The Angel Battle Formation had been broken, just like that.“Formation  terjemahan - The Angel Battle Formation had been broken, just like that.“Formation  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Angel Battle Formation had been

The Angel Battle Formation had been broken, just like that.

“Formation attacks are useless against me.” Linley’s remorseless eyes swept them with his gaze. “That’s one of you down. Now for the rest of you.”

In the Yulan continent, anyone, including Saint-level experts, would die once their bodies were destroyed.

When these Angels who had descended into human bodies fought, even when they went all out, they weren’t actually destroying their own bodies. They were just ignoring their bodies’ ability to contain their power, in essence overloading them.

This sort of overloading technique would cause the body to slowly break down.

This sort of break down was gradual. Only after, say, thirty seconds, would the body have decayed to the point where the soul could no longer survive in it.

But since Linley reduced the Angel’s internal organs into paste with a single blow, even if the Angel wanted to go all out at this point, it was too late.

“Lord?” The other four looked at Lyndin.

A holy light was suddenly shining from Lyndin’s face. “Since this mortal has such an unusual attack, we no longer need to worry about our lives. Prepare to return to the embrace of the Lord.”

“Yes, Lord.”

Their eyes were very cold and calm. Their faces began to shine with holy light as well.

“Swish, swish…” A pair of illusion-like white wings suddenly sprouted from the backs of those four men. In the blink of an eye, those four ‘ordinary’ men each now were winged, and they flew into the sky.

Four humanoids with wings were flying in the air. Seeing this, Linley was shocked.

“Angels! They are Angels!”

One of the legendary, powerful races had just appeared in front of him. Even the weakest two-Winged Angels were terrifyingly powerful early-stage Saint-level experts.

“Kill.” Lyndin issued her order, not wasting any time at all.

This was because the bodies of these four were already beginning to emit blood, which was constantly flowing downwards. Clearly, their bodies were already starting to crumble, and their blood vessels were beginning to collapse. The early-stage Saint-level energy was beyond the capacity of these bodies.

They didn’t have much time.

They had to kill Linley as quickly as possible.

“Whoosh!” With a flap of their radiant wings, the four Angels transformed into four white blurs as they charged towards Linley.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Angel Battle Formation had been broken, just like that.“Formation attacks are useless against me.” Linley’s remorseless eyes swept them with his gaze. “That’s one of you down. Now for the rest of you.”In the Yulan continent, anyone, including Saint-level experts, would die once their bodies were destroyed.When these Angels who had descended into human bodies fought, even when they went all out, they weren’t actually destroying their own bodies. They were just ignoring their bodies’ ability to contain their power, in essence overloading them.This sort of overloading technique would cause the body to slowly break down.This sort of break down was gradual. Only after, say, thirty seconds, would the body have decayed to the point where the soul could no longer survive in it.But since Linley reduced the Angel’s internal organs into paste with a single blow, even if the Angel wanted to go all out at this point, it was too late.“Lord?” The other four looked at Lyndin.A holy light was suddenly shining from Lyndin’s face. “Since this mortal has such an unusual attack, we no longer need to worry about our lives. Prepare to return to the embrace of the Lord.”“Yes, Lord.”Their eyes were very cold and calm. Their faces began to shine with holy light as well.“Swish, swish…” A pair of illusion-like white wings suddenly sprouted from the backs of those four men. In the blink of an eye, those four ‘ordinary’ men each now were winged, and they flew into the sky.Four humanoids with wings were flying in the air. Seeing this, Linley was shocked.“Angels! They are Angels!”One of the legendary, powerful races had just appeared in front of him. Even the weakest two-Winged Angels were terrifyingly powerful early-stage Saint-level experts.“Kill.” Lyndin issued her order, not wasting any time at all.This was because the bodies of these four were already beginning to emit blood, which was constantly flowing downwards. Clearly, their bodies were already starting to crumble, and their blood vessels were beginning to collapse. The early-stage Saint-level energy was beyond the capacity of these bodies.They didn’t have much time.They had to kill Linley as quickly as possible.“Whoosh!” With a flap of their radiant wings, the four Angels transformed into four white blurs as they charged towards Linley.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Formasi Malaikat Pertempuran telah rusak, hanya seperti itu. "Serangan Formasi tidak berguna terhadap saya." Mata kejam Linley menyapu mereka dengan tatapannya. "Itu salah satu Anda ke bawah. Sekarang untuk sisa Anda. "Dalam benua Yulan, siapa pun, termasuk para ahli Saint-tingkat, akan mati setelah tubuh mereka hancur. Ketika ini Malaikat yang telah turun ke dalam tubuh manusia berjuang, bahkan ketika mereka pergi semua keluar, mereka weren ' t benar-benar menghancurkan tubuh mereka sendiri. Mereka hanya mengabaikan kemampuan tubuh mereka 'mengandung kekuasaan mereka, pada dasarnya overloading mereka. Ini semacam teknik overloading akan menyebabkan tubuh perlahan memecah. Ini semacam istirahat turun adalah bertahap. Hanya setelah, katakanlah, tiga puluh detik, akan tubuh telah membusuk ke titik di mana jiwa tidak bisa lagi bertahan hidup di dalamnya. Tapi karena Linley berkurang organ internal Angel menjadi pasta dengan satu pukulan, bahkan jika Malaikat ingin pergi semua keluar pada titik ini, sudah terlambat. "Tuhan?" Empat lainnya memandang Lyndin. Sebuah cahaya suci tiba-tiba bersinar dari wajah Lyndin ini. "Sejak fana ini memiliki seperti serangan yang tidak biasa, kita tidak perlu lagi khawatir tentang hidup kita. Mempersiapkan diri untuk kembali ke pelukan Tuhan. "" Ya, Tuhan. "Mata mereka sangat dingin dan tenang. Wajah mereka mulai bersinar dengan cahaya suci juga. "Swish, desir ..." Sepasang sayap ilusi-seperti putih tiba-tiba tumbuh dari punggung mereka empat orang. Dalam sekejap mata, empat laki-laki 'biasa' setiap saat yang bersayap, dan mereka terbang ke langit. Empat humanoids dengan sayap terbang di udara. Melihat ini, Linley terkejut. "Malaikat! Mereka adalah Malaikat! "Salah satu yang legendaris, ras kuat baru saja muncul di depannya. Bahkan terlemah dua-Winged Malaikat adalah tahap awal ahli Saint-tingkat menakutkan kuat. "Bunuh." Lyndin mengeluarkan perintah nya, tidak membuang-buang waktu sama sekali. Ini karena mayat empat ini sudah mulai memancarkan darah, yang terus-menerus mengalir ke bawah. Jelas, tubuh mereka sudah mulai runtuh, dan pembuluh darah mereka mulai runtuh. The tahap awal energi Saint-tingkat itu di luar kapasitas badan-badan ini. Mereka tidak punya banyak waktu. Mereka harus membunuh Linley secepat mungkin. "Suara mendesing!" Dengan flap sayap bercahaya mereka, empat Malaikat berubah menjadi empat mengaburkan putih seperti mereka dikenakan terhadap Linley.

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