Dan selalu diberkati Terima kasih atas email anda. Saya senang menerim terjemahan - Dan selalu diberkati Terima kasih atas email anda. Saya senang menerim Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dan selalu diberkati Terima kasih a

Dan selalu diberkati

Terima kasih atas email anda. Saya senang menerima email dari anda, mohon maaf baru sekarang sempat membalas

Saya sudah membaca email dari anda, mohon maaf atas orang tua anda. Itulah kehidupan kita bisa duga apa Yang terjadi, tapi anda harus bersyukur mempunyai pekerjaan yang bagus, hidup anda mapan
Dan juga saya senang anda menekankan takut akan Tuhan. Apakah anda seorang Kristen /katolik?

Dan maaf apakah anda pernah menikah?

Sekarang tentang saya

Nama saya Nelli Siahaan dari Indonesia. Umur saya 47 tahun, Ibu saya masih ada. Ayah saya sudah lama meninggal, saudara saya ada tiga orang.

Saya adalah wanita sederhana tidak Kaya Seperti anda, saya single parent, anak saya Satu laki-laki berumur 14 tahun. Saya sudah berpisah dari ayah anak, saya Selama 14 tahun ( seumur anak saya)
Setelah berpisah saya tidak pernah berpacaran atau menikah, karena saya focus bekerja dan membesarkan anak saya
Hidup cukup sulit. Jadi saya harus konsentrasi untuk bekerja buat anak saya

Saya adalah Tipe wanita yang setia manja. Suka memanjakan, melankolis, saya tidak suka laki-laki egois. Pemarah. Perokok. Peminum apalagi drugs

Setiap hari minggu saya dan anak saya selalu beribadah ke gereja ( saya Kristen)? Suatu hal yang indah dan membuat hidup saya tenang dan bahagia.

Sekarang tentang kita

Bagi saya long distance mungkin agak sulit, apalagi kita kita dari dua negara yang berbeda, Perlu komunikasi yang intens agar bisa lebih mengenal. Saya berharap tidak terlalu suka berpakaian seksi he...he.., karena umur saya tidak cocok untuk itu
Saya tidak tahu kenapa kamu memilih ku menjadi Ratu anda, Terimakasih sudah memilih saya menjadi Ratu anda

Saya menyukai type anda, tapi kalau anda belum pernah menikah dan ingin mempunyai anak, saya sarankan anda mencari wanita yang lebih muda dari saya, karena umur saya tidal memungkinkan untuk punya anak lagi
Ini saya sarankan karena saya menyayangi anda, karena anda adalah orang yang sangat mencintai keluarga

Ini dulu yang saya sampaikan, saya tunggu balasan anda
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
And always be blessed Thank you for your email. I am happy to receive email from you, sorry only now had time to reply I've read the email from you, apologize for your parents. That's the life we could guess what happened, but you have to be grateful to have a good job, your life is well established And also I am glad you emphasized the fear of the Lord. Are you a Christian/katolik? And sorry if you ever get married?Now about meMy name is Nelli Saberi from Indonesia. I am 47 years old, my mother is still there. My father died long ago, my brother there was three people. I am a simple woman is not rich like you, I am a single parent, my child is A boy aged 14 years. I've been separated from my children's father, for 14 years (for the rest of my children) After the split up I'd never date or marry, because I focus my work and child rearingLife is hard enough. So I had to create a concentration to work my sonI was the type of woman who is loyal to spoiled. Like the pampering, melancholy, I don't like men selfish. Crabby. Smokers. Drinkers let alone drugs Every Sunday me and my child always worship to Church (I'm Christian)? It is lovely and makes my life calm and happy.Now about us For me long distance may be a bit difficult, especially we from two different countries, intense communication Need to be better. I hope not too like to dress sexy he ... he ..., because I am not fit for it I don't know why you chose me to become the Queen of you already, thank you choose me to be your Queen I like your type, but if you've never been married and wants to have children, I suggest you look for a woman who is younger than me, because I am not allowed to have more children I recommend because I love you, because you are a person who loves familyIt used to be that I pass on, I wait for your reply
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
And always blessed Thank you for your email. I am happy to receive emails from you, sorry just now had time to reply I've read an email from you, sorry for your parents. That is the way we can guess what That happens, but you should be grateful to have a good job, your life established And also I'm glad you emphasize the fear of God. Are you a Christian / Catholic? And sorry if you ever get married? Now about me My name is Nelli Siahaan from Indonesia. I am 47 years of age, my mother is still there. My father is long dead, my brother three people. I am a simple woman is not rich like you, I am a single parent, my child One male was 14 years old. I've been separated from the father, I am the last 14 years (the rest of my child) After the split I never dated or married, as I focus my work and raising children Life is pretty tough. So I have to concentrate to work for my child I was spoiled Type faithful women. Indulgent love, melancholy, I do not like men selfish. Grumpy. Smokers. Drinkers especially drugs Every Sunday I and my son always go to church (I am a Christian)? One thing that is beautiful and makes me calm and happy life. Now on our To me long distance might be a bit difficult, especially us us from two different countries, should be intense communication to be more familiar. I hope not too likes to dress sexy he ... he .., because my age is not suitable for that I do not know why you chose me be your Queen, Thank you for choosing me to be your queen I like your type, but if you've never been married and wants to have children, I suggest you look for a woman who is younger than me, because of my age tidal allows to have more children This I recommend because I love you, because you are a very loving family's past that I said, I wait Your reply

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]

terima kasih在电子邮件和。我公司受了电子邮件从安达,对不起现在才回复

terima kasih在电子邮件和。我公司受了电子邮件从安达,对不起现在才回复
丹,我公司和menekankan敬畏耶和华。一个克里斯汀/ katolik么?



组简单不身如安达,我是说一个单亲,拉基火山拉基berumur 14年。我也berpisah达日奶妈阿纳,我直到14岁(事奉阿纳我)了我也不

说,阿纳是妇女杨Setia曼扎。我不喜欢memanjakan,melankolis,苏卡拉基拉基egois。pemarah。perokok。peminum apalagi药物

因为我不umur cocok,ITU
我不知道你们选择kenapa Ku为Ratu安达,terimakasih选择我作了一


Bagi说长距离可能agak高难度的动作,apalagi喜多喜多达日DUA Negara杨和入方式的不同,需要komunikasi杨强度琼脂比萨比认识。我不太喜欢穿衣服berharap seksi他……他..,因为我menyayangi ini说sarankan安达,安达是因为猩猩阳,mencintai keluarga

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