In the past year or two, the relationship between Wharton and the Seve terjemahan - In the past year or two, the relationship between Wharton and the Seve Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the past year or two, the relati

In the past year or two, the relationship between Wharton and the Seventh Princess of the Empire had become quite well known throughout the entire imperial capital. Only, the other young nobles of the imperial capital had refused to give up. What’s more, two of them were quite competitive.

“Enough of that for now.” Wharton shook his head.

He trusted the Seventh Princess. The Seventh Princess had already told him long ago that aside from him, she wouldn’t marry anyone else. But Wharton also knew that the marriage of an imperial princess of the Empire was not up to her alone to decide. In addition, Wharton didn’t want the Seventh Princess to be too frustrated and unhappy. If he could openly wed her, that would be for the best.

“Oh, right. Grandpa Hiri, any news of my big brother?” Wharton asked.

Housekeeper Hiri nodded. “The Dawson Conglomerate has sent word that your big brother remains hidden in seclusion, where he continues to train. There’s no special news.”

“Big brother is as hard working as ever.” In his heart, Wharton admired Linley very much.

Many of the weighty responsibilities of the Dragonblood Warrior clan, such as the reclaiming of their ancestral heirloom, or the avenging their parent’s deaths, had been shouldered by Linley alone. As for him, Wharton, he could remain here in the imperial capital and quietly train.

Even from afar, Linley continued to shield him from the wind and the rain.

“Big brother…” Wharton still remembered how when he was young, when those two Saint-level combatants were doing battle outside Wushan Township, those boulders had rained down densely from the skies. His big brother had ignored his own safety to cover Wharton with his own body.

Wharton could clearly remember that dangerous moment….

“Get down!” Linley had angrily shouted at Wharton, while charging towards him with no regard for his own safety. Linley had used his own weak, frail body to shield Wharton.

After leaving home at the age of six, Wharton was now twenty two years old. In another month, he would be twenty three.

It had been almost seventeen years.

He hadn’t seen his sibling in seventeen years.

“Young master Wharton, don’t worry too much. Young master Linley will come find you once his training reaches a certain level. After all, he knows exactly where you are living.” Housekeeper Hiri said consolingly.

Wharton nodded, then chuckled at himself. “When big brother sees me, I wonder if he’ll still recognize me.”

“The little six year old kid has changed quite a bit. Haha…it’s true that your big brother might not recognize you.” Hillman began to laugh.

Nader nodded as well. “When I came along with my father from the Holy Union, I initially couldn’t recognize you either, young master Wharton. It was only after I saw Housekeeper Hiri did I realize that this big fellow who was even taller than me was actually that little kid I used to know.”

“Nader, you punk.” Wharton glared at him.

Nader was Hillman’s son. However, Nader didn’t have much talent as a warrior; although he was already twenty five years old, Nader was only a warrior of the fourth rank. But Nader was extremely discreet and careful, and so alongside his father Hillman, he managed and oversaw the work of all the guards of the manor.

“Whoah, it’s getting late.” Wharton took out a pocket watch and cast it a glance. “Grandpa Hiri, Uncle Hillman, I need to head out.”

“He must be meeting up with the Seventh Princess again.” Nader snickered, intentionally putting a smirk on his face.

Wharton laughed confidently towards Nader. “Naturally. What, are you jealous?” As he spoke, Wharton chortled as he walked out of the manor.

Watching Wharton leave, Housekeeper Hiri felt very moved.

“When we came, young master Wharton was just a child. But now, he’s all grown up. I have fulfilled the task Lord Hogg gave me.” When he thought of Hogg, Hiri couldn’t stop sighing.

“The Baruch clan has been slumbering for many years. But now, it has finally begun to awaken. In anot
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In the past year or two, the relationship between Wharton and the Seventh Princess of the Empire had become quite well known throughout the entire imperial capital. Only, the other young nobles of the imperial capital had refused to give up. What’s more, two of them were quite competitive.“Enough of that for now.” Wharton shook his head.He trusted the Seventh Princess. The Seventh Princess had already told him long ago that aside from him, she wouldn’t marry anyone else. But Wharton also knew that the marriage of an imperial princess of the Empire was not up to her alone to decide. In addition, Wharton didn’t want the Seventh Princess to be too frustrated and unhappy. If he could openly wed her, that would be for the best.“Oh, right. Grandpa Hiri, any news of my big brother?” Wharton asked.Housekeeper Hiri nodded. “The Dawson Conglomerate has sent word that your big brother remains hidden in seclusion, where he continues to train. There’s no special news.”“Big brother is as hard working as ever.” In his heart, Wharton admired Linley very much.Many of the weighty responsibilities of the Dragonblood Warrior clan, such as the reclaiming of their ancestral heirloom, or the avenging their parent’s deaths, had been shouldered by Linley alone. As for him, Wharton, he could remain here in the imperial capital and quietly train.Even from afar, Linley continued to shield him from the wind and the rain.“Big brother…” Wharton still remembered how when he was young, when those two Saint-level combatants were doing battle outside Wushan Township, those boulders had rained down densely from the skies. His big brother had ignored his own safety to cover Wharton with his own body.Wharton could clearly remember that dangerous moment….“Get down!” Linley had angrily shouted at Wharton, while charging towards him with no regard for his own safety. Linley had used his own weak, frail body to shield Wharton.After leaving home at the age of six, Wharton was now twenty two years old. In another month, he would be twenty three.It had been almost seventeen years.He hadn’t seen his sibling in seventeen years.“Young master Wharton, don’t worry too much. Young master Linley will come find you once his training reaches a certain level. After all, he knows exactly where you are living.” Housekeeper Hiri said consolingly.Wharton nodded, then chuckled at himself. “When big brother sees me, I wonder if he’ll still recognize me.”“The little six year old kid has changed quite a bit. Haha…it’s true that your big brother might not recognize you.” Hillman began to laugh.Nader nodded as well. “When I came along with my father from the Holy Union, I initially couldn’t recognize you either, young master Wharton. It was only after I saw Housekeeper Hiri did I realize that this big fellow who was even taller than me was actually that little kid I used to know.”“Nader, you punk.” Wharton glared at him.Nader was Hillman’s son. However, Nader didn’t have much talent as a warrior; although he was already twenty five years old, Nader was only a warrior of the fourth rank. But Nader was extremely discreet and careful, and so alongside his father Hillman, he managed and oversaw the work of all the guards of the manor.“Whoah, it’s getting late.” Wharton took out a pocket watch and cast it a glance. “Grandpa Hiri, Uncle Hillman, I need to head out.”“He must be meeting up with the Seventh Princess again.” Nader snickered, intentionally putting a smirk on his face.Wharton laughed confidently towards Nader. “Naturally. What, are you jealous?” As he spoke, Wharton chortled as he walked out of the manor.Watching Wharton leave, Housekeeper Hiri felt very moved.“When we came, young master Wharton was just a child. But now, he’s all grown up. I have fulfilled the task Lord Hogg gave me.” When he thought of Hogg, Hiri couldn’t stop sighing.“The Baruch clan has been slumbering for many years. But now, it has finally begun to awaken. In anot
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Dalam satu atau dua tahun terakhir, hubungan antara Wharton dan Ketujuh Putri Kekaisaran telah menjadi cukup terkenal di seluruh ibukota kekaisaran. Hanya, para bangsawan muda lainnya dari ibukota kekaisaran menolak untuk menyerah. Terlebih lagi, dua dari mereka yang cukup kompetitif. "Cukup itu untuk saat ini." Wharton menggeleng. Dia dipercaya Ketujuh Putri. Ketujuh Putri telah mengatakan kepadanya lama bahwa selain dari dia, dia tidak akan menikahi orang lain. Tapi Wharton juga tahu bahwa pernikahan seorang putri kerajaan dari Kekaisaran itu tidak sampai ke sendirian untuk memutuskan. Selain itu, Wharton tidak ingin Ketujuh Princess terlalu frustrasi dan tidak bahagia. Jika ia secara terbuka bisa menikahinya, itu akan menjadi yang terbaik. "Oh, benar. Kakek Hiri, berita dari kakak saya? "Tanya Wharton. Housekeeper Hiri mengangguk. "The Dawson Konglomerat telah mengirim kabar bahwa kakak Anda tetap tersembunyi di pengasingan, di mana ia terus melatih. Tidak ada berita khusus. "" Kakak adalah sebagai bekerja keras seperti biasa. "Dalam hatinya, Wharton mengagumi Linley sangat banyak. Banyak dari tanggung jawab berat dari klan Dragonblood Warrior, seperti reklamasi dari pusaka leluhur mereka, atau pembalasan yang kematian orang tua mereka, telah ditanggung oleh Linley sendiri. Adapun dia, Wharton, dia bisa tetap di sini di ibukota kekaisaran dan diam-diam melatih. Bahkan dari jauh, Linley terus melindunginya dari angin dan hujan. "Kakak ..." Wharton masih ingat bagaimana ketika ia masih muda, ketika orang- dua kombatan Saint-tingkat sedang melakukan pertempuran di luar Wushan Township, mereka batu-batu telah menurunkan hujan padat dari langit. Kakaknya telah mengabaikan keselamatan sendiri untuk menutupi Wharton dengan tubuhnya sendiri. Wharton jelas bisa mengingat momen berbahaya .... "Tiarap!" Linley telah marah berteriak Wharton, saat pengisian ke arahnya tanpa memperhatikan keselamatannya sendiri. Linley telah menggunakan lemah, tubuh ringkih sendiri untuk melindungi Wharton. Setelah meninggalkan rumah pada usia enam, Wharton sekarang berumur dua puluh dua tahun. Dalam satu bulan lagi, ia akan dua puluh tiga tahun. Sudah hampir tujuh belas tahun. Dia tidak melihat adiknya di tujuh belas tahun. "Tuan muda Wharton, jangan khawatir terlalu banyak. Tuan muda Linley akan datang menemukan Anda setelah pelatihan mencapai tingkat tertentu. Setelah semua, dia tahu persis di mana Anda tinggal. "Pengurus rumah tangga Hiri kata menghibur. Wharton mengangguk, lalu terkekeh dirinya sendiri. "Ketika kakak melihat saya, saya ingin tahu apakah dia masih akan mengenali saya." "The anak kecil berusia enam tahun telah berubah sedikit. Haha ... itu benar bahwa kakak Anda mungkin tidak mengenali Anda. "Hillman mulai tertawa. Nader mengangguk juga. "Ketika saya datang bersama dengan ayah saya dari Uni Kudus, awalnya saya tidak bisa mengenali Anda baik, tuan muda Wharton. Itu hanya setelah saya melihat Housekeeper Hiri aku menyadari bahwa orang besar ini yang bahkan lebih tinggi dari saya adalah benar-benar bahwa anak kecil saya digunakan untuk mengetahui. "" Nader, Anda punk. "Wharton memelototinya. Nader adalah anak Hillman ini. Namun, Nader tidak memiliki banyak bakat sebagai seorang prajurit; meskipun ia sudah berumur dua puluh lima tahun, Nader hanya seorang prajurit dari peringkat keempat. Tapi Nader sangat bijaksana dan hati-hati, dan sebagainya bersama ayahnya Hillman, ia berhasil dan mengawasi pekerjaan semua penjaga manor. "Whoah, itu sudah terlambat." Wharton mengeluarkan sebuah jam saku dan dilemparkan sekilas. "Kakek Hiri, Paman Hillman, saya perlu untuk pergi." "Dia harus bertemu dengan Ketujuh Putri lagi." Nader mencibir, sengaja menempatkan seringai di wajahnya. Wharton tertawa penuh percaya diri menuju Nader. "Tentu saja. Apa, kau cemburu? "Sambil berbicara, Wharton kekeh saat ia berjalan keluar dari manor. Menonton Wharton meninggalkan, pengurus rumah tangga Hiri merasa sangat tersentuh." Ketika kami datang, tuan muda Wharton hanya seorang anak. Tapi sekarang, dia sudah dewasa. Saya telah memenuhi tugas Tuhan Hogg memberi saya. "Ketika ia memikirkan Hogg, Hiri tidak bisa berhenti mendesah." The Baruch klan telah tertidur selama bertahun-tahun. Tapi sekarang, akhirnya mulai terbangun. Dalam anot

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