人要人,他对安拉的世界,terlepas达日kefakirannya。其实sebagian猩猩都为卡拉,terlepas达日kefakiran meskipun,杨卡拉不dirid } aioleh真主。哈尔也因为这样不adanya kesadaran丹就不pemahaman kefakiran sebagian猩猩为kufur向真主。其实也有苦行僧的荣耀在丹keberuntungan,memanfaatkannya,
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