. THE REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREThe researcher found some studies ha terjemahan - . THE REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREThe researcher found some studies ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


The researcher found some studies had been conducted using the students’ own picture through pair work in improving their ability to speak English. Some of them: (1) Rahman, Aulia (2007) in his research stated that teaching speaking here is how teacher can give a good theme to the students, the theme must make students fill happy so they will give attention all times during the teaching process. The learning and teaching of a second or foreign language is a complex process. Learning is “Acquiring or getting of knowledge of subject or skill by study, experience, or instruction.” Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as. “Showing of helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” Teaching can not be defined apart from learning. (2) Westnood, Peter and Oliver (1975) stated that in improving oral language there are four ways should be considered in which teachers sometimes operate to restrict language development or indeed at times train students not to listen but to speak; (3) Hergenhalm in Elliott (1996) stated that good teaching begins with knowing what you want to teach: the stimuli, you must also identify the responses you want to connect to the stimuli and timing of appropriate satisfiers. (4) Hulse in Elliott (1996) on the effective teaching and effective learning stated that feedback or reinforcement of asking question is very important. It is a powerful tool of controlling behaviour of the students. If you praise students’ correct responses immediately and the students increase correct responses; (5) Erna (2006) in his research stated the way of teaching speaking as follow: The stages of teaching and learning speaking is divided into three stages which commonly known as presentation, practice, and production. (5) Nunan (1993) distinguished between motor-perceptive skills, which are concerned with correctly using the sounds and structures of the language, and interactional skills, which involve using motor-perceptive skills was all that one needed in order to communicate successfully. Besides, he suggested that, in particular, learners need to develop skills in the management of interaction involves such things as knowing when and how to take the floor, when to introduce a topic or change the subject, how to invite someone else to speak, how to keep a conversation going, when and how to terminate the conversation and so on.
Speaking lesson can follow the usual pattern of preparation, presentation, practice, evaluation, and extension. The teacher can use the preparation step to observe, draw, and establish a context for speaking task on certain objects and things (where, when, why, with whom it will occur) and to initiate awareness of speaking skill to be targeted. In presentation, the teacher can provide learners with a reproduction model that furthers learner comprehension and help them become more attentive observers of language use. Practice involves learners in reproducing the target structure, usually in controlled or highly supported manner. Evaluation involves directing attention to the skill being examined and asking learners to monitor and assess their own progress. Finally, extension consists of activities that ask learners to use strategy or skill in a different context or authentic communicative situation, or to integrate use of new skill or strategy with previously acquired ones (Brown, 1994).
Speaking function is the productive and interactive skill. (1) What is productive skill? With reference to usage, it is then perfectly true to say that speaking is productive and makes use of the aural medium. Widdowson (2003) described that the act of communication through speaking is commonly performed in face-to-face interaction and occurs as part dialogue or other forms of verbal exchange. What is said, therefore, is dependent on an understanding of what else has been said, whether by the speaker or the interlocutor in the interaction; (2) What is an interactive skill? Richards et al. (2000) stated that speaking is rarely done in one direction or in the form of monologue. It involves the participation of the listener. In an interactive communication, a speaker, and therefore the speaker also becomes a listener. Why series of pictures? A wise statement says ‘I hear I forget, I see I know, and I do I understand. This means that if we have learning experiences by observing, drawing, doing and also what our eyes see and catch most of the time will stay long in our memory. Therefore, the statement strengthens to improve speaking ability by using series of pictures as media to teach English. Pictures as visual aids will attract students’ attention, and motivate them to learn. In addition, using series of picture means that the students try to connect the plot in the picture to be a link of story.
Rahman, Aulia (2007) said that teaching showing pictures can make the students remember more, more impressed, more interested and more focused. Ways, ideas, and criteria of using series of pictures: (1) the techniques of using pictures have been around for centuries and have had its place in all approaches to language teaching. Through traditionally the purpose of using pictures has been to describe or illustrate a written or recorded passage (Wright, 1000 pictures 2) . Brown (2007) stated that picture can be used in many stages of the instructional process, to introduce and motivate study of new topics, to clarify misconceptions, to communicate basic information, and to evaluate student’s progress and achievement. Furthermore, he suggests some ways of using pictures for ensuring maximum students benefit from using them; (2) Using pictures can be an effective technique for any proficiencies level or language skill. The following is an example of how one picture can be used in improving speaking ability. To teach speaking where the students share personal experiences that somehow relate to what is happening in a picture they have been given and drawn; (3) In teaching English using pictures need some criteria: make sure pictures are clear and unambiguous; make sure pictures provide reason to communicate (an opportunity or challenge); make sure pictures are interesting, simple, accurate, useful, legitimate, and visible.
The resources of pictures may be from: newspapers, magazines, internet, and the teacher and students’ own drawing. As teaching English based on meaning-based approach has to achieve the goal of teaching that is communicative competence in which students are encourage to negotiate the meaning.
Westwood, Peter and Oliver (1979) stated the principles of oral language should the language program of teaching speaking be based on: (1) create an enjoyable, entertaining, social learning situation, which gives pleasure to the students; (2) keep the pair work activity; (3) arrange for fragment, intensive sessions in two or three short sessions daily; (4) ensure active participation remembering that it is what a student practices saying, not what he hears, that improves communicating ability; (5) have clearly defined, short term goals for each sessions: teaching a certain adjective, adverb, or conjunction: ‘and’ and’ but’; (6) observe the slow learners and give some degree of repetition and our learning if necessary; (7) use material such as practices and games to hold attention as the basis for language simulation; (8) use pleasure and praise as reinforces.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
. REVIEW DI DALAM LITERATUR TERKAITThe researcher found some studies had been conducted using the students’ own picture through pair work in improving their ability to speak English. Some of them: (1) Rahman, Aulia (2007) in his research stated that teaching speaking here is how teacher can give a good theme to the students, the theme must make students fill happy so they will give attention all times during the teaching process. The learning and teaching of a second or foreign language is a complex process. Learning is “Acquiring or getting of knowledge of subject or skill by study, experience, or instruction.” Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as. “Showing of helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” Teaching can not be defined apart from learning. (2) Westnood, Peter and Oliver (1975) stated that in improving oral language there are four ways should be considered in which teachers sometimes operate to restrict language development or indeed at times train students not to listen but to speak; (3) Hergenhalm in Elliott (1996) stated that good teaching begins with knowing what you want to teach: the stimuli, you must also identify the responses you want to connect to the stimuli and timing of appropriate satisfiers. (4) Hulse in Elliott (1996) on the effective teaching and effective learning stated that feedback or reinforcement of asking question is very important. It is a powerful tool of controlling behaviour of the students. If you praise students’ correct responses immediately and the students increase correct responses; (5) Erna (2006) in his research stated the way of teaching speaking as follow: The stages of teaching and learning speaking is divided into three stages which commonly known as presentation, practice, and production. (5) Nunan (1993) distinguished between motor-perceptive skills, which are concerned with correctly using the sounds and structures of the language, and interactional skills, which involve using motor-perceptive skills was all that one needed in order to communicate successfully. Besides, he suggested that, in particular, learners need to develop skills in the management of interaction involves such things as knowing when and how to take the floor, when to introduce a topic or change the subject, how to invite someone else to speak, how to keep a conversation going, when and how to terminate the conversation and so on.Speaking lesson can follow the usual pattern of preparation, presentation, practice, evaluation, and extension. The teacher can use the preparation step to observe, draw, and establish a context for speaking task on certain objects and things (where, when, why, with whom it will occur) and to initiate awareness of speaking skill to be targeted. In presentation, the teacher can provide learners with a reproduction model that furthers learner comprehension and help them become more attentive observers of language use. Practice involves learners in reproducing the target structure, usually in controlled or highly supported manner. Evaluation involves directing attention to the skill being examined and asking learners to monitor and assess their own progress. Finally, extension consists of activities that ask learners to use strategy or skill in a different context or authentic communicative situation, or to integrate use of new skill or strategy with previously acquired ones (Brown, 1994).Speaking function is the productive and interactive skill. (1) What is productive skill? With reference to usage, it is then perfectly true to say that speaking is productive and makes use of the aural medium. Widdowson (2003) described that the act of communication through speaking is commonly performed in face-to-face interaction and occurs as part dialogue or other forms of verbal exchange. What is said, therefore, is dependent on an understanding of what else has been said, whether by the speaker or the interlocutor in the interaction; (2) What is an interactive skill? Richards et al. (2000) stated that speaking is rarely done in one direction or in the form of monologue. It involves the participation of the listener. In an interactive communication, a speaker, and therefore the speaker also becomes a listener. Why series of pictures? A wise statement says ‘I hear I forget, I see I know, and I do I understand. This means that if we have learning experiences by observing, drawing, doing and also what our eyes see and catch most of the time will stay long in our memory. Therefore, the statement strengthens to improve speaking ability by using series of pictures as media to teach English. Pictures as visual aids will attract students’ attention, and motivate them to learn. In addition, using series of picture means that the students try to connect the plot in the picture to be a link of story.Rahman, Aulia (2007) said that teaching showing pictures can make the students remember more, more impressed, more interested and more focused. Ways, ideas, and criteria of using series of pictures: (1) the techniques of using pictures have been around for centuries and have had its place in all approaches to language teaching. Through traditionally the purpose of using pictures has been to describe or illustrate a written or recorded passage (Wright, 1000 pictures 2) . Brown (2007) stated that picture can be used in many stages of the instructional process, to introduce and motivate study of new topics, to clarify misconceptions, to communicate basic information, and to evaluate student’s progress and achievement. Furthermore, he suggests some ways of using pictures for ensuring maximum students benefit from using them; (2) Using pictures can be an effective technique for any proficiencies level or language skill. The following is an example of how one picture can be used in improving speaking ability. To teach speaking where the students share personal experiences that somehow relate to what is happening in a picture they have been given and drawn; (3) In teaching English using pictures need some criteria: make sure pictures are clear and unambiguous; make sure pictures provide reason to communicate (an opportunity or challenge); make sure pictures are interesting, simple, accurate, useful, legitimate, and visible.
The resources of pictures may be from: newspapers, magazines, internet, and the teacher and students’ own drawing. As teaching English based on meaning-based approach has to achieve the goal of teaching that is communicative competence in which students are encourage to negotiate the meaning.
Westwood, Peter and Oliver (1979) stated the principles of oral language should the language program of teaching speaking be based on: (1) create an enjoyable, entertaining, social learning situation, which gives pleasure to the students; (2) keep the pair work activity; (3) arrange for fragment, intensive sessions in two or three short sessions daily; (4) ensure active participation remembering that it is what a student practices saying, not what he hears, that improves communicating ability; (5) have clearly defined, short term goals for each sessions: teaching a certain adjective, adverb, or conjunction: ‘and’ and’ but’; (6) observe the slow learners and give some degree of repetition and our learning if necessary; (7) use material such as practices and games to hold attention as the basis for language simulation; (8) use pleasure and praise as reinforces.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Peneliti menemukan beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan gambar siswa sendiri melalui sepasang kerja dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mereka berbahasa Inggris. Beberapa dari mereka: (1) Rahman, Aulia (2007) dalam penelitiannya menyatakan bahwa mengajar berbicara di sini adalah bagaimana guru dapat memberikan tema yang baik kepada siswa, tema harus membuat siswa mengisi senang sehingga mereka akan memberikan perhatian setiap saat selama pengajaran proses. Pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa kedua atau asing merupakan proses yang kompleks. Belajar "Mendapatkan atau mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang subjek atau keterampilan dengan belajar, pengalaman, atau instruksi." Demikian pula, mengajar, yang tersirat dalam definisi pertama belajar, dapat didefinisikan sebagai. "Menampilkan membantu seseorang untuk belajar bagaimana melakukan sesuatu, memberikan instruksi, membimbing dalam studi sesuatu, memberikan pengetahuan, menyebabkan tahu atau mengerti." Pengajaran tidak dapat didefinisikan terpisah dari pembelajaran. (2) Westnood, Peter dan Oliver (1975) menyatakan bahwa dalam meningkatkan bahasa lisan ada empat cara harus dipertimbangkan di mana guru kadang-kadang beroperasi untuk membatasi perkembangan bahasa atau memang pada waktu melatih siswa untuk tidak mendengarkan tetapi untuk berbicara; (3) Hergenhalm di Elliott (1996) menyatakan bahwa mengajar yang baik dimulai dengan mengetahui apa yang Anda ingin mengajar: rangsangan, Anda juga harus mengidentifikasi tanggapan Anda ingin terhubung ke rangsangan dan waktu pemuas tepat. (4) Hulse di Elliott (1996) pada pengajaran yang efektif dan pembelajaran yang efektif menyatakan bahwa umpan balik atau penguatan mengajukan pertanyaan sangat penting. Ini adalah alat yang ampuh perilaku siswa mengendalikan. Jika Anda memuji respon yang benar siswa segera dan siswa meningkatkan respon yang benar; (5) Erna (2006) dalam penelitiannya menyatakan cara mengajar berbicara sebagai berikut: Tahapan mengajar dan berbicara belajar dibagi menjadi tiga tahap yang dikenal sebagai presentasi, praktik, dan produksi. (5) Nunan (1993) membedakan antara keterampilan motorik-perseptif, yang prihatin dengan benar menggunakan suara dan struktur bahasa, dan keterampilan interaksional, yang melibatkan menggunakan keterampilan motorik-perseptif itu semua yang satu diperlukan untuk berkomunikasi dengan sukses. Selain itu, ia menyarankan bahwa, khususnya, peserta didik perlu mengembangkan keterampilan dalam pengelolaan interaksi melibatkan hal-hal seperti mengetahui kapan dan bagaimana untuk mengambil lantai, ketika memperkenalkan topik atau mengubah topik, bagaimana mengundang orang lain untuk berbicara, bagaimana membuat pembicaraan terus berlangsung, kapan dan bagaimana untuk mengakhiri percakapan dan sebagainya.
Berbicara pelajaran dapat mengikuti pola yang biasa persiapan, presentasi, praktek, evaluasi, dan ekstensi. Guru dapat menggunakan langkah persiapan untuk mengamati, menggambar, dan menetapkan konteks untuk tugas berbicara pada objek tertentu dan hal-hal (di mana, kapan, mengapa, dengan siapa itu akan terjadi) dan untuk memulai kesadaran keterampilan berbicara yang akan ditargetkan. Dalam presentasinya, guru dapat memberikan peserta didik dengan model reproduksi yang furthers pelajar pemahaman dan membantu mereka menjadi pengamat lebih perhatian dari penggunaan bahasa. Praktek melibatkan peserta didik dalam mereproduksi struktur sasaran, biasanya dengan cara dikendalikan atau sangat didukung. Evaluasi melibatkan mengarahkan perhatian pada keterampilan yang diperiksa dan meminta peserta didik untuk memantau dan menilai kemajuan mereka sendiri. Akhirnya, ekstensi terdiri dari kegiatan yang meminta peserta didik untuk menggunakan strategi atau keterampilan dalam konteks yang berbeda atau situasi komunikatif otentik, atau untuk mengintegrasikan penggunaan keterampilan atau strategi baru dengan yang diperoleh sebelumnya (Brown, 1994).
Fungsi Berbicara adalah keterampilan produktif dan interaktif . (1) Apa keterampilan produktif? Dengan mengacu pada penggunaan, itu kemudian sempurna benar untuk mengatakan berbicara yang produktif dan memanfaatkan media aural. Widdowson (2003) menggambarkan bahwa tindakan komunikasi melalui berbicara umumnya dilakukan dalam interaksi tatap muka dan terjadi sebagai bagian dialog atau bentuk lain dari pertukaran verbal. Apa yang dikatakan, oleh karena itu, tergantung pada pemahaman tentang apa lagi yang telah dikatakan, apakah dengan pembicara atau lawan dalam interaksi; (2) Apakah yang dimaksud dengan keterampilan interaktif? Richards et al. (2000) menyatakan bahwa berbicara jarang dilakukan dalam satu arah atau dalam bentuk monolog. Ini melibatkan partisipasi pendengar. Dalam komunikasi interaktif, pembicara, dan karena itu pembicara juga menjadi pendengar. Mengapa serangkaian gambar? Sebuah pernyataan bijak mengatakan 'Saya mendengar saya lupa, saya melihat saya tahu, dan saya lakukan, saya mengerti. Ini berarti bahwa jika kita telah pengalaman belajar dengan mengamati, menggambar, lakukan dan juga apa yang mata kita melihat dan menangkap sebagian besar waktu akan tinggal lama dalam ingatan kita. Oleh karena itu, pernyataan itu memperkuat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dengan menggunakan serangkaian gambar sebagai media untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris. Gambar sebagai alat bantu visual akan menarik perhatian siswa, dan memotivasi mereka untuk belajar. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan serangkaian gambar berarti bahwa siswa mencoba untuk menghubungkan plot dalam gambar menjadi link cerita.
Rahman, Aulia (2007) mengatakan bahwa pengajaran menampilkan gambar dapat membuat siswa mengingat lebih, lebih terkesan, lebih tertarik dan lebih terfokus. Cara, ide, dan kriteria menggunakan serangkaian gambar: (1) teknik menggunakan gambar telah ada selama berabad-abad dan telah memiliki tempat di semua pendekatan untuk pengajaran bahasa. Melalui tradisional tujuan menggunakan gambar telah menggambarkan atau menggambarkan suatu bagian yang ditulis atau direkam (Wright, 1000 gambar 2). Brown (2007) menyatakan bahwa gambar dapat digunakan dalam banyak tahapan proses pembelajaran, untuk memperkenalkan dan memotivasi studi topik baru, untuk mengklarifikasi kesalahpahaman, berkomunikasi informasi dasar, dan untuk mengevaluasi kemajuan siswa dan prestasi. Selain itu, ia menyarankan beberapa cara menggunakan gambar untuk memastikan siswa maksimum manfaat dari menggunakan mereka; (2) Menggunakan gambar dapat menjadi teknik yang efektif untuk setiap tingkat kemahiran atau keterampilan bahasa. Berikut ini adalah contoh bagaimana satu gambar dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara. Untuk mengajarkan berbicara di mana siswa berbagi pengalaman pribadi yang entah bagaimana berhubungan dengan apa yang terjadi dalam gambar mereka telah diberikan dan ditarik; (3) Dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan gambar membutuhkan beberapa kriteria: pastikan gambar yang jelas dan tidak ambigu; pastikan gambar memberikan alasan untuk berkomunikasi (kesempatan atau tantangan); pastikan gambar yang menarik, sederhana, akurat, berguna, sah, dan terlihat.
Sumber daya gambar dapat dari: surat kabar, majalah, internet, dan guru dan menggambar siswa sendiri. Sebagai mengajar bahasa Inggris berdasarkan-makna berdasarkan pendekatan memiliki untuk mencapai tujuan pengajaran yang kompetensi komunikatif di mana siswa mendorong untuk bernegosiasi makna.
Westwood, Peter dan Oliver (1979) menyatakan prinsip-prinsip bahasa lisan harus program bahasa pengajaran berbicara didasarkan pada: (1) membuat menyenangkan, menghibur, situasi belajar sosial, yang memberikan kesenangan kepada siswa; (2) menjaga aktivitas pasangan kerja; (3) mengatur fragmen, sesi intensif dalam dua atau tiga sesi singkat sehari-hari; (4) memastikan partisipasi aktif mengingat bahwa itu adalah apa yang praktek mahasiswa mengatakan, tidak apa yang ia dengar, yang meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi; (5) telah jelas, tujuan jangka pendek untuk setiap sesi: mengajar tertentu sifat, kata keterangan, atau bersamaan: 'dan' dan 'tetapi'; (6) mengamati peserta didik lambat dan memberikan beberapa derajat pengulangan dan pembelajaran kita jika diperlukan; (7) menggunakan bahan seperti praktek dan permainan untuk menahan perhatian sebagai dasar untuk simulasi bahasa; (8) menggunakan kesenangan dan pujian sebagai Memperkuat.
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