CV. Giva Grace Persada is a company in the field of Medical Surgical Equipment, service & spare parts in almost all hospitals in YOGYAKARTA and Central Java. But service to current customers still have deficiencies such as when there is a change in the price or the existence of new products to offer, customers are not able to find out such information directly. In addition, product sales transactions done traditionally, i.e. in face to face or from hand to hand directly, do deals and finally going on the deal. Customers also can not explicate lamented over their fate against companies with practical and easy. The shortcomings of this can affect customer loyalty. CV. Anugrah Giva Persada need to align step in the use of technology by utilizing existing media promotion namely through the medium of the web. To optimize the design of a web-based system to one more focused on customer satisfaction and customer interaction processes with the company, used the method of index customer satisfaction (Customer satisfaction index) to find out the level of customer satisfaction to the services of the company and the method of User Centered Design (UCD) as a design philosophy which puts the user, in this case the customer as the center of the system development process, in order to allow data management and information delivery to customers quickly and easily.Keyword : Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), User Centered Design (UCD), E-Commerce
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