„Light is I sup­ports you, that is in­suf­fi­cient, only if you can sh terjemahan - „Light is I sup­ports you, that is in­suf­fi­cient, only if you can sh Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Light is I sup­ports you, that is

„Light is I sup­ports you, that is in­suf­fi­cient, only if you can show that you re­ally have the abil­ity the Di­vine Feather Sect belt to mag­nif­i­cently!” Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud is silent was say­ing.
„I to the teacher will show that I have such abil­ity, but also asked the teacher to sup­port!” Nie Li said.
„On the moral char­ac­ter, I fa­vors you, you are much bet­ter com­pared with Long Tian­ming, but Situ Beiyan that child is also good.” Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud thinks that „Situ Beiyan is the Sect Mas­ter child, was only a pity the heart that he vies for su­premacy is not that in­tense ...”
Situ Beiyan? Nie Li as if has lis­tened to some, pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion Situ Beiyan was plot­ted, dies a vi­o­lent death be­wil­deredly, af­ter­ward Long Tian­ming was in power, that all feel­ings are Situ Beiyan do likely. Since pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion Situ Beiyan has not won Long Tian­ming, this makes him be­come Di­vine Feather Sect Sect Mas­ter, per­haps is not the good deed.
„This is I for the com­pounded drug that the teacher re­fines, eats up this com­pounded drug, I be­lieve that the teacher will un­der­stand my idea ... Since I can help Di­vine Feather Sect achieve the mag­nif­i­cence that thou­sand years have not achieved!” Nie Li is said very much self-con­fi­dently that has given Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud the com­pounded drug re­spect­fully.
Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud re­ceived the com­pounded drug, gaze falls after the com­pounded drug, has flashed through a sur­prised color slightly.
He felt on this com­pounded drug the ter­ri­fy­ing ef­fi­cacy!
Opens mouth swal­lowed down this com­pounded drug, only thought that rushes the in­fi­nite ef­fi­cacy, fol­low­ing the throat, Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud felt tur­bu­lently own body, looked like the flame has burnt gen­er­ally.
Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud is Ex­pert of Mar­tial An­ces­tor level, gen­er­ally, the or­di­nary com­pounded drug eats to him, the basic ef­fec­tive­ness does not have, only if that thou­sands of year won­der drug, but these won­der drugs are not easy to look.
At least dozens years, Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud has not eaten to have been any to his Cul­ti­va­tion help­ful com­pounded drug.
Be­cause his Cul­ti­va­tion in­side story was too strong!
The rush­ing ef­fi­cacy that how­ever the com­pounded drug of leaf galaxy, above con­tains, un­ex­pect­edly is much more for­mi­da­ble than the strength that his one­self prac­tices!
Five years, Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud Cul­ti­va­tion stays in the Mar­tial An­ces­tor Third Level bound­ary bogs down, now eats up this com­pounded drug, Cul­ti­va­tion un­ex­pect­edly is the crazy pro­mo­tion. Broke through the Mar­tial An­ces­tor Fourth Level bound­ary in­stan­ta­neously, and has not stopped.
Ac­tu­ally this is any won­der drug, ef­fi­cacy is un­ex­pect­edly ter­ror­ist in this way!
De­cided that Di­vine Feather Sect sta­tus, is not the Cul­ti­va­tion strengths of these or­di­nary dis­ci­ples. But is the Di­vine Feather Sect five gi­ants, in these five gi­ants, what Cul­ti­va­tion is strongest is the Mar­tial An­ces­tor Fifth Level bound­ary, what is weak­est is the Mar­tial An­ces­tor First Level bound­ary, Ex­pert of five Mar­tial An­ces­tor lev­els. Is the strength of en­tire Di­vine Feather Sect peak level!
Ex­pert of these five Mar­tial An­ces­tor lev­els are in good health, Di­vine Feather Sect will not be fee­ble! But if Ex­pert of these five Mar­tial An­ces­tor lev­els had prob­lems, that Di­vine Feather Sect loudly avalanche, like the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion.
Ex­pert of these five Mar­tial An­ces­tor lev­els, pos­si­bly are year even dozens years, Cul­ti­va­tion can a lit­tle pro­mote, to their this Realm, wanted to pro­mote Cul­ti­va­tion, is not the pure prac­tice is OK, but also needs some chances.
Mar­tial An­ces­tor breaks through First Level every time. The life can lengthen for sev­eral years.
Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud lived was so long, has lacked the abil­ity to do what one would like more and more, felt that in dozens years, will pos­si
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Light is I sup­ports you, that is in­suf­fi­cient, only if you can show that you re­ally have the abil­ity the Di­vine Feather Sect belt to mag­nif­i­cently!” Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud is silent was say­ing.„I to the teacher will show that I have such abil­ity, but also asked the teacher to sup­port!” Nie Li said.„On the moral char­ac­ter, I fa­vors you, you are much bet­ter com­pared with Long Tian­ming, but Situ Beiyan that child is also good.” Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud thinks that „Situ Beiyan is the Sect Mas­ter child, was only a pity the heart that he vies for su­premacy is not that in­tense ...”Situ Beiyan? Nie Li as if has lis­tened to some, pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion Situ Beiyan was plot­ted, dies a vi­o­lent death be­wil­deredly, af­ter­ward Long Tian­ming was in power, that all feel­ings are Situ Beiyan do likely. Since pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion Situ Beiyan has not won Long Tian­ming, this makes him be­come Di­vine Feather Sect Sect Mas­ter, per­haps is not the good deed.„This is I for the com­pounded drug that the teacher re­fines, eats up this com­pounded drug, I be­lieve that the teacher will un­der­stand my idea ... Since I can help Di­vine Feather Sect achieve the mag­nif­i­cence that thou­sand years have not achieved!” Nie Li is said very much self-con­fi­dently that has given Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud the com­pounded drug re­spect­fully.Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud re­ceived the com­pounded drug, gaze falls after the com­pounded drug, has flashed through a sur­prised color slightly.He felt on this com­pounded drug the ter­ri­fy­ing ef­fi­cacy!Opens mouth swal­lowed down this com­pounded drug, only thought that rushes the in­fi­nite ef­fi­cacy, fol­low­ing the throat, Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud felt tur­bu­lently own body, looked like the flame has burnt gen­er­ally.Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud is Ex­pert of Mar­tial An­ces­tor level, gen­er­ally, the or­di­nary com­pounded drug eats to him, the basic ef­fec­tive­ness does not have, only if that thou­sands of year won­der drug, but these won­der drugs are not easy to look.At least dozens years, Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud has not eaten to have been any to his Cul­ti­va­tion help­ful com­pounded drug.Be­cause his Cul­ti­va­tion in­side story was too strong!The rush­ing ef­fi­cacy that how­ever the com­pounded drug of leaf galaxy, above con­tains, un­ex­pect­edly is much more for­mi­da­ble than the strength that his one­self prac­tices!Five years, Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud Cul­ti­va­tion stays in the Mar­tial An­ces­tor Third Level bound­ary bogs down, now eats up this com­pounded drug, Cul­ti­va­tion un­ex­pect­edly is the crazy pro­mo­tion. Broke through the Mar­tial An­ces­tor Fourth Level bound­ary in­stan­ta­neously, and has not stopped.Ac­tu­ally this is any won­der drug, ef­fi­cacy is un­ex­pect­edly ter­ror­ist in this way!
De­cided that Di­vine Feather Sect sta­tus, is not the Cul­ti­va­tion strengths of these or­di­nary dis­ci­ples. But is the Di­vine Feather Sect five gi­ants, in these five gi­ants, what Cul­ti­va­tion is strongest is the Mar­tial An­ces­tor Fifth Level bound­ary, what is weak­est is the Mar­tial An­ces­tor First Level bound­ary, Ex­pert of five Mar­tial An­ces­tor lev­els. Is the strength of en­tire Di­vine Feather Sect peak level!
Ex­pert of these five Mar­tial An­ces­tor lev­els are in good health, Di­vine Feather Sect will not be fee­ble! But if Ex­pert of these five Mar­tial An­ces­tor lev­els had prob­lems, that Di­vine Feather Sect loudly avalanche, like the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion.
Ex­pert of these five Mar­tial An­ces­tor lev­els, pos­si­bly are year even dozens years, Cul­ti­va­tion can a lit­tle pro­mote, to their this Realm, wanted to pro­mote Cul­ti­va­tion, is not the pure prac­tice is OK, but also needs some chances.
Mar­tial An­ces­tor breaks through First Level every time. The life can lengthen for sev­eral years.
Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud lived was so long, has lacked the abil­ity to do what one would like more and more, felt that in dozens years, will pos­si
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Cahaya adalah saya mendukung Anda, yang tidak cukup, hanya jika Anda dapat menunjukkan bahwa Anda benar-benar memiliki kemampuan sabuk Ilahi Feather Sekte untuk megah!" Hierarch Skycloud diam berkata.
"Saya ke guru akan menunjukkan bahwa saya memiliki kemampuan seperti , tetapi juga meminta guru untuk mendukung! "Nie Li mengatakan.
" pada karakter moral, saya nikmat Anda, Anda jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dengan panjang Tianming, tapi Situ Beiyan anak yang juga baik. "Hierarch Skycloud berpikir bahwa" Situ Beiyan adalah anak Sekte Guru, hanya sayang hati bahwa ia vies untuk supremasi tidak yang intens ... "
Situ Beiyan? Nie Li seakan telah mendengarkan beberapa, generasi sebelumnya Situ Beiyan diplot, meninggal kematian kekerasan bewilderedly, sesudahnya panjang Tianming berkuasa, bahwa semua perasaan yang Situ Beiyan lakukan mungkin. Sejak generasi sebelumnya Situ Beiyan belum menang Panjang Tianming, ini membuat dia menjadi Divine Feather Sekte Sekte Guru, mungkin bukan perbuatan baik.
"Ini adalah saya untuk obat diperparah bahwa guru memurnikan, memakan obat diperparah ini, saya percaya bahwa guru akan memahami ide saya ... Karena saya dapat membantu Ilahi Feather Sekte mencapai kemegahan yang seribu tahun belum mencapai! "Nie Li dikatakan sangat penuh percaya diri yang telah diberikan Hierarch Skycloud obat diperparah dengan hormat.
Hierarch Skycloud menerima diperparah obat, tatapan jatuh setelah obat diperparah, telah melintas warna terkejut sedikit.
Dia merasa obat ini diperparah khasiat menakutkan!
Membuka mulut menelan turun obat diperparah ini, hanya berpikir bahwa bergegas khasiat yang tak terbatas, menyusul tenggorokan, Hierarch Skycloud merasa tubuh turbulently sendiri, tampak seperti nyala api telah dibakar umumnya.
Hierarch Skycloud adalah Ahli tingkat Martial Leluhur, umumnya, obat diperparah biasa makan dia, efektivitas dasar tidak memiliki, hanya jika itu ribuan obat tahun heran, tetapi ini obat heran tidak mudah terlihat.
pada puluhan setidaknya tahun, Hierarch Skycloud tidak makan telah apapun untuk Budidaya nya membantu obat diperparah.
Karena Budidaya nya dalam cerita itu terlalu kuat!
kemanjuran bergegas bahwa bagaimanapun obat diperparah galaksi daun, di atas mengandung, tiba-tiba jauh lebih tangguh daripada kekuatan yang nya diri praktek!
Lima tahun, Hierarch Skycloud Budidaya tetap di Martial Tingkat Leluhur Ketiga batas rawa bawah, sekarang memakan obat diperparah ini, Budidaya tiba-tiba adalah promosi gila. Menerobos batas Martial Leluhur Keempat Tingkat seketika, dan belum berhenti.
Sebenarnya ini adalah obat heran, khasiat adalah tiba-tiba teroris dengan cara ini!
Memutuskan bahwa status Ilahi Feather Sect, bukan kekuatan Budidaya murid-murid yang biasa. Tetapi adalah Ilahi Feather Sekte lima raksasa, dalam lima raksasa ini, apa Budidaya paling kuat adalah batas Martial Leluhur Kelima Level, apa yang paling lemah adalah batas Martial Leluhur Tingkat Pertama, Ahli dari lima tingkat Martial Leluhur. Adalah kekuatan seluruh tingkat puncak Ilahi Feather Sekte!
Ahli dari lima tingkat Martial Leluhur ini dalam kesehatan yang baik, Divine Feather Sekte tidak akan lemah! Tetapi jika Ahli dari lima tingkat Martial Leluhur ini memiliki masalah, yang Ilahi Feather Sekte keras longsor, seperti generasi sebelumnya.
Ahli dari lima tingkat Martial Leluhur ini, mungkin adalah tahun bahkan puluhan tahun, Budidaya dapat mempromosikan sedikit, untuk Realm ini mereka, ingin mempromosikan Budidaya, bukan praktek murni OK, tapi juga perlu beberapa peluang.
Martial Leluhur menerobos Tingkat Pertama setiap kali. Hidup dapat memperpanjang selama beberapa tahun.
Hierarch Skycloud hidup begitu lama, telah memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan apa yang ingin lebih dan lebih, merasa bahwa dalam puluhan tahun, akan POSSI
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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