“When you were training in seclusion, your World Spirit Guild used the terjemahan - “When you were training in seclusion, your World Spirit Guild used the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“When you were training in seclusio

“When you were training in seclusion, your World Spirit Guild used the special Delivery Formation to hiddenly transport your World Spirit Guild’s young generation away from the World Spirit Guild’s base. They wanted them to escape this calamity.”

“But they didn’t know that I already expected they would have that hand. So, your World Spirit Guild current, most excellent young generation have all died!”

“Without your young generation, your World Spirit Guild is fated to be weaker than my Jie clan for the next dozens of years. So, even if I don’t exterminate your World Spirit Guild today, you have already lost.” Jie Shi insanely laughed loudly.

And after hearing his words, the expressions of the current head of the World Spirit Guild and the manager elders changed greatly. All of their faces were like ashes. Some people’s feet even went limp, felt that the world was spinning, and fainted away.

Even Gu Tianchen tightly furrowed his brows. His calm gaze started to flicker and become unstable.

Because, it was as Jie Shi said. A power’s young generation did determine its future. If accidents truly happened to his World Spirit Guild’s young generation, it would definitely affect his World Spirit Guild’s future development. To them, it would definitely be a huge setback.

“Jie Shi, don’t even think of speaking nonsense. My World Spirit Guild’s Delivery Formation is the hard work of my previous generations’ seniors. How can it be calculated by the likes of you?” One manager elder in the World Spirit Guild was not willing to believe Jie Shi’s words and loudly retorted.

“I’m speaking nonsense? Open your dog eyes and look carefully. Why aren’t the four heads of the Yuangang School, Hidden White Sect, Fire God School, and Free and Unrestrained Valley in my army? Where did they go? Can it be that you can’t think of anything?”

“Gu Tianchen, tell your World Spirit Guild’s ignorant younger generation this. Tell them whether I, Jie Shi, have the ability to calculate where your World Spirit Guild’s Delivery Formation would send them or not!” Jie Shi’s laughter became louder and louder, as if he had already grasped the ticket to victory.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“When you were training in seclusion, your World Spirit Guild used the special Delivery Formation to hiddenly transport your World Spirit Guild’s young generation away from the World Spirit Guild’s base. They wanted them to escape this calamity.”“But they didn’t know that I already expected they would have that hand. So, your World Spirit Guild current, most excellent young generation have all died!”“Without your young generation, your World Spirit Guild is fated to be weaker than my Jie clan for the next dozens of years. So, even if I don’t exterminate your World Spirit Guild today, you have already lost.” Jie Shi insanely laughed loudly.And after hearing his words, the expressions of the current head of the World Spirit Guild and the manager elders changed greatly. All of their faces were like ashes. Some people’s feet even went limp, felt that the world was spinning, and fainted away.Even Gu Tianchen tightly furrowed his brows. His calm gaze started to flicker and become unstable.Because, it was as Jie Shi said. A power’s young generation did determine its future. If accidents truly happened to his World Spirit Guild’s young generation, it would definitely affect his World Spirit Guild’s future development. To them, it would definitely be a huge setback.“Jie Shi, don’t even think of speaking nonsense. My World Spirit Guild’s Delivery Formation is the hard work of my previous generations’ seniors. How can it be calculated by the likes of you?” One manager elder in the World Spirit Guild was not willing to believe Jie Shi’s words and loudly retorted.
“I’m speaking nonsense? Open your dog eyes and look carefully. Why aren’t the four heads of the Yuangang School, Hidden White Sect, Fire God School, and Free and Unrestrained Valley in my army? Where did they go? Can it be that you can’t think of anything?”

“Gu Tianchen, tell your World Spirit Guild’s ignorant younger generation this. Tell them whether I, Jie Shi, have the ability to calculate where your World Spirit Guild’s Delivery Formation would send them or not!” Jie Shi’s laughter became louder and louder, as if he had already grasped the ticket to victory.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Ketika Anda sedang melatih di pengasingan, Dunia Anda Roh Guild digunakan Formasi Pengiriman khusus untuk mengangkut hiddenly generasi muda Dunia Anda Roh Persekutuan jauh dari pangkalan Dunia Roh Persekutuan. Mereka ingin mereka untuk melarikan diri musibah ini. "" Tapi mereka tidak tahu bahwa saya sudah diharapkan mereka akan memiliki tangan yang. Jadi, Dunia Roh Guild saat ini, generasi muda yang paling baik Anda memiliki semua mati! "" Tanpa generasi muda Anda, Anda World Roh Guild ditakdirkan untuk menjadi lebih lemah dari klan Jie saya untuk puluhan tahun mendatang. Jadi, bahkan jika saya tidak memusnahkan Anda Dunia Roh Guild hari ini, Anda telah kehilangan. "Jie Shi gila-gilaan tertawa keras. Dan setelah mendengar kata-katanya, ekspresi kepala saat Dunia Roh Guild dan tua-tua manajer berubah sangat . Semua wajah mereka seperti abu. Kaki beberapa orang bahkan pergi lemas, merasa bahwa dunia berputar, dan pingsan pergi. Bahkan Gu Tianchen erat mengerutkan alisnya. Tatapan tenang nya mulai berkedip dan menjadi tidak stabil. Karena, itu seperti kata Jie Shi. Generasi muda Sebuah kekuatan yang tidak menentukan masa depan. Jika kecelakaan benar-benar terjadi pada generasi muda Dunia nya Roh Guild, itu pasti akan mempengaruhi perkembangan Dunia nya Roh Guild masa depan. Bagi mereka, itu pasti akan menjadi kemunduran besar. "Jie Shi, bahkan tidak berpikir omong kosong berbicara. My World Roh Persekutuan Pengiriman Formasi adalah kerja keras dari senior generasi sebelumnya '. Bagaimana hal itu dapat dihitung dengan orang-orang seperti Anda? "Seorang manajer tua di Dunia Roh Guild tidak mau percaya kata-kata Jie Shi dan keras membalas." Saya berbicara omong kosong? Buka mata anjing Anda dan melihat hati-hati. Mengapa tidak empat kepala Yuangang Sekolah, Hidden Putih Sekte, Api Tuhan School, dan gratis dan terkendali Lembah tentara saya? Kemana mereka pergi? Mungkinkah Anda tidak bisa memikirkan apa pun? "" Gu Tianchen, memberitahu generasi muda bodoh Dunia Anda Roh Persekutuan ini. Katakan kepada mereka apakah saya, Jie Shi, memiliki kemampuan untuk menghitung di mana Anda World Roh Persekutuan Pengiriman Formasi akan mengirim mereka atau tidak! "Tawa Jie Shi menjadi keras dan keras, seolah-olah dia sudah memahami tiket ke kemenangan.

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