Wharton was stunned by this sudden news.Wharton truly wanted to be abl terjemahan - Wharton was stunned by this sudden news.Wharton truly wanted to be abl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Wharton was stunned by this sudden

Wharton was stunned by this sudden news.

Wharton truly wanted to be able to openly wed Nina in the imperial capital, rather than elope with her.

“Caylan, is this information of yours true?” Linley stared at Caylan, asking urgently.

Caylan nodded solemnly. “Master Linley, although his Imperial Majesty hasn’t publicly proclaimed it yet, this information came from my father’s conversation with his Imperial Majesty. Master Linley, I trust you can judge for yourself the authenticity of this news.”

Linley nodded slightly.

There was no need for the Imperial Left Premier to lie to his own son. And, given Linley’s spiritual energy as an Arch Magus of the ninth rank, if Caylan were currently lying, Linley should be able to sense something.

“No matter what happens, we brothers would like to thank you for your assistance, Caylan.” Linley said in thanks.

Only now did Wharton’s mind become clear again. He too said gratefully towards Caylan, “Caylan, thank you for notifying us.”

“No need to thank me. I just hope that in the future, Nina will have a happy life. Alright, I need to leave.” Caylan bowed slightly towards Linley and Wharton, then left.

Wharton watched Caylan leave, then suddenly turned towards Linley. “Big bro. What should we do?” Wharton’s mind was in chaos.

“What should we do?” Linley spoke with absolute conviction. “For now, we immediately begin moving the household out of the imperial capital.”

Linley stared coldly in the direction of the imperial palace. “We are out of options. I will immediately instruct people to speak with Yale and have him come. Right now, we’ll have to use the secret channels of the Dawson Conglomerate to take Rebecca, Leena, Jenne, and Uncle Hillman’s family members out of the imperial capital. And, ideally the Emperor must not discover that they’ve left.”

In truth, it wouldn’t be too big of a deal even if the Emperor did find out.

Even if Emperor Johann was suspicious of Linley, so what? Would he dare to offend Linley? He himself was not the War God, after all. And even if he dared to offend Linley…who under his command was actually capable of dealing with Linley?


That very day, Linley invited Yale over. After discussing the issue for quite some time with Yale, Yale immediately slapped his chest and promised, “Third Bro, don’t worry about it. It’s just a few people. There definitely won’t be any issues.”

Yale then laughed. “Actually, Third Bro. Even if the Emperor found out, he would pretend he didn’t know.”

Linley smiled as well.

He had reached the Saint-level. Although the status of the Emperor was very high, Linley didn’t have any fear of the man. In truth, the only person Linley was afraid of was that man who was residing on War God Mountain.

“Still, try to avoid being discovered.” Linley instructed.


Although, Jenne, Rebecca, and Leena were reluctant to leave, they knew that they would meet again with Linley’s group later, and thus they followed the directives of the Dawson Conglomerate and quietly left the imperial capital.

Actually, Linley and Wharton hadn’t given up all hope yet.

They hoped that on March 15th, Emperor Johann would choose Wharton at the Martial Palace. Although the chance was very low…it was still possible that Emperor Johann might change his mind.

After all, Nina eloping with Wharton meant parting with her family. As for Wharton, he, Housekeeper Hiri, and Hillman had all become very comfortable and used to living in the imperial capital. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they didn’t want to take the final step.


Each day passed, and March 15th drew nearer as well. The streets, hotels, and restaurants of the imperial capital were once again filled with discussion regarding Wharton, Blumer, and their older brothers.

Everyone was trying to guess who would be the one to wed the Imperial Seventh Princess.

The hoped for day of March 15th finally arrived. That morning, a rare snowstorm actually descended on the imperial capital early in the morning. Even though the sun came up at seven or eight, it was still hard to see anything farther than ten meters away.

“Whew.” Standing outside his manor, Wharton let out a long breath.

These past few days, he had been under a lot of mental pressure.

“Enough. We’ll know the answer today. Relax.” Linley laughed, clapping Wharton on the shoulder. Wharton turned his head to look at his older brother. Looking at Linley, Wharton felt as though Linley were his strongest source of support. With Linley there, Wharton felt a sense of confidence.

“Right.” Wharton nodded strongly.

Linley and Wharton immediately got on their carriages, heading in the direction of the imperial palace. Because of the snowstorm, the carriages advanced very slowly. In addition, there were many carriages heading towards the imperial palace this day.

At the gates of the imperial palace.

One carriage after another stopped at the gates, and the various nobles exited their carriages and exchanged pleasantries with
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Wharton tertegun oleh berita ini tiba-tiba.Wharton benar-benar ingin untuk dapat secara terbuka Rabu Nina di ibukota kekaisaran, daripada kawin lari dengannya."Caylan, Apakah informasi ini Anda benar?" Linley menatap Caylan, meminta segera.Caylan mengangguk khidmat. "Master Linley, meskipun nya mulia belum secara terbuka menyatakan namun, informasi ini datang dari ayahku percakapan dengan nya mulia. Master Linley, saya percaya Anda bisa menilai sendiri keaslian berita ini."Linley mengangguk sedikit.Ada tidak perlu kiri Imperial Premier untuk berbohong kepada anaknya sendiri. Dan, mengingat energi spiritual Linley's sebagai Arch Magus Rank kesembilan, jika Caylan sedang berbohong, Linley harus mampu merasakan sesuatu."Apa pun yang terjadi, kami saudara ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan Anda, Caylan." Linley mengatakan dalam terima kasih.Hanya sekarang Apakah Wharton's pikiran menjadi jelas lagi. Dia juga mengatakan syukur terhadap Caylan, "Caylan, terima kasih untuk memberitahu kami.""Tidak perlu untuk mengucapkan terima kasih. Saya hanya berharap bahwa di masa depan, Nina akan memiliki kehidupan yang bahagia. Alright, perlu meninggalkan." Caylan membungkuk sedikit menuju Linley dan Wharton, kemudian meninggalkan.Wharton menyaksikan Caylan meninggalkan, kemudian tiba-tiba berpaling ke arah Linley. "Big bro. Apa yang harus kita lakukan?" Wharton's pikiran adalah dalam kekacauan."Apa yang harus kita lakukan?" Linley berbicara dengan keyakinan mutlak. "Untuk saat ini, kami segera mulai pindah rumah tangga dari ibukota kekaisaran."Linley dingin menatap ke arah Istana Kekaisaran. "Kami adalah dari pilihan. Aku segera akan menginstruksikan masyarakat untuk berbicara dengan Yale dan memiliki dia datang. Tepat sekarang, kita akan memiliki untuk menggunakan saluran rahasia dari konglomerat Dawson untuk mengambil Rebecca, Leena, JNE dan Paman Hillman anggota keluarga dari ibukota kekaisaran. Dan, idealnya Kaisar harus tidak menemukan bahwa mereka telah meninggalkan."Sebenarnya, itu tidak akan terlalu besar dari kesepakatan bahkan jika Kaisar Apakah mengetahui.Meskipun Kaisar Johann curiga terhadap Linley, jadi apa? Akan ia berani menyinggung Linley? Ia bukanlah dewa perang, setelah semua. Dan bahkan jika ia berani menyinggung Linley... yang di bawah perintah-Nya benar-benar mampu berurusan dengan Linley?…..Hari itu Linley mengundang Yale atas. Setelah membahas masalah untuk beberapa waktu dengan Yale, Yale segera menampar dadanya dan berjanji, "ketiga Bro, jangan khawatir. Itu adalah hanya beberapa orang. Pasti tidak akan ada masalah."Yale kemudian tertawa. "Sebenarnya, ketiga Bro. Bahkan jika menemukan Kaisar, ia akan berpura-pura dia tidak tahu."Linley tersenyum juga.Dia telah mencapai tingkat Saint. Walaupun status Kaisar sangat tinggi, Linley tidak memiliki rasa takut manusia. Sebenarnya, satu-satunya orang yang Linley adalah takut adalah bahwa pria yang tinggal di gunung Allah perang."Namun, cobalah untuk menghindari ketahuan." Linley diperintahkan.……..Although, Jenne, Rebecca, and Leena were reluctant to leave, they knew that they would meet again with Linley’s group later, and thus they followed the directives of the Dawson Conglomerate and quietly left the imperial capital.Actually, Linley and Wharton hadn’t given up all hope yet.They hoped that on March 15th, Emperor Johann would choose Wharton at the Martial Palace. Although the chance was very low…it was still possible that Emperor Johann might change his mind.After all, Nina eloping with Wharton meant parting with her family. As for Wharton, he, Housekeeper Hiri, and Hillman had all become very comfortable and used to living in the imperial capital. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they didn’t want to take the final step.….Each day passed, and March 15th drew nearer as well. The streets, hotels, and restaurants of the imperial capital were once again filled with discussion regarding Wharton, Blumer, and their older brothers.Everyone was trying to guess who would be the one to wed the Imperial Seventh Princess.The hoped for day of March 15th finally arrived. That morning, a rare snowstorm actually descended on the imperial capital early in the morning. Even though the sun came up at seven or eight, it was still hard to see anything farther than ten meters away.“Whew.” Standing outside his manor, Wharton let out a long breath.These past few days, he had been under a lot of mental pressure."Cukup. Kita akan tahu jawabannya hari ini. Santai." Linley tertawa, bertepuk tangan Wharton pada bahu. Wharton berubah kepala untuk melihat kakaknya. Melihat Linley, Wharton merasa seolah-olah Linley nya terkuat sumber dukungan. Dengan Linley sana, Wharton merasa rasa percaya diri."Benar." Wharton mengangguk kuat.Linley dan Wharton segera naik kereta mereka, menuju ke arah Istana Kekaisaran. Karena salju, kereta maju sangat lambat. Selain itu, ada banyak kereta menuju Istana Kekaisaran hari ini.Di gerbang istana kekaisaran.Satu gerbong lain berhenti di pintu gerbang, dan para bangsawan keluar kereta mereka dan bertukar basa-basi dengan
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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